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1 Project description
See the description of this problem in the book for further details.
Write a program that implements Huffmans algorithm for Data Compression. Please refer to the slides for a description of the algorithm.
Your program should read a (large) text from a file, ideally a text with at least two pages. In the first pass you should build a frequency table for each letter/character, including blank space and punctuation signs.
You should then implement a coding/decoding function, based on the Huffman coding method. The output for the coding phase should be in a file, consisting of a preamble and the encoded version of the text.
The preamble should consist of a sequence of lines of type <character/symbol><codeword> one for each character/symbol (appearing in the text), followed by a blank
line, then the encoded text.The decoded file should just print the result of the decoding process.
2 What to turn in
You will turn in
1. a short written report containing: A description of the significant choices/issues in the design of your code.
2. Thesourcecodeofyourprogram.You may turn in the document via elearning.e-uvt.ro (Class moodle).
3 Coding standards
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