[Solved] CSE506-Project 2- Kernel Data Structure


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The goal of this project is to develop your first kernel module, and to study the manipulation of the following frequently-used kernel data structures: a linked list, red-black tree, hash table, radix tree, and bitmap. The following concepts from the course will be put in practice in this project: (1) Kernel module development and (2) Kernel data structures.

Develop the kernel module in Linux v5.8. Use the provided Makefile and write your code in kds.c.

Make a folder named with your SBU ID (e.g., 112233445), put Makefile ,your kds.c, and screenshot kds.png files in the folder, create a single gzip-ed tarball named [SBU ID].tar.gz, and turn the gzip-ed tarball to Blackboard.

$ tar czvf 112233445.tar.gz 112233445/





Recommended Background Reading

Part 1. Write a kernel module

[10 points] Write a single Linux kernel module named kds in kds.c. The module takes one string

parameter int_str , which is the arbitrary number of integers between 0 to 1000 (e.g., insmod <module
name> int_str=’11 44 22 33 5 ). The module parses (tokenizes) the parameter int_str and

print on the kernel log the input numbers using the %d format specifier.

Part 2. Add kernel data structures

Extend the module (kds.c) to include functions manipulating the following data structures:

  • Linked lists : 1) create a linked list containing the integers in int_str; 2) print on the kernel log the content of the list using the list iteration functions; and 3) destruct the list and free its content.
  • Red-black trees : 1) create a rbtree, which is indexed by integer numbers; 2) insert integer numbers in int_str to the rbtree; 3) look up the inserted numbers and print them out; and 4) remove all inserted numbers in the rbtree.
  • Hash table : 1) create a hash table, of which the number of buckets is 2^14; 2) insert integer numbers in int_str to the hash table; 3) iterate the hash table and print out all inserted integer numbers; 4) look up the inserted numbers and print them out; 5) remove all inserted numbers in the hash table; and 6) destruct the hash table.
  • Radix tree : 1) create a radix tree, which is indexed by integer numbers; 2) insert integer numbers in int_str to the radix tree; 3) look up the inserted numbers and print them out; 4) tag all odd numbers in the radix tree; 5) look up all tagged odd number using radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag; and 6) remove all inserted numbers in the radix tree.
  • XArray : 1) create a radix tree, which is indexed by integer numbers; 2) insert integer numbers in int_str to the XArray; 3) look up the inserted numbers and print them out; 4) tag all odd numbers in the radix tree; 5) look up all tagged odd number using xa_for_each_marked; and 6) remove all inserted numbers in the Xarray.
  • Bitmap : 1) create a bitmap, which is large enough to represent numbers between 0 to 1000; 2) set bits corresponding to integer numbers in int_str; 3) print all bits which are turned on; and 4) clear all bits in the bitmap.

Part 3. Test your module

Take a screenshot of your kernel debug message using dmesg while running your module. Turn in the screenshot named kds.png.


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[Solved] CSE506-Project 2- Kernel Data Structure