[Solved] Project 10: Thumb and Pouch Solitaire

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Overview:This game is a variant of “Klondike” (http://politaire.com/help/klondike) solitaire, but easier. Klondike was probably the best known version of solitaire world-wide. For many people, Klondike, with its triangular tableau and alternating colors, is the canonical game of solitaire. It dates back to at least 1912 when it was included in the Mary Whitmore Jones collection with the name “Small Triangle”. Microsoft has added to its popularity by including a version of Klondike called “Windows Solitaire” in every version of its operating system since Windows 3.0.As said, the “Thumb and Pouch” solitaire is an easier game than Klondike, as because the cards can be played on tableau cards of any different suit.

First Thing First:The best way to understand this game is to play it. You can play this game here http://politaire.com/thumbandpouch. We suggest you to play this game couple of times, so that you can plan your program effectively. The interesting thing about this game is you can win almost every time if you play it carefully.


The deliverable for this assignment is the following file:proj10.py – the source code for your Python programBe sure to use the specified file name and to submit it for grading via the handin system before the project deadline.Game Terms: First, let’s look at the figure below – All the top 4 piles are called “Foundations”, the seven vertical piles are called as “Tableau”, the piles on the bottom-left that are faced down are called “Stock” and the piles on the right(faced-up) are called “Waste”. The goal of the game is to arrange all the cards into Foundations such that they are sorted according to 4 different suits and ranked from Ace to King.Game Rules:• Cards: One standard deck of 52 cards.• Goal: Move all cards to the foundation.• Foundation: Four foundation piles. Any ace may be moved to any empty pile in the foundation. A card may be added onto a foundation pile if it is one higher than the old top card of the pile and of the same suit. Thus, the only card that could be played on a Q♣ would be a K♣. Once on the foundation, cards cannot be moved back off.• Tableau: Seven tableau piles with one card in the first pile, two cards in the second, three in the third, and so on. Therefore, there will be 28 cards on the tableau. The top card in each pile is dealt face up, all others are face down. The last card on each column is the top card. A card may be added onto a tableau pile if it is one lower than the old top card of the pile and of a different suit. Thus, the cards that could be played on J♦ would be 10♠, 10♥ or 10♣. Cards on the tableau that are not under another card are available for play onto the foundation or any other tableau pile. Empty spaces in the tableau may be filled by any card. Groups of cards in sequence down may be moved from one tableau column to another if no two consecutive cards are of the same suit.• Stock and Waste: The remaining cards (i.e. 24 cards) form the stock and there is one waste pile. Each time you draw a card from the stock, the card will be placed on to the waste. Only one pass through the Stock is permitted. Only the top card of the waste is available for play to the tableau or the foundation.

The Detailed Program Specifications:You will develop a program that allows the user to play “Thumb and Pouch” according to the rules that we have discussed above. The program will use the instructor-supplied cards.py module to model the cards and deck of cards. To help clarify the specifications, we provide a sample interaction with a program satisfying the specifications in the “Sample Output” section.

