## Assignment Details
This homework is a continuation of homework 2 but with three changes:
The queries are more challenging You will get to use a commercial database system (i.e., no more SQLite :).SQLite simply cannot execute these queries in any reasonable amount oftime; hence, we will use SQL Server, which has one of the most advancedquery optimizers. SQL Server also has a very nice client application,[SQL Server Management Studio](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/sql-server-management-studio-ssms),that you will get to use in this assignment. You will use the Microsoft Azure cloud.
Here is again the schema of the `Flights` database, for your reference:
`SQLFLIGHTS (fid int,month_id int, 1-12day_of_month int, 1-31day_of_week_id int, 1-7, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etccarrier_id varchar(7),flight_num int,origin_city varchar(34),origin_state varchar(47),dest_city varchar(34),dest_state varchar(46),departure_delay int, in minstaxi_out int, in minsarrival_delay int, in minscanceled int, 1 means canceledactual_time int, in minsdistance int, in milescapacity int,price int in $)
CARRIERS (cid varchar(7), name varchar(83))MONTHS (mid int, month varchar(9))WEEKDAYS (did int, day_of_week varchar(9))`
We leave it up to you to decide how to declare these tables and translate their types in SQL Server. But make sure that your relations include all the attributes listed above. Note that SQL Server will complain if you try to ingest data and it needs to truncate it because VARCHAR fields are too small.
In addition, impose the following constraints as in HW2: The primary key of the `FLIGHTS` table is `fid`. The primary keys for the other tables are `cid`, `mid`, and `did` respectively. `Flights.carrier_id` references `Carrier.cid`. `Flights.month_id` references `Months.mid`. `Flights.day_of_week_id` references `Weekdays.did`.
In this homework, you will do three things:
1. Create a database in the SQL Server database management system running as a service onWindows Azure.2. Write and test the SQL queries below; keep in mind that the queries are quite challenging,both for you and for the database engine.3. Reflect on using a database management system running in a public cloud.
### A. Setting up an Azure SQL Database [0 points]
In this assignment, we want you to learn how to use an Azure SQL database from scratch.Your first step will thus be to setup a database in the Azure service and importing your data.This step may seem tedious but it is crucially important. We want you to be able to continue using Azure after the class ends. For this, you need to know how to use the system starting from nothing.
**NOTE: These steps will take some time to complete, so start early!**
#### Step 1: Create an Azure account and log in to Azure portal
If you have filled out the Google form from HW2 before the deadline, you should have received an email from [email protected] inviting you to join an organization.Follow that link to apply the subscription to your account.
Afterwards, you will be forwarded to the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/).
#### Step 2: Learn about Azure SQL Server
Spend some time clicking around, reading documentation, watching tutorials, and generally familiarizing yourself with Azure and SQL Server.
#### Step 3: Create a database
From the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/), select + New on the left,<img src=https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse414/17sp/hw/hw3/new-button.png width=58/>,then select Databases, then select SQL Database. This will bring up a panel withconfiguration options for a new DB instance.
Perform the following configuration: Choose a database name (e.g., cse414-18sp).
Choose a name for the resource group that will be created (e.g., myresourcegroup).
Select a source: Blank database
Create a new server by clicking on Server (it will say Configure required settings). A second panel will appear to the right; click on Create a new server and a third panel will appear to the right of this. Fill in the form as follows:
Choose a name for the server (e.g., fooBarSqlserver). Unlike your database name,the server name must be unique across the universe of Azure SQL databases.
Choose an admin login and password. (You will need this when access your database using toolsother than the portal.)
Set the location to West US or West US 2.
Make sure Allow azure services to access server is checked.
Change to a cheaper pricing tier. (The default is currently Standard S2, which istoo expensive.) To do this, click on Pricing tier, which will open a pane with Standardselected. Find the slider for DTUs, and turn it all the way down to 10. It should now say the monthly cost is only $15/month. **Make sure you do this!** There are two assignments this quarter that use Azure, so if you run out of $ now you wont be able to complete the other assignment. Make sure you check [SQL Azures pricing info](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/sql-database/single/).
Select Pin to dashboard.
