[Solved] CH08-320201-Homework 11 Shortest Path Algorithm, Optimal Meeting Point, A Picking Order and Number Maze


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Problem 1: Shortest Path Algorithm

Your friend (who hasnt taken this course) asks you for help on implementing an algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes u and v in a directed graph (possibly containing negative edge weights). She proposes the following algorithm:

  1. Add a large constant to each edge weight such that all weights become positive.
  2. Run Dijkstras algorithm for the shortest path from u to v.

Prove or disprove the correctness of this algorithm to find the shortest path (note that in order to disprove, you only need to give a counterexample).

Problem 2: Optimal Meeting Point

You are trying to meet your friend who lives in a different city than you for that you will want to meet in a city that is between where either of you live. Time is limited because you study Computer Science at Jacobs University, so you are trying to minimize the time spent traveling. So where exactly should you meet?

You are given a graph G with nodes V = {0,,n 1} that represent the cities and edges E that represent streets connecting the cities directly. The edges are with the distance d(e), which is the time needed to travel from between two cities. You are given your own city p and your friends city q with p,q {0,..,n 1}.

Implement an algorithm that finds the target city m in which you and your friend should meet in order to minimize travel time for both of you (you drive towards your meeting city simultaneously so if you travel for x minutes and your friend travels for y minutes, then you will want to minimize max(x,y)). The graph is given to you with an adjacency matrix, where each entry xij represents the time (in minutes) that it takes to travel from city i to city j. Naturally, the indices are the nodes. The algorithm should return the target city m {0,.,n 1}. int find_meetup_city(int[][] adj_matrix, int your_city, int friend_city);

Problem 3: A Picking Order

Consider a group of middle school students. Whenever they gather, they instinctively establish a picking order. This means that for any pair of two students, one student picks on the other, making fun of him/her. The same pair of students always chooses the same picking order no matter the time or surroundings. Surprisingly, this order can contain cycles: there may be a student S who picks on student T, who picks on student U, who again picks on student S.

  • BONUS Prove that any set of n students can be arranged in a line such that every student picks on the student immediately to its right.
  • You are given a directed, unweighted graph representing the picking relationships among a set of n middle school students. This graph is given to you in a nn adjacency matrix (true for an edge, false for no edge). Implement an algorithm to compute a picking list for the students, as guaranteed by part a). The algorithm should return a list which is a permutation of the indices i {0,..,n 1}, such that every student i from this permutation picks on student i +1 (for i < n 1).

Note that neither the professor nor the TAs support this kind of immature middle school behavior of picking on other people. Be nice.

int[] picking_order(bool[][] adj_matrix);

Problem 4: Number Maze

Consider a puzzle that consists of a n n grid where each field contains a value xij N. Our player starts in the top left corner of the grid. Our goal is to reach the bottom right corner. RULESOFTHEGAME: On each turn, you may move your player up, down, left or right. The distance by which the player moves in a chosen direction is given by the number of its current cell. You must stay within the board (you cannot go off the edge of the board).

EXAMPLE: If your player is on a square with value 3, then you may move either three steps up, down, left or right (as long as you dont leave the board).

  • Represent the problem as a graph problem. Formalize it by determining what is represented as the nodes and as the edges.
  • Implement the class PuzzleBoard, as shown below.
  • Implement an algorithm that returns the minimum number of moves required to solve this problem. If there is no solution, your algorithm should say so.

class PuzzleBoard { private:

// up to you. public:

5// Problem 1b)

PuzzleBoard(int boardSize, int[][] fields = null); // constructor should create the graph (as you defined it in 1a) with the values from fields. If fields is null, then initialize the fields of the board with random values between 1 and boardSize-1.

Bool makeMove(int direction); // makes the move (if valid), direction is 0 for up, 1 for right, 2 for down, 3 for left. Returns true if the move was valid, false otherwise.

Bool getResult(); // Returns false if game is not over yet, true if puzzle was solved std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PuzzleBoard const &m); // in python, this is the __str__ method.


// Problem 1c)

int solve(); // returns the minimum number of moves needed to solve the puzzle, and -1 if its not solvable.


Listing 1: Methods


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[Solved] CH08-320201-Homework 11 Shortest Path Algorithm, Optimal Meeting Point, A Picking Order and Number Maze