[Solved] CENG242 Homework3

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This homework aims to help you get familiar with the fundamental C++ programming concepts.

Keywords: Constructor/Copy Constructor/Destructor, Assignment/Move, Operator Overloading, Memory Management

1 Problem Definition

TL;DR: Implement the methods in the given 4 classes (Laptime, Car, Race, Championship). Cars have Laptimes, Races have Cars, Championships have Races. The details are on their way.

Another TA who watched Drive to Survive

Oh God show mercy to this boring soul.

F1 needs a new clear backbone for their visualisation system. As a Computer Engineering student from METU, they trusted you with the task. Your task is to keep track of the laptimes, cars, races and tracks. As situation requested shiny features of the latest C++ is not available to you. Therefore, you have to be careful with your programs memory management (You do not want to leave a program that is leaking memory as your legacy).

2 Class Definitions

2.1 Laptime

Laptime is the most basic class in this homework. Basically, it’s the node in a linked-list which would keep the time information of the laps for each Car (not the best way to keep lap times of Cars, but let’s assume F1 is not paying you anything and you let this go).

class Laptime {

private :

int laptime;

Laptime ∗next;



public :

/∗∗ ∗ Constructor .

∗ @param int value in laptime .


Laptime( int laptime) ;

/∗∗ ∗ Copy Constructor .

∗ @param rhs The laptime to be copied .


Laptime( const Laptime& rhs) ;

˜Laptime() ;


∗ Sets the next chain for this Laptime .

∗ You should insert the given Laptime to the object which the method is ←called upon

∗ @param next The next Laptime .

∗/ void addLaptime(Laptime ∗next) ;

/∗∗ ∗ Less than overload .

∗ True i f this Laptime less than the rhs Laptime .

∗ @param rhs The Laptime to compare . ∗ @return True i f this laptime is smaller , false otherwise .

∗/ bool operator <(const Laptime& rhs) const ;


∗ Greater than overload .

∗ True i f this Laptime greater than the rhs Laptime .

∗ @param rhs The Laptime to compare .

∗ @return True i f this laptime is bigger , false otherwise .
bool/∗∗ operator >(const Laptime& rhs) const ;
∗∗ Plus overload
∗∗ Add two Laptime and return the lhs Laptime
@param Laptime to add
@returns Summation of the two laptime
∗/Laptime& operator+(const Laptime& rhs) ;

/∗∗ ∗ Stream overload .

∗ What to stream :

∗ minute : second . miliseconds ∗

∗ Example :

∗ @important Your laptime variable is representation in terms of miliseconds

∗ and you have to turn it to desired outcome type

∗ Print the Laptime of the object which the method is called upon .

∗ @param os Stream to be used .

∗ @param laptime Laptime to be streamed . ∗ @return The current Stream .

∗/ friend std : : ostream& operator <<(std : : ostream& os, const Laptime& laptime) ;




2.2 Cars

Cars are similar to Laptimes, but they contain the name of the driver which is up to you (LeClerc can be a good start. Bahrain 2019 :/ ). It is again a node in a linked-list, but every car contains the linked-list of Laptime class (Memory Problems 2019).

class Car {

private :

std : : string driver_name;

double performance;

Laptime ∗head;

Car ∗next;



public :

/∗∗ ∗ Constructor .

∗ @Important : set the performance variable of the car by using Utilizer : : ←generatePerformance ()

∗ @param std : : string The Car ‘ s driver name.∗/Car(std : : string driver_name) ;
/∗∗ ∗ Copy Constructor .∗
∗ @param rhs The car to be∗/Car( const Car& rhs) ;˜Car() ;/∗∗∗ Gets the drivers name∗∗∗ @returns : drivers name∗/ copied .
std : : string getDriverName()/∗∗ const ;

Gets the performance

∗ @returns the performance∗∗/ double getPerformance() const ;/∗∗∗ Sets the next chain for this Car .∗ Adds a new car behind existing car
∗ You should insert the given Car to upon∗ Important : Car does NOT ”own” next . the object which the method is called ←

∗ @param next The next Car .

∗/ void addCar(Car ∗next) ;

/∗∗ ∗ Less than overload .

∗ True i f total laptime of this Car is less than the rhs Car .

∗ Important :

∗ @param rhs The Car to compare . ∗ @return True i f this car ‘ s total laptime is smaller , false otherwise .

∗/ bool operator <(const Car& rhs) const ;

/∗∗ ∗ Greater than overload .

∗ True i f total laptime of this Car is greater than the rhs Car .

∗ Important :

∗ @param rhs The Car to compare . ∗ @return True i f this car ‘ s total laptime is greater , false otherwise .

∗/ bool operator >(const Car& rhs) const ;

/∗∗ ∗ Indexing .