Your configuration should now look like this (again, replace cse414-17sp with your own databases name):
<img src=https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse414/17sp/hw/hw3/new-database.png width=300/>
Now click on the Create button to create this database.You will see a panel on the dashboard that says Deploying SQL Database while the databaseis being set up: this will take a while. Once that is done, it should open up a panel with details on your database. (If not, click on the panel for your SQL database to open it.)
Finally, click on the button near the top that says Set server firewall<img src=https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse414/17sp/hw/hw3/firewall.png width=100/>.You will need to change the settings before you can upload data.The easiest option is to add a rule that allows connections from any client,which you can do as follows:
<img src=https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse414/17sp/hw/hw3/firewall-rule.png width=400/>
Be sure to click Save once you have added this rule.
#### Step 4: Try out the database
The simplest way to play with the database is using the built-in query editor in the Azure portal.To launch this, click on the Tools button on top(to the left of the firewall settings button you clicked before).<img src=https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse414/17sp/hw/hw3/tools.png width=80/>
Select Query editor, and accept the warning that this is a preview feature if it shows up.
Click on the Login button and enter the username and password that you chose when you created your database in Step 3. Once you have done that, you can try entering SQL commands. Press the Run button to execute them.
You are welcome to use the query editor to complete this assignment. Alternatively, you can also use SQL Server Management Studio as we describe below.
#### Step 5: Use the database from SQL Server Management Studio
As convenient as the Azure portal query editor is, you may want use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in order to examine SQL Servers query execution plans.
SQL Server Management Studio only runs on Windows. You have two options to get access to SQL Server Management Studio:
(Recommended) Use remote desktop connection to connect to CSEs terminal server. First, install [Microsofts remote desktop client](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/remote/remote-desktop-services/clients/remote-desktop-clients) for your operating system. If you plan to work off campus, then you will need to install and run [Husky OnNet](http://www.lib.washington.edu/help/connect/husky-onnet) to connect to on campus machines. Start the remote desktop client, add a new connection (i.e., PC Name) to `cse-seaquill.cs.washington.edu`. Leave the remaining fields blank. Put in your UW Net ID and password as your login credentials. Click continue if you get a message about verifying certificates. Once you have logged in, you should see a shortcut to SQL Server Management Studio on your desktop. See screenshot below.
<img src=ssms.png width=300/>
Warning: do not save any files on `cse-seaquill.cs.washington.edu` as they will be deleted after logging out! Please make sure that you commit them to your repository after you are done (via the gitlab web interface / dropbox / emailing the files to yourself).
Option 2: install SQL Server Management Studio on your Windows machine. See [this website](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms) for instructions. For detailed instructions on installing SSMS, see [this document](https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse414/17sp/sections/Install_SSMS.pdf). Note that you will be on your own here.
Option 3: launch a Windows VM directly in Azure. The process is similar to how we created a database instance above. Once your VM instance is running, open the panel for the instance and click on Connect to download a `.rdp` file. On a Mac, you can then connect to your Windows machine by usingMicrosoft Remote Desktop. Once connected, you can install SSMS using the link above. Note that you will now be incurring costs for **both** running SQL queries on Azure and running the VM!
Option 4: install [DataGrip](https://www.jetbrains.com/datagrip/), an IDE (like Eclipse or jGRASP) for running queries. Follow these instructions to get started up for HW3:1. Go to the [DataGrip students page](https://www.jetbrains.com/student/)2. Apply as a student (with your UW email)3. You should automatically get a confirmation email. Confirm it.4. You should now be able to log into JetBrains and now have access to an offline activation code.5. Download DataGrip6. Unzip (`tar -xzf datagrip`) into wherever you want to store the program (ex: `~/Programs/`)7. `cd` into `your-path/DataGrip/bin/`8. Run `./datagrip.sh` to startup DataGrip9. Register your activation code and any other startup settings10. Follow the HW3 spec to set up your database on Azure11. To add your Azure database navigate to Database (a widget next to the main window) > + > Data Source > Azure (Microsoft)You may be prompted to download required drivers. Do so if asked. Enter your server name, database name, and your admin username/password credentials you entered when creating your database. Test the connection, click Apply, then click OK.12. Have fun with Azure! You can type your queries into the main window and hit the magical green go button to run selected statements or all your statements. DataGrip also has some features including an interface to load data. Play around and see what you can do.
