[Solved] CSCI5709-Assignment 2


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Assignment 2 focuses on planning the front-end and back-end functionality of an application. In particular, this assignment requires for you to consider the application of back-end development techniques, approaches, and APIs, for defining the functionality of a web application based on a given set of requirements. More specifically, in this assignment you will be planning for the back-end functionality of ONE (1) feature required for your group project. You are encouraged to coordinate the features you will be planning for with members of your group, as each member is expected to focus their assignment on different features.

As part of this assignment, you will also have to provide justifications for the choices you make, e.g., Back-End Frameworks or APIs used, Information Architecture, Data Management methods, data format used, process workflows, etc. Finally, it goes without saying that any instance of academic dishonesty will be reported. As such, make sure you cite any external work or sources throughout your assignment.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To assess the application of suitable Back-End APIs and Frameworks for the purpose of developing a prototype application, given a set of proposed guidelines (e.g., wireframes, devices, expected functionality).
  2. To coordinate with group members the work allocation required for this assignment submission.
  3. To compare different development techniques, approaches, APIs, workflows, etc. in order to judge their suitability for the development of a specific web application given a set of application requirements.


For your Assignment 2, you must do the following:

A2.1. Application Features

Meet with members of your group and Choose ONE (1) feature from the list of features your group defined as required features for your project (e.g., Profile Management, Permission Management, File Transfer System, Recommender System, Shopping Cart, etc) in your group project Proposal.

Note: The number of features your project is expected to have is equal to Group
Members x 2 (i.e., if your group is made up of 5 members, you are expected to have 10 features). You will be expected to have ~65% of these features developed by your final report, i.e., if you are a group of 5 member then your group is expected to have approximately 6 to 7 features completed. Additionally, each group member is expected to choose a different feature. You are strongly advised communicate with any group member who may be working on a related feature (e.g., Profile
Management and Shopping Cart).
Remember, a feature is defined as a group of related task for a particular overall
purpose. For example, a student choosing the User Profile Management feature implies the student is expected to plan for the following tasks: user registration, user login, view user profile, update user profile, forgot password, user logout,
delete user account.

A2.2. For the ONE (1) feature you have chosen, provide the following:

Application Details: A brief description of your application, including the following information for your application:

  • Target User Insight: A short description of your target user base (i.e., students, professionals, developers, age range, location), assumptions on why users would use this particular application, a description of any requirements or prerequisites that users must fulfil or have in order to be able to use your applications features (i.e., specific knowledge, device, required training).
  • User-Centered Design Approach: Explain how your user insights were taken into consideration or used in the design and development approach for your applications features (i.e., Information Architecture, design and layout, task flow).
Note: Ensure you provide justifications for your design decisions. As previously
mentioned, you are welcomed to use any material you may find useful from a previous assignment, but you are encouraged to address any issues mentioned in
that assignments feedback.

Application Workflow: Describe the application workflow for your project in regards to your interaction design approach to describe the front-end of your application, as well as the back-end processes and/or services in your application:

  • Interaction Design: A description of how your front-end is meant to work. How are processes triggered and handled?

Provide graphs or figures that illustrate how the backend of your application processes and services work (i.e., click streams, user task flow diagrams). A completed use case for each of the features you have chosen for this assignment, your use cases must include both normal and alternate flows. Use cases must also define the scenario relevant to the specific use cases as well as identify any user personas for whom the application is intended.

  • Process and Service Workflow: a description of how your back-end (in regards to the ONE feature you have chosen) is meant to work. How are processes triggered and handled? Provide graphs or figures that illustrate how the backend of your application processes and services work (e.g., workflow diagrams). A diagram detailing the expected file and folder structure for your intended features.
Note: Ensure you provide justifications for your design decisions. You are essentially
expected to explain how the back-end of your application (e.g., Process Workflows) is meant to or expected to support the front-end of your application (e.g., Task
Flow Diagrams) as defined in your project proposal.


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[Solved] CSCI5709-Assignment 2