[SOLVED] 代写代考 CE221 Part 9

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Programming in C++
Part 9 Inheritance, Abstract Classes and Virtual Functions
24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Inheritance 1
Inheritance is a form of software reuse: we create a new class that absorbs the data and behaviours of an existing class and enhances them with new capabilities (new members, redefined members).
The terms superclass and subclass are commonly used to describe the new and old class, but C++ uses the terms derived class and base class.
Although a derived class possesses all of the members of its base class the private members of the base class cannot be accessed directly in the methods or friend functions of the derived class; if we need to access these we must do so by calls to methods or friend functions of the base class.
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Inheritance 2
C++ provides three kinds of inheritance: public, protected and private.
When using public inheritance the public and protected members of the base class are regarded as public and protected members of the derived class, e.g. if the base class has a public member age and s is an object of the derived class we can access s.age anywhere in the program (as long as the classes and object are in scope).
When using protected inheritance the public and protected members of the base class are regarded as protected members of the derived class and when using private inheritance all members of the base class are regarded as private members of the derived class.
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Inheritance 3
The use of protected and private inheritance in C++ is relatively rare; public inheritance is required in most applications.
If a class has a member with the same name (and in the case of a member function the same argument types) as a member of its base class, it will replace the inherited member. Data members with the same names should usually be avoided but it is quite reasonable to have methods with the same name, e.g. a derived class may have an operator string function that is different from that of its base class.
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Inheritance 4
If a class A is a subclass of B, which is in turn a subclass of C then C is said to be an indirect base class of A whereas B is a direct base class of A.
In C++ (unlike Java) multiple inheritance is allowed – a class may have more than one direct base class. For example the class ifstream has as base classes both istream and fstream. If two base classes have members with the same name it is necessary to avoid ambiguity – we would have to redefine the member in the derived class.
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Inheritance 5
The syntax used to indicate inheritance in C++ differs from that of Java; there is no extends keyword.
We indicate that Student is a derived class of Person using a declaration of the form
class Student: public Person { private:
int year, regNo;
Student(string name, int year, int regNo) : Person(name)
{ this->year = year; this->regNo = regNo;
The use of public indicates that public inheritance is being used. 24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9

Inheritance 6
A constructor for a derived class must invoke the constructor(s) of its direct base class(es). This may be done explicitly as part of an initialiser list, as in the example on the previous slide (where we have assumed that the Person class has a one-argument constructor); otherwise the no-argument constructor from the base class (if it exists) will be invoked implicitly before execution of the body of the derived class constructor.
If a constructor needs to explicitly initialise inherited members to values that differ from those that would be set by a base class constructor this must be done by assignment in the function body; inherited members cannot be initialised in an initialiser list.
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Inheritance 7
A destructor for a derived class will always implicitly invoke the destructor(s) of its direct base class(es); the body of a destructor written by the programmer will be executed before the base class destructor(s) .
A call to a copy constructor for a base class may supply a derived class object as its argument. For example in a declaration such as Person p(s); (where s is an object of type Student) the Person object will be initialised to be a copy of the inherited attributes stored in the object s.
The same applies to assignment operator: p = s will perform assignment using the inherited attributes.
(Note that this does not apply the other way round; we cannot use Student s(p) or s = p.)
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Inheritance 8
A member function of a derived class will sometimes need to invoke a member function of the base class that has been redefined in the derived class. In particular a method will often need to invoke the method that it replaces. For example if the Student class has a print member function this may wish to invoke the print function from the Person class to print the values of the inherited members.
To invoke a method that has been redefined the call must be preceded by the name of the base class, followed by ::.
The next slide presents a possible print method for the Student class which uses the inherited print method to print the name.
