[Solved] CMIS440 Project 4


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Using the dukeetf Java EE tutorial example, and the readings on Servlets from this week along with other research you conduct on file manipulation methods, modify the dukeetf example to read price, volume, date, time, 52-week high and 52-week low from a file.

This tutorial is found in your glassfish installation [glassfish_home]docsjavaeetutorialexampleswebservlet. The [glassfish_home] is the folder where you installed glassfish following the JavaEE7 Environment Setup document found in the Week1 content.

Note the tutorial randomly generated price and volume for the updates. Your code should read the updates from a CSV delimited file. Also, note four additional fields including date, time, 52-week high and 52week low are needed to be passed on and displayed as output. Data from these files should be reasonably realistic based on current trends and values in the stock market.

Using the one second update rate is fine for your version of the dukeeft.

You will need to create your own CSV delimited test file but it should include at least 100 data records in a comma-delimited format: date, time, price, volume, 52-week high, 52-week low

Submission requirements

Deliverables include all dukeetf project files and a single word (or PDF) document. You should zip the bookmarks project directory in its entirety for submission. The word (or PDF) document should clearly describe the changes you made to the bookmarks project and include screen captures showing the successful compiling and running of your new bookmarks project, a title page with your name and project number, IDE name and version, operating system, and instructions how to set up and run your project. You should include the input CSV delimited file project4input.txt.

Each screen capture should be properly labeled, clearly indicating what the screen capture represents.

Submit your files to the Project 4 assignment area no later than the due date listed in your LEO classroom.

You should include your name and P4 in your word (or PDF) file submitted (e.g. firstnamelastnameP4.docx or firstnamelastnameP4.pdf)

Grading Rubric:

The following grading rubric will be used to determine your grade:

Attribute Meets Does not meet
Modifies DukeEFT code 30 pointsModifies the dukeetf example to read price, volume, date, time,52-week high and 52-week low from a file. 0 pointsDoes not modify the dukeetf example to read price, volume, date, time, 52-week high and 52-week low from a file.


Data requirements 40 pointsReads the updates from a file.File is CSV delimited and includes date, time, price, volume, 52-week high, 52-week low.Data are updated at one second rates. 0 pointsDoes not read the updates from a file.File is not CSV delimited and does not include date, time, price, volume, 52-week high, 52-week low.Data are not updated at one second rates.
Documentation and project submission 30 pointsDescribes all of the changes made to the dukeetf project.Provides screen capture demonstrating the successful compilation and running on your platform.Deliverables include all dukeetf project files and a single word (or PDF) document.Each screen capture is properly labeled, clearly indicating what the screen capture represents.Deliverables word or pdf includes title page with your name and project number, IDE name and version, operating system, and instructions how to set up and run your project. The input CSV delimited file project4input.txt is included. 0 pointsDoes not describe all of the changes made to the dukeetf project.Does not provide screen capture demonstrating the successful compilation and running on your platform.Does not include all dukeetf project files and a single word (or PDF) document as deliverables.Each screen capture is not properly labeled, or clearly indicating what the screen capture represents.Deliverables word or pdf does not include title page with your name and project number, IDE name and version, operating system, and instructions how to set up and run your project. The input CSV delimited file project4input.txt is not included.



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[Solved] CMIS440 Project 4