[Solved] CECS342-Homework 5 Puzzling Prolog


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In this assignment, you will write a solver for a game related to Sudoku called KenKen.

KenKen Rules

KenKen is a mathematics puzzle game similar to Sudoku, in which a NN grid of numbers must be solved so that each square contains a number from 1 up to N. As in Sudoku, every row and column of KenKen can contain each number only once, and every number from 1 to N must be in each row and column. KenKen does not use the 33 squares uniqueness rule of Sudoku; instead, each KenKen puzzle breaks up the squares into various irregular cages, and in each cage a single target value and a single operator is placed. When the operator is applied to the squares of the cage, the given value is obtained. The order that the operator is applied to the squares is not xed, which is important for division and subtraction. See Wikipedia for an explanation.

Adapt the Sudoku solver from lecture to solve following KenKen puzzle:

I will give you guidelines on your solution that you must follow to complete the lab assignment. Its important to note the di culty of debugging Prolog programs; if a mistake is made in a single clause of the program, your output will either be gibberish or the completely unhelpful False. It will be important to complete this assignment in small pieces, testing each clause in an interpreter for correctness before moving on to the next task.

Representing a puzzle

Unlike Sudoku, we dont know any numbers in the initial puzzle, so we cant ask the user to provide a starting point. Instead, well be responsible for generating the entire solution to a puzzle that is described in terms of its cages. Your top-level solve functor will take two arguments: a list of cages (de ned below), and a variable G that you will unify with the solution to the cages. Each cage will be de ned using a cage functor with three arguments:

  1. an atom de ning the cages operator: either add, mult, sub, div, or id (a one-square cage without an operator).
  2. a target value equal to the number in the upper-left corner of the cage.
  3. a list of cell coordinates for the individual cells in the cage. A single coordinate will be represented as a list of two integers corresponding to a row and column position in the puzzle. For example, the list [0, 5] represents the upper right corner of the puzzle.

For example, the cage in the upper-left corner of the puzzle would be represented in Prolog as cage(mult, 120, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0]]). At some point you will need to de ne the entire puzzle in terms of its list of cages, which will be one of the two arguments you will pass to your completed solve functor. (The second will be a variable S, which solve will ll in with the solution.)

Solving the puzzle

Your solve will take a variable S and a list of cages, and will be true only if S is the solution to the 66 KenKen puzzle described by the cages. (We will assume a 66 puzzle.) These facts must be true about S (and you must enforce them in Prolog):

  1. S must have 6 rows
  2. Each row in S must be length 6.
  3. Each row in S must only contain values from 1 to 6.
  4. The entries in S must satisfy the cages of the puzzle.
  5. Each row in S must contain all distinct values (no duplicates).
  6. Each column in S must contain all distinct values.

Of these, only number 4 is structurally di erent from Sudoku, so you can code the rest by copying from the better Sudoku solver in the course Prolog repository.

Validating cages

A solution S is only valid if its 36 entries satisfy the puzzles cages. To validate cages, we will write a functor that enforces a single type of cage operator. That functor is called check_cage and it accepts two arguments: 1. The solution S. (a 66 matrix of integer values.)

  1. A cage, as de ned above.

and depending on the operator of the cage, the functor selects the entries from S that correspond to the cages cell coordinates and checks if those entries result in the cages value when the cages operator is applied to them. There are no if statements in Prolog, so we cannot write statements like if the operator is +, then add up all the values ; instead, we write di erent clauses of the check_cage functor that match a single speci c cage operator:

  • check_constraint(S, cage(add, Value, Cells)) will be true i the sum of the entries in the Cells sum to Value.
  • check_constraint(S, cage(mult, Value, Cells)) will be true i the sum of the entries in the Cells multiply to Value.
  • check_constraint(S, cage(sub, Value, Cells)) will be true i the the di erence of the two entries in Cells is equal to Value. Note that there will always be only two coordinates in Cells, and that the order of the subtraction is not speci ed.
  • check_constraint(S, cage(div, Value, Cells)) will be true i the quotient of the two entries in Cells is equal to Value. Use // for division, not /.
  • check_constraint(S, cage(id, Value, Cells)) will be true i the exact value of the single entry in Cells is equal to Value.