If you decide to use SSMS, it will ask you to connect to a SQL server instance once you launch it. Tell it the name of the server you created in Step 3 above.Then, select SQL authentication (rather than Windows authentication) and give it your username and password from Step 3. At that point, you should be able to see the tables of your database in the panel on the left side.Buttons to create a new query and execute it are in the middle of the menu bar, like what you seebelow:
Just to the right of the Execute button is an option to display the query execution plan.(Its highlighted yellow in the middle of the image above.) Once you do so, the query execution plan will appear in a panelon the bottom of SSMS, as shown [here](https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse414/17sp/hw/hw3/ssms-execute.png). We will discuss query plans in class and you may find it useful to examine them.
Now you are ready to move on to the next part of the assignment!
### B. Ingesting Data (0 points)
Next, you will import all the data from HW2. Make sure that you execute your`CREATE TABLE` statements first so that the tables you will add tuples to already exist.Also, make sure that the types of the columns in the tables you created match the data.
To import data, you will need to use a utility called `bcp`, which should come with thecommand prompt on `cse-seaquill.cs.washington.edu`. (click on the `cmd.exe` shortcut on the desktop and type `bcp` on the command prompt)
If you are using a unix system and you prefer to do this on your own, you can use the freebcp utility,which is a part of [freetds](http://www.freetds.org/userguide/).On a Mac, you can install freebcp using the homebrew package manager:
`bashbrew install freetds`
Make sure that homebrew installs freetds version at least 0.95.79.(You may need to run `brew update` and `brew upgrade` to get the most recent versions.)
The command to load `[file_name]` into the table `[table_name]` with `bcp` is:
`bashbcp dbo.[table_name] in [file_name] -U [user_name]@[server_name] -P [password] -S [server_name].database.windows.net -c -t [separator] -r [newline] -d [database]`
Here is an example with server `foosqlserver.database.windows.net`, user `bar`, and database name `cse414-18sp`:
`bashbcp dbo.Flights in flights-small.csv -U [email protected] -S foosqlserver.database.windows.net -P some-complicated-password -c -t , -r 0x0a -d cse414-18sp`
Usage of `freebcp` is similar to bcp except you need to use `-D` instead of `-d` whenspecifying the database and you need to use `
` instead of `0x0a`.The same example from above becomes:
`bashfreebcp dbo.Flights in flights-small.csv -U [email protected] -S foosqlserver.database.windows.net -P some-complicated-password -c -t , -r
-D cse414-18sp`
**Note:** When loading the `flights-small.csv` table, `bcp` may appear to hang toward theend; however, it probably did not hang. It is creating the index on the primary key,which will take what seems like an eternity but is approximately 20 min, and then itwill complete.
As a sanity check, count the number of rows in `Flights` and make sure it matches thenumber of rows in the SQLite Flights table. If the count on SQL Server is too low, the data didnt all get imported. You will need to drop the table and try again.
If it continues to not work, you can try splitting the `flights-small.csv` file intomultiple smaller files and importing them one at a time. On Mac, to split the file into 10 smaller files, run:
`bashsplit -l 114868 flights-small.csv flights-small-part`
On Windows, you can either use cygwin (to get the same command) or install something like[HJ-Split](http://www.hjsplit.org/).
### C. SQL Queries (90 points):
Use SQL Server Management Studio:
1. Click connect and login into your sql server
2. Choose your database and create new sql file, write your query, and execute it. See below for details.
For each question below, write a single SQL query to answer that question(you can use subqueries this time), and save your submission in individual files `hw3-q1.sql`, `hw3-q2.sql`, etc.For each query, add a comment to each querythe number of rows your query returns and how long the query took.You can find the query time on the right side of the yellow bar at the bottom ofthe window. You can simply copy and paste the first rows into the comment.
Remember to follow the SQL programming style rules from HW2, repeated here for your convenience:
Give explicit names to all tables referenced in the `FROM` clause.For instance, instead of writing:`select * from flights, carriers where carrier_id = cid`write`select * from flights as F, carriers as C where F.carrier_id = C.cid`So that it is clear which table you are referring to.
