[Solved] CMSC421 Project 2-Route-Finding for an Unreliable Vehicle


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Another kind of racetrack problem

  • Robot vehicle, starting point, finish line, walls are the same as in Project 1


  • Vehicles control system is unreliable
    • May move to a slightly different location than you intended

I up to 1 unit in any direction

  • You can make bigger changes in velocity I Up to 2 units in any direction
  • Dont need to stop exactly on the finish line
    • OK to stop at distance 1

Moving the vehicle

  • Current state s = (p,z)
    • location p = (x,y), nonnegative integers

I velocity z = (u,v), integers

  • You choose new velocity z0 = (u0,v0), where

u0 {u, u 1, u 2},

v0 {v, v 1, v 2}.

  • If z0 6= (0,0), then the control system may make an error in your position I e = (q,r), where q,r {1,0,1}
  • Vehicle moves to location p0 = p + z0 + e = (x + u0 + q, y + v0 + r)
  • New state s0 = (p0,z0)

2 = ((5,8),(0,2)) p2, z2

  • You choose z3 = z2 + (1,0) = (1,2)
  • Control error e3 = (0,1)
  • New location p3 = p2 + z3 + e3

= (5,8) + (1,2) + (0,1)

= (6,11)

  • New state s3 = (p3,z3) = ((6,11),(1,2))
  • The control error doesnt change velocity, just your position I Unrealistic, but it makes the problems easier to solve

3 = ((6,11),(1,2)) p3, z3

  • You choose z4 = z3 + (1,1) = (2,1)
  • Control error e4 = (1,1)
  • New location p4 = p3 + z4 + e4

= (6,11) + (2,1) + (1,1)

= (7,13)

  • New state s4 = (p4,z4) = ((7,13),(2,1)) 4 = ((7,13),(2,1)) p4, z4
  • You choose z5 = z4 + (1,1) = (3,0)
  • Control error e5 = (1,1)
  • New location p5 = p4 + z5 + e5

= (7,13) + (3,0) + (1,1)

= (11,14)

  • New state s5 = (p5,z5) = ((11,14),(3,0))
  • Trajectory is unsafe
    • Would have crashed if e5 were (0,1) or (1,1)
  • Ideally, you want a strategy that will always keep you from crashing regardless of what control errors occur


Get to the finish line and stop

I Might not be able to land exactly on the line

I Control errors can prevent that

  • OK to get to distance 1
  • Need to stop
    • Last move needs to have velocity 0, as in Project 1
  • Want to get there as quickly as possible without crashing, despite control errors


Pretend the control system is an opponent thats trying to make you crash

  • Choose moves that will keep you from crashing, regardless of what it does
  • Write a game-playing algorithm to do it move by move
    • as in chess, checkers, or go

How to do it

  • One possibility: alpha-beta game-tree search
    • Limited-depth search, static evaluation function
  • Another possibility: Monte Carlo rollouts
    • Problem: randomly generated paths are very unlikely to go to the goal I I dont think it will work very well
  • Another idea: biased Monte Carlo rollouts
    • Generate paths randomly, but bias the moves toward good evaluation-function values

I How well this will work, I have no idea

  • No way to guarantee you wont crash


  • Well give you a simple opponent program
    • It will try to make you crash, but wont be very intelligent about it
  • Warning: dont write a program that just tries to take advantage of the dumb opponent!
    • When we grade your program, well use a more intelligent opponent
  • Need to choose moves that wont crash, no matter what the opponent does

Other comments

  • You may use any of the code I gave you for Project 1, and any of the code you developed for Project 1 I You can modify it if you wish
  • Caveat: most of it wont be very useful
    • Youll need to write a game-tree-search algorithm and/or a Monte Carlo rollout algorithm
  • Youll need a heuristic function
    • You can use the one you developed for Project 1

I You can use any of the ones I gave you for Project 1

  • g., h walldist
  • Caveat: Will a heuristic function for Project 1 work well as a game-tree-search heuristic?
    • You might need to make modifications

What you need to submit

  • You need to submit a file called py containing a program called main
  • Well give you a game environment for running it

I It will simulate turn-by-turn interactions with the opponent

I At each turn, it will run proj2.main(s,f,w)

  • s = state, f = finish line, w = list of walls
  • Your main program should print (to standard output) a sequence of choices for what velocity to use. Each choice should be a pair of integers (u,v) followed by a linebreak.

(2, 2)

(1, 3)

(1, 2)

(1, 2)

  • Keep searching for better and better recommendations
  • g., iterative deepening, or additional Monte Carlo rollouts

More about the game environment

  • Game environment runs your main program as a separate process I Lets it run for 5 seconds, kills it, reads the last velocity it chose
  • After getting your chosen velocity (u,v), it lets the opponent choose what error to use I e = (q,r), where q,r {1,0,1}
  • It computes the new state, and checks whether the game has ended I you crash you lose
    • you reach the finish line and your velocity is (0,0) you win

I otherwise, game hasnt ended game environment will call your program again, with the new current state

  • If the game hasnt ended, it goes to the next turn
    • runs your main program again

Files Ill provide

  • File on Piazza: project2b code.zip
    • Not project2 code.zip that version had an error in it
  • sample probs modified version of the test problems from Project 1.
    • I removed or modified the ones that were obviously unsolvable.

I Each problem is a list of the form [name, p0, finish, walls]

I If a problems dimensions are so small that the problem is unsolvable, you can call double(p) where p is the problem, to return a problem in which the x and y dimensions are both doubled.

  • py two simple opponent programs.
    • opponent1 tries to head for the wall

I opponent0 makes moves at random

I By default, env.main uses opponent1

Files Ill provide (continued)

  • env.py environment for running your proj2.py file.

Heres what env.main(problem) does:

  1. If you have a initialize, it launches proj2.initialize(s,f,w), waits 5 seconds, and kills the process if it hasnt exited.
    • This is so you can compute some data to use in your main program

I Your proj2.initialize should write the data to a file called data.txt; otherwise the data will be lost when the process exits

  1. It repeats the following steps until you win or lose:
    • Launch main, wait 5 seconds, and kill the process

I Read the last velocity (u,v) in choices.txt. If it isnt legal, return lose I If (u,v) = (0,0) and distance from finish line 1, return win.

I Call the opponent to add an error to the velocity

I Draw the move using turtle graphics

I If the move crashes into a wall, return lose

Files Ill provide (continued)

  • proj2 example.py a deliberately stupid version of py I Rename it to proj2.py if you want to use it with env.py.
    • I provided it so you can see how py works before you start writing your own proj2.py.

I It can win if its lucky, but usually it eventually crashes

I Youll need to write something that works much better

  • Some files used by proj2 example.py
    • racetrack example.py modified version of racetrack from Project 1

I fsearch.py and tdraw.py same as in Project 1


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[Solved] CMSC421 Project 2-Route-Finding for an Unreliable Vehicle