[Solved] BME411 Assignment 3


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For this assignment:

  • You should select a technique from the following areas of optimization.
  • Study the selected technique by reviewing related reference materials and understand its theory, working principles, and advantages/disadvantages.
  • Create your own computer program to implement the selected technique.
  • Solve few examples by your choice using the devised code.
  • Compare the numerical results for your examples with another (rival) technique by your choice implemented in a computer program or software package.
  • Finally, a report along with the devised code should be submitted.

Areas of Optimization:

  • Numerical Methods for Constrained Optimization (including but not limited to Sequential Quadratic Programming, Interior-point Method, Generalized Reduced Gradient Method, Gradient Projection Method, Active Set Methods)
  • Multi-Objective Optimization (including but not limited to Weighted Sum Approach, Lexicographic Method)
  • Modern Optimization Methods (including but not limited to Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing)
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Integer Programming (including but not limited to Branch-and-Bound Method)
  • Stochastic Programming (including but not limited to Chance-Constrained Programming)
  • Linear Programing (Interior-point Methods)


Important Notes:

  • The selected technique should be different from those optimization methods used in your group project.
  • It is essential that all of the sections of the submitted report and code are your own individual and original work. You should also cite any reference materials that you have used.


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[Solved] BME411 Assignment 3