∗ Find the laptime of the given lap .

∗ You will use 0 based indexing .

∗ For example , after 20 lap your car should have 20 laptimes . To get 15th ←laptime you will give 14 as the input parameter .

∗ @return The Laptime with the given lap . Laptime with zero time i f given ←lap does not exists .


Laptime operator [ ] ( const int lap) const ;


∗ Car completes one lap and records its laptime

∗ @Important : Based on your cars performance calculate some variance to add ←averagelaptime

∗ Use Utilizer : : generateLaptimeVariance ( performance ) then add it to ←averagelaptime

∗ @param: Car takes average laptime of the∗∗/ void Lap( const Laptime& average_laptime) ;/∗∗ ∗ Stream overload .∗∗ What to stream : race
∗ First Three letters of the drivers surname( Capitalized )−−Latest Fastest Laptime−−Total Laptime ∗ Example :∗ For Lewis Hamilton Laptime−−←
∗ HAM−−1:19.235−−1:18.832−−90:03.312∗
∗ @Important : for lap numbers smaller in size you have to put as neccasary∗ @Important : you can use Laptime ostream when neccessary∗∗ @param os Stream to be used .∗ @param car Car to be streamed . zeros as much ←

∗ @return The current Stream .

∗/ friend std : : ostream& operator <<(std : : ostream& os, const Car& car) ;




2.3 Race

Race keeps a linked-list of Cars. You have to keep your cars in the order from fastest to slowest (Nobody wants to see some randomly ordered car info). The details are in the code itself below:

class Race {

private :

std : : string race_name;

Laptime average_laptime; Car ∗head;



public :

/∗∗ ∗ Constructor .

∗ @Important : Generate average laptime by using Utilizer : : ←generateAverageLaptime () ∗

∗ @param std : : string The name of the Race .

∗/ Race(std : : string race_name) ; /∗∗ ∗ Copy Constructor .

∗ @Important just copy the names and performances of the cars ∗ without any laptime . ∗ Cars should be deep copied

∗ @param rhs The race to be copied .


Race( const Race& rhs) ;

˜Race() ; std : : string getRaceName() const ; /∗∗

∗ Add a new car to race .

∗ @Important : At the start of the race their ordering∗ is not important
∗ No parameter means that you will generate your own car in
∗ this function ( with a random name)and add it to your∗/void addCartoRace() ;/∗∗∗ Add a new car to race .∗ Cars
∗ @Important : At the start of the race their ordering is not important

∗ @param: car Add given Car to others

∗/ void addCartoRace(Car& car) ;


∗ Information About how much car is in the race∗∗ @returns number of cars∗∗/ int getNumberOfCarsinRace() ;/∗∗∗ Return state of everything to desired lap ‘ s state∗
∗ Your Race will have many laps in the course of its cars will have new Laptimes etc . l i f e . In each lap , your←
∗ For example , i f you have 20 Laps in your Race , but redo last 10 laps of it . By using goBacktoLap , let ‘ s say you want to ←
∗ you will take your Race back to 10th Lap. This will also make changes in ←
your Cars . Your cars will have only the information of the f i r s t 10 laps .
∗ Lap numbers start from zero . If 5 is given as int lap , you will take back to 6th lap .∗ @Important : this will also apply to cars and leaderboard too∗ Race ←

∗ @param lap to return

∗/ void goBacktoLap( int lap) ;


∗ Prefix addition overload

∗ add one more lap to all cars

∗ @Important : Update the order of the cars so that the fastest one stays at ←the front

∗/ void operator++(); /∗∗

∗ Prefix decrement overload

∗ remove one lap from all cars

∗ @Important : Update the order of the cars the front∗∗/ void operator −−();/∗∗∗∗ Indexing overload∗ so that the fastest one stays at ←
∗ This function will not be tested for the position does not exist .∗ cases in which Car in given ←
∗ @param: car in position Car in the given position
∗ @returns the car in the desired position∗/Car operator [ ] ( const int car_in_position) ;/∗∗∗∗ Indexing overload∗ in the current lap
∗ This function will not be tested for the driver name does not exist .∗ cases in which Car with given ←
∗ @param: driver name driver ‘ s name of the desired car

∗ @returns the car whose driver named as the given @param

∗/ Car operator [ ] ( std : : string driver_name) ;


∗ Assignment

∗ @param rhs The Race to assign into this race

∗ @return The assigned Race


Race& operator=(const Race& rhs) ;

/∗∗ ∗ Stream overload .

∗ What to stream :

∗ Position−−∗Driver Name( leader of the race )−−Latest Laptime−−Fastest ←Laptime of the Driver−−Sum of Laptimes( in display Laptime format )−−Points ←−−ExtraPoint ( If applicable ) ∗ . . .