Coordinates vs. entries:

Note that a cage de nition includes the coordinates of the cells that make up the cage, but dont specify the values at those positions (because they are unknown) but to validate a cage using the check_constraint functor, we need to know the values of the puzzle at those coordinates. To translate a list of coordinates into a list of values at those coordinates, you will write a functor cell_values(Cells, S, Values), which is true i Values is a list of integers that corresponds to the entries of S at the coordinates speci ed in Cells. For example, if we have a 22 puzzle S whose rst row contains the values 2 1, then cell_values([[0, 0], [0, 1]], S, Values) would instantiate Values as the list [2, 1].

Before you can write cell_values, you must write a similar functor that maps a single coordinate pair to its value in the solution. This function, get_cell(S, [I, J], Val) is true i row I column J in S is equal to Val. The Prolog functor nth0 can help here: it takes an index, a list, and a value, and is true i the value is found in the list at the given index.

Example: nth0(1, [5, 4, 3], 4) is true; nth0(2, [5, 4, 3], X) gives X=3; and nth0(0, [[5, 4, 3], [2, 1, 0]], Row) gives Row=[5, 4, 3]. (Hint: and what would V be if we next did nth0(1, Row, V) ? Which element in the example 23 matrix is that?)

With get_cell complete (and tested), you can now write cell_values(Cells, S, Values) as a single statement. How can this be? A simple observation: to construct Values, we must transform the coordinates in Cells into the individual values at those coordinates, producing a new list of transformed values.

Do you recall a function from lab that transforms a list using a transform function?

I hope you just said maplist!

Sums and products:

plus and times cages can involve 2 or more cells whose values must add (or multiply) to the target. We have seen how summations and products can be written as folds. To implement check_constraint(S, cage(add, Value, Cells)), you must use foldl to check the sum of the values in the solution speci ed by Cells.

Does this sound tricky? Its not too bad.

First, you will need to de ne two simple functors:

  1. adds_to(X, Y, Z): true if Z equals X + Y; HOWEVER AND THIS IS IMPORTANT

the library we import to use ins and all_distinct does not use is for equality; it uses #=, as in X #= Y + Z. You must do the same or else Prolog will complain about variables not being su ciently instantiated.

  1. mults_to(X, Y, Z): similarily, if Z equals X * Y.

To implement check_constraint, use cell_values to turn the Cells (list of coordinates) into Values (a list of integers from the matrix). Next, use foldl along with adds_to or mults_to to nd the sum/product of those Values, which must equal the Value parameter to check_constraint.

Quotients, Di erences, and IDs: Since the sub and div cages always involve exactly two cells, their check_constraint

is easier. Get the cell_values for the Cells, which you know will be a list of two answers. You simply need to decide if one ordering or another of the values results in the desired di erence or quotient. Recall that the ; operator means OR in Prolog, as long as you remember that OR typically has lower precedence (priority) than AND (the , operator). id is even easier. The result of cell_values should be a list of only one element: Value.

Checking all cages:

Once your individual check_constraint functors are working, you can write check_cages(S, Cages), which is true i all the cages are satis ed by the values of S. This is another chance to apply maplist, this time with only two parameters: the transform function to call, and the list of cages; this form of maplist is true only if all values in the given list result in true/success when passed to the transform function.

What is the transform function? It should be something that will check an individual cage to see if its constraint is satis ed for the given solution S. Hmmm

(Hint: remember that you can partially-apply a function to specify the rst parameter, and leave the rest to be lled in later. Review the second Pokemon lab challenge.)

Recommended approach

I recommend you develop this assignment in small steps, testing each step in the Prolog interpreter before moving to the next.

  1. Read the entire speci cations thoroughly and make sure you understand each portion.
  2. Write sum_list and product_list, which nd the sum and product of a list of integers respectively. Test them in the interpreter: sum_list([1, 3, 5], S) should give S=9.
  3. Write cell_values. This functor requires a list of coordinates and a matrix of values; invent your own small 22 puzzle and test this function with it.
  4. Write check_constraint(S, cage(id, Value, Cells)). Test this by using your 22 puzzle as S, and a cage that only includes one cell.
  5. Write check_constraint(S, cage(add, Value, Cells)). Test it with your 22 puzzle, using cages with various amounts of cells.
  6. Write check_constraint(S, cage(sub, Value, Cells)). You will always have 2 coordinates in a sub constraint.
  7. Write the remaining constraint functors. Test each.
  8. Write check_cages(S, Cages) recursively. Test it using your 22 puzzle and a list of 2 or more cages of di erent types. Test it again with a 66 puzzle and 2 or more cages.
  9. Write solve(S, Cages) by following the outline in Solving the puzzle .


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[Solved] CECS342-Homework 5 Puzzling Prolog