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Inheritance 9
void Person::print(ostream &o) const
{ o << “Name: ” << name;// would normally expect to print some other // attributes as wellvoid Student::print(ostream &o) const { Person::print(o);o << “; Year: ” << year<< “; Registration number: ” << regNo; 24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Inheritance – an Example 1We now present a detailed example of the use of inheritance. A commission employee earns only commission on the sales that he makes, whereas a base-plus-commission employee also earns a basic flat rate salary in addition to his commission on sales.We show on the following slides base class CommissionEmployee and a derived class BasePlusCommissionEmployee written with separate header files.(To save space the example is incomplete – the definitions of some member functions that are declared in the header files have been omitted from the .cpp files. Writing them would be easy.)24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Inheritance – an Example 2// CommissionEmployee.h#ifndef _COMMISSION_H_ #define _COMMISSION_H_#include
using namespace std;
class CommissionEmployee
CommissionEmployee(const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0);
void setFirstName(const string &); string getFirstName() const;
void setLastName(const string &); string getLastName() const;
void setSocialSecurityNumber(const string &);
string getSocialSecurityNumber() const;
// class continued on next slide
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Inheritance – an Example 3
// CommissionEmployee.h continued
// class CommissionEmployee continued
// public members continued
void setGrossSales(double); double getGrossSales() const; void setCommissionRate(double); double getCommissionRate() const; double earnings() const;
void print() const; // prints object to stdout
private: // could also use protected
string firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber; double grossSales; //gross weekly sales
double commissionRate; //commission percentage
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Inheritance – an Example 4
// CommissionEmployee.cpp
#include “CommissionEmployee.h”
CommissionEmployee::CommissionEmployee(const string &first, const string &last, const string &ssn, double sales, double rate): firstName(first), lastName(last)
{ // use member functions since validation needed setGrossSales(sales); setSocialSecurityNumber(ssn); setCommissionRate(rate);
double CommissionEmployee::earnings() const
{ return commissionRate * grossSales;
// other member function definitions needed // (set/get functions, print)
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Inheritance – an Example 5
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee.h
#ifndef _BASEPLUS_H_
#define _BASEPLUS_H_
#include “CommissionEmployee.h”
class BasePlusCommissionEmployee: public CommissionEmployee
BasePlusCommissionEmployee(const string &,
const string &, const string &,
double = 0.0, double = 0.0, double = 0.0); void setBaseSalary(double);
double getBaseSalary() const;
double earnings() const; // overrides inherited member
void print() const; // overrides inherited member
double baseSalary;
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Inheritance – an Example 6
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee.cpp
#include “BasePlusCommissionEmployee.h”
BasePlusCommissionEmployee::BasePlusCommissionEmployee( const string &first, const string &last,
const string &ssn, double sales, double rate, double salary):
CommissionEmployee(first, last, ssn, sales, rate)
{ setBaseSalary(salary);
double BasePlusCommissionEmployee::earnings() const
{ return getBaseSalary() + CommissionEmployee::earnings();
// other member function definitions needed // (set/get functions, print)
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Inheritance – an Example 7
// main.cpp
#include “BasePlusCommissionEmployee.h”
using namespace std;
int main()
{ BasePlusCommissionEmployee employee(“Bob”, “Lewis”,
“333-33-3333”, 5000, .04, 300);
cout << “First name is ” << employee.getFirstName() << ”
Last name is ” << employee.getLastName() << ”
Social Security number is “<< employee.getSocialSecurityNumber() << ”
Gross sales is ” << employee.getGrossSales() << ”
Commission rate is “<< employee.getCommissionRate() << endl;cout << “Base salary is ” << employee.getBaseSalary() << endl;cout << Employee’s earnings: $” << employee.earnings() << endl; 24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Static and Dynamic Binding 1In the code on the previous slide the earnings method from the BasePlusCommissonEmployee class will be invoked on the penultimate line since the variable employee has that type.If we wrote a similar class in Java and then wrote code such asBasePlusCommissionEmployee be = ……; CommissionEmployee ce = be; System.out.println(ce.earnings());the BasePlusCommissonEmployee method would be invoked since ce refers to an object of the subclass. Java uses dynamic binding and decides which method to invoke at run time.However C++ normally uses static binding; the choice of which method to invoke is made by the compiler according to the type of the variable, not the type of the object.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Static and Dynamic Binding 2The C++ equivalent of the Java code on the previous slide isBasePlusCommissionEmployee be(……); CommissionEmployee &ce = be;cout << ce.earnings();Note the use of a reference variable; if we had written CommissionEmployee ce = be we would be making a copy of the inherited part of be.The above code will invoke the earnings member function from the CommissionEmployee class since the type of the variable is a reference to this class. The fact that the variable refers to an object of the derived class plays no part in the decision as to which function to invoke.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9What’s Not InheritedThe following items are not inherited from a base class:• constructors and destructors (the names of these use the name of the class)• assignment operators (if the programmer does not provide an assignment operator for a derived class the compiler will generate a default one – this will invoke the assignment operator from the base class)• friend functions (they are not members of the class!)24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9When to Use Inheritance 1A programmer will often have to make a choice of whether to use inheritance or composition (i.e. using a class object as a member of another class).The general rule is that inheritance should be used for “is-a” relationships, e.g. a student is a person so it is sensible to write a Student class as a subclass of Person, but a car has an engine so a class Car should normally have an Engine object as one of its members rather than being written as a subclass of Engine.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9When to Use Inheritance 2In some circumstances an “is-a” relationship should not be represented using inheritance. It could be argued that a stack is a list but it is not appropriate to write a stack class as a subclass of List since the latter class has methods that should not be applied to stacks.A square is a rectangle but problems may occur if we try to write a class called Square as a subclass of Rectangle. If the latter has methods setWidth and setHeight a user may change either the width of the height of a square so that it is no longer square. The programmer may redefine these methods in the Square class so that both will adjust both the width and height, but because of the use of static binding it is not possible to prevent a user from invoking the base class versions.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9When to Use Inheritance 3It would be possible to write Square as a subclass of Rectangle using protected or private inheritance but this would not allow the user to invoke other methods of the base class, such as getArea, and the benefits of inheritance would be lost.A wrapper class would probably be more appropriate:class Square { private:Rectangle r;Square(int size): r(size, size) {} void setSize(int s){ r.setWidth(s); r.setHeight(s); }int getArea() const { return r.getArea(); } };24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Virtual Functions 1Consider a class for the storing information about shapes that are to be displayed on some graphical display. Each shape will have some attributes such as size, screen position and colour. To allow all of the shapes that are to be displayed to be processed uniformly we need to store them in a list or set of objects of the same type; hence we shall need a Shape class. However, some of the properties of shapes are dependent on the individual shapes: the area of a square is the square of its sides, but the area of a circle is πr2. Consequently we will need a subclass of the Shape class for each type of shape.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Virtual Functions 2Here is an outline of a Shape class.class ShapeShape(int size, int x, int y); void changeSize(int newSize): void move(int newX, int newY); int getSize(), getX(), getY();protected:int size, xpos, ypos;We assume that the shapes being used are squares, circles, equilateral triangles and other regular polygons, so that we do not have to consider the size in terms of width and length.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Virtual Functions 3A Circle class can be written as a derived class of Shape:class Circle: public ShapeCircle(int diam, int x, int y): Shape(diam, x, y) { }float area() const{ int radius = size/2;return M_PI * radius * radius; }Note that the header file needs to be included in order
to use M_PI.
