- Write a program that will print your initials (the first letters of your name and surname) to standard output in letters that are nine lines tall. Each big letter should be made up of a bunch of *s. For example, if your initials were D J, then the output would look something like:
****** *************
** ** **
** ** **
** ** **
** ** **
** ** ** **
** ** ** **
** ** ** **
***** ****
Those with 2 names can choose only one of them to print.
- Suppose you want to develop a program that changes a given amount of money into smaller monetary units. The program lets the user enter an amount as a double value representing a total money in TL and kuru, and outputs a report listing the monetary equivalent in the maximum number of 200TLs, 100TLs, 50TLs, 20Tls, 10TLs, 5TLs, 1TLs, and 50Krs, 25Krs, 10Krs, 5Krs, 1Krs, in this order, to result in the minimum number of coins.
An example output of your program should be like that:
Enter an amount in double, for example 11.56: 586.86
Your amount 586.86 consists of
2 200TLs
1 100TLs
1 50TLs
1 20TLs
1 10TLs
1 5TLs
1 1TLs
1 50Krs
1 25Krs
1 10Krs
- 5Krs
- 1Krs
Hint: You can check the Case Study 2.17 Counting Monetary Units in your book!
Important Note: The output of your program must be the same as the example above. Since your program will be automatically graded, a different kind of output may fail.
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