[Solved] COA Lab 3-add a memory unit to single-Cycle CPU


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Based on Lab 2 (simple single-cycle CPU), add a memory unit to implement a complete single-cycle CPU which can run R-type, I-type and jump instructions.

2. Requirement

  • Please use Icarus Verilog and GTKWave as your HDL simulator.
  • Please attach your names and student IDs as comment at the top of each file.
  • Top modules name and IO port reference Lab2.

Reg_File[29] represents stack point. Initialize Reg_file[29] to 128 while others to

You may add control signals to Decoder, e.g.

  • Branch_o
  • Jump_o
  • MemRead_o
  • MemWrite_o
  • MemtoReg_o

3. Requirement description

Lw instruction memwrite is 0, memread is 1, regwrite is 1

Reg[rt] Mem[rs+imm]

Sw instruction memwrite is 1, memread is 0

Mem[rs+imm] Reg[rt]

Branch instruction branch is 1and decide branch or not by do AND with the zero signal from ALU.

PC = PC + 4 + (sign_Imm <<2)

Jump instruction jump is 1

PC = {PC[31:28], address<<2}

NOP instruction

No operation do nothing

  1. Code (80 pts.)

(1) Basic Instruction: (50 pts.)

Lab2 instruction + mul, lw, sw, j, NOP


Op[31:26] Rs[25:21]- Rt[20:16] Rd[15:11] Shamt[10:6] Func[5:0]
Op[31:26] Rs[25:21]- Rt[20:16] Immediate[15:0]
Op[31:26] Address[25:0]
instruction op[31:26]
lw 6b100011 Rs[25:21] Rt[20:16] Immediate[15:0]
sw 6b101011 Rs[25:21] Rt[20:16] Immediate[15:0]
j 6b000010 Address[25:0]

Mul is R-type instruction

0 Rs[25:21]- Rt[20:16] Rd[15:11] 0 6b011000

NOP instruction

32 bits 0.

(2) Advance set 1: (10 pts.)

instruction op rs rt rd shamt func
jal 6b000011 Address[25:0]
jr 6b000000 rs 0 0 0 6b001000

Jal: jump and link

In MIPS, the 31st register is used to save return address for function call.

Reg[31] saves PC+4 and address for jump

Reg[31] = PC + 4

PC = {PC[31:28], address[25:0]<<2}

Jr: jump to the address in the register rs

PC = Reg[rs];

e.g.In MIPS, return could be used by jr r31 to jump to return address from JAL

Example: when CPU executes function call,

0x00000000 Fibonacci(4);

0x00000004 Add r0, r0, r1



0x00001000 Fibonacci(){ .

2 .

0x00001020 }

if you want to execute recursive function, you must use the stack point (Reg_File[29]).

First, store the register to memory and load back after function call has been finished. The second testbench CO_P3_test_data2.txt is the Fibonacci function. After it is done, r2 stores the final answer. Please refer to test2.txt.

(3) Advance set 2: (20 pts.)

ble(branch less equal than): if( rs <= rt ) then branch

6b000110 rs rt offset

bnez(branch non equal zero): if( rs != 0 ) then branch (It is same as bne)

6b000101 rs 0 offset

bltz(branch less than zero): if( rs < 0 ) then branch

6b000001 rs 0 offset
li(load immediate) by) addi. You dont have to implement it, because it is similar to (and thus can be replaced
6b001111 0 rt immediate
  1. Testbench

CO_P3_test_data1.txt tests the basic instructions (50 pts.) CO_P3_test_data2.txt tests the advanced set 1 (10 pts.).

Please refer to test1.txt and test2.txt for details. The following MIPS code is bubble sort. Please transform the MIPS code to machine code, store the machine code in CO_P3_test_data3.txt and run it (for testing advance set 2 (20 pts.)).

You dont have to submit machine code.

adduaddi addi mul j Jump bubble:li limul outer: addi subuli inner: lw lwble $t0, $0, $0$t1, $0, 10$t2, $0, 13$t3, $t1, $t1$t0, 10$t1, 4$t4, $t0, $t1$t6, $0, 8$t0, $t4, $t6 $t1, 0$t2, 4($t0)$t3, 0($t0)$t2,$t3,no_swap sw swli no_swap:addi subu bltzj next_turn:bnezjJump:subu Loop:addu beqjEnd: $t2, 0($t0)$t3, 4($t0) $t1, 1$t5, $0, 4$t0, $t0, $t5 $t0, next_turn inner$t1, outerEnd$t2, $t2, $t1$t4, $t3, $t2 $t1, $t2, Loop bubble

  1. Reference architecture

This lab might be used extra signal to control. Please draw the architecture you designed on


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[Solved] COA Lab 3-add a memory unit to single-Cycle CPU