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Virtual Functions 4
We can write similar classes Square and Triangle; although the areas of the squares will be integers, all of the area methods should return results of type float so that all shape classes have similar functionality.
To calculate the total area of all of the shapes in a collection c of pointers to objects of type Shape (assuming that all of the objects belong to derived classes that have area methods) we would wish to be able to write a loop of the form
float totalArea = 0.0;
for (it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); it++) totalArea += (*it)->area();
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Virtual Functions 5
The code on the previous slide will not compile since the Shape class does not have an area method so the compiler will not accept (*it)->area().
We could write a version that tries out several different dynamic casts (to be covered in part 10) but this would be cumbersome and we would have to know the names of all of the subclasses so the code would have to be modified if new subclasses were created.
In Java we could simply give the Shape class an area method that returns 0.0; due to dynamic binding the appropriate subclass method would get invoked for each object in the collection. This would not work in C++ since static binding results in the method from the Shape class being invoked for each object.
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Virtual Functions 6
To get dynamic binding in C++ we have to declare a member function in a base class to be a virtual function. This is done by preceding its name with the keyword virtual. Hence we should add to the public part of the Shape class the function definition
virtual float area() const { return 0.0; }
The function in the derived class should not be declared as virtual unless we expect to further extend this class with other subclasses that will need different versions of the function, so we should not change the declaration of the area function in the Circle class.
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Virtual Functions 7
When a function declared in a base class as virtual is applied to an object of a derived class accessed using a pointer or reference to the base class, the derived class version of that function overrides the inherited version and will be invoked. (If the programmer has not provided an overriding version the base class version will be used, as in Java.)
Note that the dynamic behaviour of virtual functions is only achieved when pointers or references are used since, for example, a variable of type Shape cannot hold a Circle object.
Also note that if a derived class has a function with the same name as a virtual function of the base class, but with different argument types, the derived-class version will not override the virtual function.
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Virtual Functions 8
Consider the following code.
Circle c(12, 4, 8);
Shape s1 = c; Shape &s2 = c; Shape *p = &c
cout << s1.area() << endl;cout << s2.area() << ‘,’ << p->area() << endl;In the first assignment only the inherited part of c is copied into s1 so s1 is not a circle, and the base class area function will be invoked in the first output statement.The variable s2 refers to a circle and the pointer p points to a circle, so since area is a virtual function the derived class version will be invoked twice in the second output statement.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Abstract Classes 1An abstract class is one that is used purely as a base class; no instances of it are allowed that are not instances of derived classes.In Java a class is explicitly made abstract by using the keyword abstract. In C++ a different technique is used: a class is abstract if it has a pure virtual function. This is a function that has no implementation in the base class and is declared using the syntaxvirtual float area() const = 0;As in Java all concrete subclasses of an abstract class must provide versions of the function to override the pure virtual version.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Abstract Classes 2Here is an abstract version of the Shape class.class ShapeShape(int size, int x, int y); void changeSize(int newSize): void move(int newX, int newY); int getSize(), getX(), getY(); virtual float area() const = 0;protected:int size, xpos, ypos;24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Abstract Classes 3Since no instances of an abstract class that are not instances of derived classes can be created it is not possible to have variables whose type is the abstract class; we must use references and/or pointers, so a declaration such as Shape s; would not be allowed. The following would, however, be permissible:Shape &s = Circle(6, 10, 10) Shape *p = new Square(5, 20, 20);A declaration such as Shape s[10]; is also not allowed and the type of objects in an STL collection cannot be an abstract class.24/11/2019 CE221 Part 9Abstract Classes 4Pointers to abstract classes may be used as template argu程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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