CSE344 System Programming Homework #3
The objective is to develop your own shell that takes input from standard input. Your shell must support the following commands which you will code:
- ls; which will list file type, access rights, file size and file name of all files in the present working directory
- pwd; which will print the present working directory
- cd; which will change the present working directory to the location provided as argument
- help; which will print the list of supported commands
- cat; which will print on standard output the contents of the file provided to it as argument
- wc; which will print on standard output the number of lines in the file provided to it as argument exit; which will exit the shell
* ls, cat and wc commands must be coded and executed in a separate process using fork+exec. These must not be embedded in shell code. Your single makefile will compile each of these commands code and your shell code separately.
Your shell must have the following features:
- it must enable the user to access directly the n-th previously typed command the up arrow key must enable us to access previously typed commands
- the vertical bar character | must enable constructing a pipe between commands
- must support redirecting standard input and output of commands to files through the < and > characters.
- in case of SIGTERM, your shell must exit properly (e.g. by printing a message on screen). You may upgrade your homework in future so design your program keeping that in mind.
- You must implement all the commands supported by your shell; you cannot use the system() system call. You must use fork+exec for process spawning.
- Your program must handle eventual errors gracefully according to the POSIX traditions.
- Use POSIX and Standard C libraries. You can write your program using C11 standards.
- Valgrind rule from previous homework still holds and will be hold on every homework.
- Your program MUST not give segmentation fault or any other fault that causes your program to end in a bad way. It is better for you to send a little part of the homework with clean and executing code instead of full homework with faults like this.
- Provide a makefile to compile your homework. Do not run your program inside makefile.
Just compile it.
) Test your homework using the Virtual Machine given to you. k) No late submissions.
- Do not send any additional files like screenshots. Just send the makefile and source files.
- Taking any code from internet will result getting a grade of -100. Do no put links or references to internet, you dont need code from internet to do this homework. Man pages and your book is well enough.
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