[Solved] CMPT435 Assignment 1-Elementary data structures


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to program a few elementary data structures so we can experiment with them later on.Requirementsand Notes Develop a singly linked list. Using your linked list, develop a stack. You must implement it yourself;you may not use any built-in features of the language or its libraries. Using your linked list, develop a queue. You must implement it yourself;you may not use any built-in features of the language or its libraries. Download the the text Jile magicitems.txt from our web site. Read it line by line into array. Check each element of the array to see if its a palindrome. (Ignorespaces and capitalization.) Print it if so. To check whether or not a given string is a palindrome, take itcharacter by character and push each on a stack and enqueue eachon a queue. When every character is on a stack and in a queue, popthe stack and dequeue the queue one character at a time. If theyalways match, then the string is a palindrome. (There are other waysto check for palindromes. I dont care. Do it this way.) Create a LaTeX document that includes code listings (with linenumbers) for your stack, queue, and main program. Explain how eachworks, referencing line numbers in the listings to be really clear.

Your code must separate structure from presentation. be professionally formatted yet uniquely yours (show some personality) use and demonstrate best practices. make me proud to be your teacher.[ if not]Resources Linked lists are described in our text in chapter 10.2, starting on page EC. Stacks and queues are described in our text in the beginning of chapter 10, starting onpage 1110 1000.Hints Make sure that I have approved of your programming language (the one about which youwrote a limerick in Assignment 0) before you begin.Submi6ngYour WorkMake many commits to GitHub. I do not want to see one massive everything commitwhen I review your code. (Its if you do that.) Commit early and often. And make sureyour commit messages are descriptive, informative, and if possible entertaining.Be sure that you make your Jinal commit for this assignment on or before the due date.(See our syllabus for those details.)Assignment 1 100 points


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[Solved] CMPT435 Assignment 1-Elementary data structures