[Solved] CSE205 Assignment #9


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Program Description

Assignment #9 will be the construction of a program that reads in a sequence of integers from standard input until 0 is read, and store them in an array (including 0). This is done using iteration (choose one of for, while, or do while loop). You may assume that there will not be more than 100 numbers.

Then compute the minimum number, count odd integers, compute the sum of numbers that are larger than the first number in the array, and compute the largest even integer in the sequence using recursion. Thus, you will create recursive methods findMin, countOddNumbers, computeLargestEven, and sumOfNumbersLargerThanFirst in Assignment9 class and they will be called by a main method.

Specifically, the following recursive methods must be implemented (These methods should not contain any loop):

public static int findMin(int/J numbers, int startlndex, int endlndex)

public static int countOddNumbers(intfl elements, int startlndex, int endlndex)

public static int computeLargestEven(int/J elements, int startlndex, int endlndex)

public static int sum0fNumbersLargerThanFirst(intil elements, int startlndex, int endlndex, int firstNumber)

If these methods are implemented using a Loop or any Static Variable, points will be deducted (from the test cases) even if your program passes test cases. DO NOT use any Static Variables.

The program should output the results of those calculations to standard output. Your program will continue to read in numbers until the number 0 is entered. At this point, the calculations will be outputted in the following format:

The minimum number is 0

The count of odd integers in the sequence is 0 The largest even integer in the sequence is is 0 The sum of numbers larger than the first is 0

Note that the result values will be different depending on test cases (not always 0).

Do not output a prompt to query for the numbers. The number 0 is included in the sequence of numbers and should be included in all of your calculations.

Test Cases

Download the following input files, inputl .bct, input2.txt, input3.txt, and input4.txt, and the following output files, output] .txt, output2.txt, output3.txt, and output4, and save them in the same directory as Assignment9.java is located.

inputl .bct

fhttps://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636893/download? wrap=1)


(https://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636894/download? wrap=1)


(https://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636895/download? wrap=1)


(https://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636896/download? wrap=1)

outputl .bct

(https://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636897/download? wrap=1)


(https://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636898/download? wrap=1)


(https://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636899/download? wrap=1)


(https://asu.instructure.com/courses/42647/files/13636900/download? wrap=1)

Error Handling

Your program should be robust enough to handle all test cases above.

What to turn in:

-Submit your Assignment9.java file

using Gradescope-> Assignment9 on canvas.asu.edu. Make sure that your files are compiling and passing all test cases. You can submit multiple times until the assignment deadline.

Grading Criteria:

____ / 5 Documentation (Each class file needs to have a header with

your name, your information, and program description, each method needs its description and comments within your code)

/ 1 Indentation and spacing (easy to read)

/ 6 Required classes/methods and functionalities implemented


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[Solved] CSE205 Assignment #9