[Solved] COMP 348: Principles of Programming Languages Assignment 3


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  1. Object Programming with Ruby

Question 1- (10 pts)

Write a Ruby method double that given an array of integers int_values, uses the Array.each, Array.sort method and code blocks to print each array value and its corresponding double value, in sorted ascending order. For instance, given the array [125, 200, 25, 150, 50], your code should print out the following:

25 50

50 100

125 250

150 300

200 400

Question 2 (15 pts)

  1. Write a Ruby method for extracting the digits from Quebec Heath Insurance Card ID called HID_num that given a string str, uses regular expressions and back references to find the first valid card number in the string. A person valid health care number has 4 uppercase letters, followed by 8 digits number (e.g.: RENL18347692).The method should return the individual number as an integer value, or nil if no individual valid card number is found.


HID_num (SALZ18347692 SALZ62487931) # returns 18347692

HID_num (HOuN12345678 HOUN24681357) # returns 24681357 HID_num (ChAP62148730 CHA62148730) # returns nil

  1. Write a Ruby program that reads the name of a text file from the command line, opens the file, reads every line of text in the file, that is a string pass it the method HID_num and prints only the lines that return an accepted number. If your text file contains the three lines above it should only give the first two returns

Question 3 (25 pts)

Write a Ruby program in inventory.rb that reads an inventory database file where each line contains an item ID, name, category, and expired date. Your program must process this file and display two lists. The first list displays each category (sorted by category name). For each category, display on a separate line the name of the category, the number of items in the category, and each item name in the category (this list is sorted by category name). The second list displays each item (sorted by item name). For each item, display on a separate line the items ID, item name, and expiry date (sorted by item name). Your program will be called with the name of the database file as an argument. For example, running your program on a file called data.txt (ruby inventory.rb data.txt) could generate:

% data.txt0002: Bread,CERL, 28NOV170004: Milk, DAIR,07DEC180003: CheeseMozar, DAIR, 01SEP180008: PotatoeRed,VEGT,23NOV17 0004: YOGORT, DAR,03JAN180008: PotatoeRed,VEGT,12DEC170002: Bread, REFF, 28JUN190005: Bacon, REFF,10JUL200002: Bread, REFF %ruby inventenry.rb data.txt ERROR 0004: YOGORT, DAR,03JAN18ERROR 0002: Bread, REFFCATEGORIESCERL,1, BreadDAIR,2, CheeseMozar,MilkREFF,2, Bacon, BreadVEGT,1 PotatoeRedITEMS0005: Bacon, 10JUL200002: Bread, 28NOV17, 28JUN190003: CheeseMozar, 01SEP180004: Milk, 07DEC180008: PotatoeRed, 23NOV17

Item IDs must be coded on 4 digit starting from 0000 to 9999, and are separated from item names by a colon and a space. Item names must be composed of 1 or more lowercase and uppercase characters. Category names must be exactly four uppercase letters. Expiry date must be composed of two valid digits for the day of the month and three valid upper case letter of the month name and the last two digits of the year. Category names and expiry date are separated by commas. Lines that do not follow this format should produce an error message.

Items may have an arbitrary number of expiry dates. Each item may only be counted once for each category with the closest expiry date, even if they have multiple expiry date within the category (e.g., PotatoeRed only counts as 1 item for VEGT).You may assume each item has a single unique ID.

While reading in the file, for each invalid line found, your program should output ERROR followed by the invalid line. Next, it should output CATEGORIES, followed by the information for each category (in sorted order by category name). Finally, it should output ITEMS, followed by the information for each item (in sorted order by item name).

Note: You can make use of (a) Code block, (b) pattern matching, and (c) the sort build-in function of Ruby.

  1. Procedural programming with C

Question 4 (10 pts)

Write a C function twoStrCompr that takes two arguments of type string. The function twoStrgCompr should return True if the first string is alphabetically smaller than the second string argument, False otherwise. You may assume that the two strings arguments contains only upper case letters, or lower case letter but not both, and no blanks or other no alphabetical characters is allowed. Test your function with a suitable main program. Once working properly, convert the function twoStrgCompr to pointer arithmetic syntax, and check that it still behaves in the same way.

Question 5 (20 pts)

  1. Write a C program that: creates and prints out a linked list of strings. Similar to java your program should include the node struct. Test your program for different lists of string.
  2. Add the following functions to the program above:
    • void add_after(node_ptr &list, char a_word[], char word_after[])

which inserts a node containing word_after in the linked list list, after the first occurrence of a node containing a_word. If list does not contain such a node, the function leaves it unchanged.

  • void delete_node(node_ptr &a_list, char a_word[]) which deletes the first node in a_list which contains a_word.
  • void list_selection_sort(node_ptr &a_list)

which sorts a list alphabetically (use your answer to Question 4 to help).

sample input/output might be:

Enter first word (or . to end list): though

Enter next word (or . to end list): actions

Enter next word (or . to end list): speak

Enter next word (or . to end list): louder

Enter next word (or . to end list): than Enter next word (or . to end list): words Enter next word (or . to end list): .


though actions speak louder than words




though many actions speak louder than words



though many actions speak louder words


actions louder many speak though words

Question 6 (20 pts)

  1. a) Similar to assignment 2, but now using C program, compute series for functions ln (1+ x) and ex depending on a switch variable s. Write a function that takes in three arguments e.g. function compute-trig(x, s, n), where

s is the switch variable that decides which function to evaluate, n is the precision variable and x is the parameter variable. Parameters s and x should be defined as keyword parameters and n should be an optional parameter with default value of n=5. You are not allowed to use any inbuilt functions except functions to check value type. Your program should print an apt error for string and decimal values for s and n. Additionally, there is a limit for x with s=2.

  1. b) Compare between Lisp and C paradigms to compute the functions above, which one you will recommend to learn first for a freshman with no computing background? why?


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[Solved] COMP 348: Principles of Programming Languages Assignment 3