∗ Position−−∗Driver Name( last place of the race )−−Latest Laptime−−Fastest ←

Laptime of the Driver−−Sum of Laptimes( in display Laptime format )−−Points ←

−−ExtraPoint ( If applicable )

∗ ∗ Example : ∗ 001−−TUF−−1:19.461−−1:18.935−−60:35.193−−25

∗ 002−−UTA−−1:19.335−−1:18.335−−60:37.321−−18−−1 ∗ 003−−GRT−−1:20.223−−1:19.932−−60:45.184−−15 ∗ . . .

∗ 099−−CEI−−1:21.005−−1:19.867−−63:47.293

∗ 100−−ECH−−1:23.213−−1:21.331−−64:00.123

∗ @Important : for driver numbers smaller in size you have to put zeros as ←much as neccasary to their beginning

∗ Example : i f there is 11 racers f i r s t position should be 01

∗ @Important . you can use Laptime ostream when neccessary

∗ @Important : You should order the racers according to their total laptime

∗ @Important : There are two different point types for F1

∗ First one is the Fastest Lap point which is 1 point and it is given the ←fastest car i f it is in top 10

∗ Other one is normal racing points and they are 25−18−15−12−10−8−6−4−2−1 in←this order

∗ @param os Stream to be used .

∗ @param car Car to be streamed . ∗ @return The current Stream .

∗/ friend std : : ostream& operator <<(std : : ostream& os, const Race& race) ;




2.4 Championship

Championship is the final part of this homework. They keep races with different names. Championship.

class Championship { private : std : : vector< Race > races;



public :

/∗∗ ∗ Constructor .

∗/ Championship() ; /∗∗ ∗ Copy Constructor .

∗ @param rhs The Championship to be copied .


Championship( const Championship& rhs) ;

˜Championship() ;

/∗∗ ∗ Add a new Race to Championship .

∗ @Important : Purpose of this function is to add the f i r s t race .

∗ @param race Race to add

∗/ void addNewRace(Race& race) ;

/∗∗ ∗ Add a new Race to Championship .

∗ @Important : You will use getAverageLaptime function for this

∗ @Important : You can use copy constructor of the Race class in order

∗ to just copy driver names for your new Race ∗ @Important : Driver names should be same for each race

∗ @param race name create a new race with given name


void addNewRace(std : : string race_name) ;


∗ Remove race from by using its name

∗ @param race name remove race from championship

∗/ void removeRace(std : : string race_name) ;


∗ Add lap to race with the given name

∗ @param race name you will find the race with this name and add a lap to it

∗/ void addLap(std : : string race_name) ;


∗ Indexing overload

∗ @param: race name ∗ @returns the desired Race


Race operator [ ] ( std : : string race_name) ;


∗ Stream overload .∗∗ What to stream :∗ Championship Results
∗ Driver Surname f i r s t ∗ . . . three letters in capital (from winner )−−Total Points
∗ Driver Surname f i r s t∗∗ Example :∗ Championship Results∗ 01−RAI−−194∗ 02−HAM−−190∗ 03−LEC−−100∗ 77−OCO−−60∗ 78−RIC−−1∗ 79−GRO−−0∗ three letters in capital ( to last place )−−Total Points
∗ @Important : for driver placements numbers smaller in size you have to put ←zeros as much as neccasary to their start∗ Example : i f there is 111 racers f i r s t position should be 001 ∗ @Important : You will order drivers according to their total points∗∗ @param os Stream to be used .∗ @param car Car to be streamed .

∗ @return The current Stream .

∗/ friend std : : ostream& operator <<(std : : ostream& os, const Championship& ←championship) ;




3 Extras

While generating Cars you need to produce random double value for its performance. To do this, you MUST use Utilizer class. It’ll return random small double numbers.

The implementation of the the Utilizer is already provided to you. Hence, you just need to do this:

double performance = Utilizer : : generatePerformance() ;

You also MUST use Utilizer::generateLaptimeVariance() for generating a difference to average laptime. After that you will add this to calculate laptime of the car (You will do this for every lap). For generating average laptimes of the Races you again MUST use Utilizer::generateAverageLaptime() function which will return an integer value (You will turn it to Laptime class).

The summary of the memory ownership:

  • A Laptime WILL NOT own its nextLaptime.
  • A Car WILL NOT own its nextCar.
  • A Car WILL own the headLaptime when constructed with.
  • A Race WILL own the headCar.
  • CopyConstructers WILL not yield ownership of the old variables.
  • assignment operator ”=” WILL yield ownership of the old variables.
  • Owning a Car/Laptime also means owning the nextCar/nextLaptime, and the nextCar/nextLaptim of the nextCar/nextLaptime, …


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[Solved] CENG242 Homework3
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