In this lab, we will expand our skills in data exploration developed in Lab1 and enhance them by adding big data analytics and visualization skills. This document describes Lab2: Data Aggregation, Big Data Analysis and Visualization, involves (i) data aggregation from more than one source using the APIs (Application programming interface) exposed by data sources, (ii) Applying classical big data analytic method of MapReduce to the unstructured data collected, and (iii) building a visualization data product.
An important and critical phase of the data-science process is data collection. Several organizations including the federal government ( have their data available to the public for various purposes. Social network applications such as Twitter and Facebook collect enormous amount of data contributed by their numerous and prolific user. For other businesses such as Amazon and NYTimes data is a significant and valuable byproduct of their main business. Nowadays everybody has data. Most of these data generator businesses make subset of their data available for use by registered users for free. Some of them as downloadable data files (.csv, .xlsx) as a database (.db, .db3). Sometimes the data that needs to be collected is not in a specific format but is available as a web page content. In this case, typically a web crawler is used to crawl the web (pages) and scrap the data from these web pages and extract the information needed. Data generating organizations have realized the need to share at least a subset of their data with users interested in developing applications. Entire data sets are sold as products.
Recall from Lab 1, that an API or application programming interface is a standard, secure and programmatic access to data by an organization that owns the data. An API offers a method for one or two way communication among software (as well as hardware) components as long as they carry the right credentials. These credentials for authentication for programmatic access is defined by another standard OAuth (Open Authentication) delegation protocol [6] or API key in some case as in NYTimes data access [7].
We will collect data about from at least two sources, one opinion-based social media in twitter, and research data in New York Times, for the same topic or key phrase. Process the two data sets collected individually using classical big data methods. Compare the outcomes using popular visualization methods.
Preparation: Here are the preliminary requirements for the lab.
- Development language: We plan to use python. If you do not know the language we are giving an opportunity to do in the part 1 of the lab. You will work with examples in Chapters 3-5 of your text book. We will leave two copies of your text as reference in the Lockwood library.
- For twitter and NYTimes data you will need to get the appropriate Oauth and AI keys. You do have the Oauth keys from Lab1 and you can reuse it for twitter search API. For NYTimes or any other API, you will have to apply and get the API keys ready. Now you know how to get access to many other data sources using the standard APIs the data organizations provide.
- For data analytics, you will need to either use the Hadoop VM we have provided or use a Hadoop installation you are familiar with. You may install it from scratch if you have prior experience with this. Many organizations such as Cloudera provide their bundle. You can also use cloud offerings by aws (amazon), and Google cloud, if you are familiar with them. You have too many choice. Cannot decide? Just use the VM, easy for you and for use to grade.
- Now for the visualization of the results. We want you to use the d3.js, a very popular javascript library for visualization. We have chosen to introduce d3.js for you understand origins of d3.js and how it came about from NYTimes need for complex visualizations [8].
Part 1: Complete the python code expositions discussed in Chapter 3-5 of your text book. Keep all the source code in a three directories: Lab2Part1Ch3, Lab2Part1Ch4, Lab2Part1Ch5. This looks like a lot, but it is a good way to learn a language, by doing it, and the code is available to you. If you find any bugs please do write to the author. Sometimes they have bug bounty to offer you. Be a good software citizen. Now you are ready to do big data analytics using python programming language. Due date 3/14/2018
Part 2: (85%) Now that you armed with the language to process your data, gather the data. The second part of project involves (i) aggregating data from multiple sources (ii) process using bug data methods and (iii) visual rending for review and decision making.
- Choose a topic of current interest to people in the USA. Something that is in the news. Use the topic as the key word or phrase to aggregate tweets and news articles about the topic for the same period. For the initial prototype just use 1 day, later you can collect these two set of data for the same period from the different sources you have identified. You may have to tweak the phrase to get a good yield of tweets and news articles.
- Now import the VM appliance for Hadoop infrastructure and test the basic commands with the sample data provided.
- Load the data aggregated in step (a) into the VM, two directories: TwitterData and NewsData. Each directory can have many files of data.
- Code and execute MapReduce word count on each of the data sets. Map will clean and parse the data sets into words, remove stop words, and reduce will count the useful words.
TwitterdataTwitterWords and NewsDataNewsWords. Review and visually compare the output for representative words about the topic. You may have to change the search word, obtain new sets of data that may comparable sets of output words. You can use Python or java for your coding language.
- (10%) Visualize each of the outputs using d3,js and on a simple web page that you create for this lab.
- Now repeat the steps c) to e) for larger data set collected over week. May be you will see some convergence in your output.
- Now design a web page and feed the results by embedding d3.js code (with replaceable worldclouds) in it, finalizing the display of results. In fact, you should be able to create interactive data product! Input a search topic, we will return the word cloud associated with that topic!
- We want to drill deeper into our analysis. Using the smallest data sets you collected in step
a), analyze each set (Twitter and News) word co-occurrence for only the top ten words. Assume
context for co-occurrence is the tweet in the case of TwitterData, and the paragraph of the news article in the NewsData. Your map function emits <word, co-occurring word> and your reduce function should collate the co-occurrences for the top ten words and output them in a suitable format.
- Document all the activities and how we can use your explorations and repeat them with some other data. Use block diagrams where needed. A well-organized directory structure is a requirement.
- A short video that explains your data analysis and visualization process.
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