CSE 222-Data Structures2018-2019 SpringHW #6In this homework, you will implement two different HashMap classes to perform basic Natural Language Processingoperations. Specifically, you will read a text dataset consisting of multiple input files and keep the words in the WordHashMap. The key for the word hashmap will be the words and the value will refer to another hashmap (file hashmap)which keeps the occurrences of the word in different files. The key for the file hashmap is the filename and the value isan arraylist containing the word positions in that file. In order to be able to traverse the word map in an efficient way, eachentry should keep a pointer to the next inserted entry, allowing the structure to be Iterable (implements Iterable interface).By this way, the methods such as containsValue(), containsKey() and keySet() can be implemented in a more efficientway, without the need for visiting empty cells in the table. In Figure 1 a sample snapshot of the hashmaps is presented.
After obtaining this structure, you will implement two basic operations used in NLP : retrieving bi-grams and calculatingTFIDF values, which are explained below, respectively.Bi-grams: A bi-gram is simply a piece of text consisting of two sequential words which occurs in a given text at leastonce. Bi-grams are very informative tools to reveal the semantic relations between words. Let us find the bi-grams in thefollowing text:For several years Uganda had been unable to meet its ICOexport quota as rebel activity disrupted the coffee industryBi-grams:For severalseveral yearsyears UgandaUganda hadhad beenthe coffeecoffee industryIn Figure 1, the dataset contains a bi-gram capital city since capital occurs in the Textfile2 at position 34 and city occursin the same file at position 35.TFIDF(Term frequency-inverse document frequency) : This is a score which reflects the importance of a word for a singledocument. In NLP, a word is informative for a file to be categorized if it occurs frequently in that file but has very fewoccurrence in other documents in the dataset. To calculate TFIDF, we first calculate the term frequency:TF(t) = (Number of times term t appears in a document) / (Total number of terms in the document).Then the inverse document frequency is calculated to weigh down the words that are frequent also in other files whilescale up the rare ones.IDF(t) = log(Total number of documents / Number of documents with term t in it)TFIDF = TF*IDFYour project will read an input file which consists of multiple queries and print the result of the standard output. There aretwo main query types. One for retrieving the bi-grams of a word and the other one is for calculating the TFIDF value of agiven word for a given filename. A sample input file is given below:bigram verytfidf coffee 0001978bigram worldbigram costsbigram istfidf Brazil 0000178The output should be:[very difficult, very attractive, very soon, very promising, very rapid, very aggressive, very vulnerable]0.004878[world cocoa, world coffee, world market, world prices, world markets, world price, world made, world grain, world tin,world for, world as, world bank, world share][costs of, costs and, costs have, costs Transport][is flowering, is a, is now, is going, is likely, is expected, is high, is one, is the, is to, is he, is due, is downward, is also, issceptical, is how, is favourable, is not, is unlikely, is searching, is estimated, is set, is ending, is getting, is very, ispassed, is difficult, is being, is still, is showing, is helping, is it, is often, is why, is time, is keeping, is too, is defining, issold, is uncertain, is insufficient, is wrong, is unrealistic, is put, is currently, is insisting, is unfair, is are, is committed, is112, is slightly, is forecast, is projected, is at, is sending, is planned, is more, is keen, is heading, is imperative, is no, isfaced, is in, is basically, is an, is apparent, is down, is affecting, is willing, is proposing, is fairly, is some, is meeting, isopen, is scheduled, is concerned, is possible, is unchanged, is trimming, is Muda, is improving, is that, is well, is only, isprecisely, is great, is beginning, is foreseeable, is harvested, is trying, is caused, is depending, is after, is aimed]0.0073839
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