Similarly, reference to all attributes must be qualified by the table name.Instead of writing:`select * from flights where fid = 1`write`select * from flights as F where F.fid = 1`This will be useful when you write queries involving self joins.
The same applies to aggregates and projections as well.Instead of writing:`select fid, avg(price) from flights group by fid`write`select F.fid, avg(F.price) from flights as F group by F.fid`
We reserve the rights to deduct points for queries that dont conform to these style guidelines, even if they are correct.
Note that SQL Server interprets NULL values differently than sqlite! Try using it in a`WHERE` predicate and you will see the difference.
Now answer the following questions:
1. For each origin city, find the destination city (or cities) with the longest direct flight.By direct flight, we mean a flight with no intermediate stops. Determine the longest flight intime, not distance. (15 points)
Name the output columns `origin_city`, `dest_city`,and `time` representing the the flight time between them.Do not include duplicates of the same origin/destination city pair.Order the result by `origin_city` and then `dest_city`.
[Output relation cardinality: 334 rows]
2. Find all origin cities that only serve flights shorter than 3 hours.You can assume that flights with `NULL` actual_time are not 3 hours or more. (15 points)
Name the output column `city` and sort them. List each city only once in the result.
[Output relation cardinality: 109 rows]
3. For each origin city, find the percentage (computed as a decimal number between 0 to 1, e.g., 0.5 means 50%) of departing flights shorter than 3 hours.For this question, treat flights with `NULL` `actual_time` values as longer than 3 hours. (15 points)
Name the output columns `origin_city` and `percentage`Order by percentage value. Be careful to handle cities without any flights shorter than 3 hours.We will accept both `0` and `NULL` as the result for those cities.
[Output relation cardinality: 327 rows]
4. List all cities that cannot be reached from Seattle though a direct flight but can be reached withone stop (i.e., with any two flights that go through an intermediate city).Do not include Seattle as one of these destinations (even though you could get back with two flights).(15 points)
Name the output column `city`.
[Output relation cardinality: 256 rows]
5. List all cities that cannot be reached from Seattle through a direct flight nor with one stop(i.e., with any two flights that go through an intermediate city). Do not include Seattle as one of these destinations. Warning: this query might take a while to execute.We will learn about how to speed this up in later lectures. (15 points)
Name the output column `city`.
(You can assume all cities to be the collection of all `origin_city` or all `dest_city`)
(Note: Do not worry if this query takes a while to execute. We are mostly concerned with the results)
[Output relation cardinality: 3 or 4, depending on what you consider to be the set of all cities]
6. List the names of carriers that operate flights from Seattle to San Francisco, CA.Return each carriers name only once. Use a nested query to answer this question. (7 points)
Name the output column `carrier`.
[Output relation cardinality: 4 rows]
7. Express the same query as above, but do so without using a nested query. Again, name the output column`carrier`. (8 points)
### D. Using a Cloud Service (10 points)
The DBMS that we use in this assignment is running somewhere in one of Microsofts data centers.Comment on your experience using this DBMS cloud service. What do you think about the idea of offering a DBMSas a service in a public cloud? How does that compare with sqlite? Do you prefer one over the other?
Save your answer in a file called `hw3-d.txt` in the `submission` directory.
## Submission InstructionsAnswer each of the queries above and put your SQL query in a separate file.Call them `hw3-q1.sql`, `hw3-q2.sql`, etc (and `hw3-d.txt` for the last question).Make sure you name the files exactly as is. Put your files inside `hw3/submission`.
**Important**: To remind you, in order for your answers to be added to the git repo,you need to explicitly add each file:
`sh$ git add hw3-q1.sql hw3-q2.sql `
**Again, just because your code has been committed on your local machine does not mean that it has beensubmitted it needs to be on GitLab!**
Use the same bash script `turnIn_Hw3.sh` in the root level directory of your repository thatcommits your changes, deletes any prior tag for the current lab, tags the current commit,and pushes the branch and tag to GitLab.
**Make sure you do this, even if you use the web interface to add each of your files to gitlab.** Otherwise we wont know which of your commits we should grade.
If you are using the Linux VM or Mac OSX, you should be able to run the following:
`sh$ ./turnIn_Hw3.sh`
Like previous assignments, make sure you check the results afterwards to make sure that your fileshave been committed.
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