We provide a program proj10.py that contains stubs of the required function as well as a driver. The provided program runs as is, but doesn’t do anything useful. You are encouraged to create additional functions as needed. Your program must use the import statement for cards.py — you are not allowed to copy that file into your program. (Your program will be run with our copy of cards.py).Program commands: The program will recognize the following commands, the commands can also be entered as a mix of upper/lower case characters (like TF or tf or tF etc.) –• tf x y: Moves 1 card from Tableau column x to Foundation y.• tt x y n: Moves a pile of length n >= 1 from Tableau column x to Tableau y.• wf x: Moves the top card from the Waste to Foundation x .• wt x: Moves the top card from the Waste to Tableau column x.• sw: Draws one card from Stock to Waste.• r: Restarts the game with a re-shuffle, resets everything.• h: Displays this menu of choices.• q: Quits the game.Here, x and y denote column numbers; Tableau columns are numbered from 1 to 7 andFoundation piles are numbered from 1 to 4.The program will repeatedly display the current state of the game and prompt the user to entera command until the user wins the game or enters q, whichever comes first.The program will detect report and recover from invalid commands. None of the data structures representing the stock, tableau, or foundation will be altered by an invalidcommand.Function Descriptions: We have already supplied stubs for couple of functions, but your implementation can include more functions if needed.1. The program will use the following function to initialize a game:setup_game() à (foundation, tableau, stock, waste)That function has no parameters. It creates and initializes the tableau, foundation, stock and waste, and then returns them as a tuple, in that order. The Foundations will be a listof 4 empty lists, the Tableau will contain 28 cards in 7 vertical columns as described before, the Stock is a deck and will contain the remaining 23 cards and there will be one card (top card from the Stock) on the Waste. The order of dealing cards to the Tableau is precisely defined for solitaire (which conveniently makes grading easier): To form theTableau, seven piles need to be created. Starting from left to right, place the first card face up to make the first pile, deal one card face down for the next six piles. Starting again from left to right, place one card face up on the second pile and deal one card face down on piles three through seven. Starting again from left to right, place one card faceup on the third pile and deal one card face down on piles four through seven. Continue this pattern until pile seven has one card facing up on top of a pile of six cards facing down. The remaining cards form the Stock pile. When starting out, the Foundation piles do not have any cards. After dealing the Tableau draw one card from the Stock pile for the Waste pile.2. (Suggestion: at first simply print each data structure, e.g. print(tableau) in this function until you get the rest of the program working. Then come back and do the formatting last.)The program will use the following function to display the current state of the game: display_game(foundation, tableau, stock, waste) à None This function has four parameters – the data structure representing the Foundation, the Tableau, Stock and the Waste. The foundation is displayed first. A non-empty foundation pile will be displayed as the top card in the pile (i.e. last card moved to it); and an empty foundation will be displayed as [ ]. The tableau is displayed second; each column of the tableau will be displayed downwards as shown in the sample below.An empty column will be displayed by whitespace. For the case of Stock, this function will only display how many cards are left on the Stock like Stock #(k) following with an arrow sign –> , (here k stands for the number of cards left on the stock) then all the Waste cards will be displayed in a square bracket like [ card1, card2 … etc. ]where card1 is the bottom of the waste and card-n is the top of the waste, and commas separate the cards. The diagram below shows the display early in a game.To enter command, there is a prompt that looks like prompt:> ; this is already implemented in the main() function.3. This function below may be used to decide whether a movement from Tableau/Wasteto Foundation is valid or not:valid_fnd_move(src_card, dest_card) à True or FalseThe function has two parameters, src_card and dest_card. The card that you aretrying to place is the src_card and the card that you are trying to place onto is thedest_card. The function will return True if the move is valid; False otherwise. Thisfunction will return True if the src_card and dest_card have the same suit andthe rank of the src_card is 1 greater than that of the dst_card. (Two conditionsmay be checked here or elsewhere: [1] the src_card is invalid, e.g. does not exist, or[2] if the Foundation pile is empty, only an ace is valid for placement on theFoundation.)4. This function below may be used to decide whether a card (or a set of cards’) movementfrom Tableau/Waste to another Tableau is valid or not:valid_tab_move(src_card, dest_card) à True or FalseThe function has two parameters, src_card and dest_card. The card that you aretrying to place is the src_card and the card that you are trying to place onto is thedest_card. The function will return True if the move is valid; False otherwise. Thisfunction will return True if the rank of the dest_card is 1 greater than that of thesrc_card, and they are from different suits. (Two conditions may be checked here orelsewhere: [1] the src_card is invalid, e.g. does not exist, or [2] if the destinationTableau column is empty, any card (irrespective of rank or suit) is valid for placement.)5. This function below will implement a movement of a card from Tableau to Foundation:tableau_to_foundation(tab, fnd) à NoneThis function has two parameters, both are lists. The first one is the source Tableaucolumn (i.e. from which you are moving a card) and the second parameter is thedestination Foundation pile. This function moves a single card and this function callsvalid_fnd_move() to decide if a movement is valid or not. If there is an invalidmove, it will raise a RuntimeError exception. This function returns nothing. When auser enters a tf x y command, this function will be used. You can only move a faceupcard. When you move a card from Tableau to Foundation, if the “next” card on thatTableau column exists and is face down, it needs to be flipped.6. This function below will implement a movement of a card (a set of cards) from oneTableau column to another Tableau column:tableau_to_tableau(tab1, tab2, n) à NoneThis function has three parameters, first two are lists and the third is an integer. Thefirst one is the Tableau column from which you are moving a card (a set of cards) fromand the second parameter is the destination Tableau pile. This function moves n (n >=1) number of cards and this function calls valid_tab_move() to decide if such amovement is valid or not. If there is an invalid move, it will raise a RuntimeErrorexception. This function returns nothing. When a user enters a tt x y n, thisfunction will be used. You can only move a face-up card (or a set of cards). When youmove a card (or a set of cards) from source Tableau to destination Tableau column, ifthe “next” card on the source Tableau column exists and is face down, it needs to beflipped.7. This function below will implement a movement of a card from Waste to Foundation:waste_to_foundation(waste, fnd, stock) à NoneThis function has three parameters, all of them are lists. The first one is the Waste pilefrom which you are moving a card from; the second parameter is the destinationFoundation pile and the third parameter is the Stock pile (the Stock parameter is notneeded—a leftover from an earlier version). This function moves a single card and thisfunction calls valid_fnd_move() to decide if a movement is valid or not. If there isan invalid move, it will raise a RuntimeError exception. This function returnsnothing. This function only moves the top card from the Waste pile. When a user entersa wf x command, this function will be used.8. This function below will implement a movement of a card from Waste to Tableaucolumn:waste_to_tableau(waste, tab, stock) à NoneThis function has three parameters, all of them are lists. The first one is the Waste pilefrom which you are moving a card from; the second parameter is the destinationFoundation pile and the third parameter is the Stock pile (the Stock parameter is notneeded—a leftover from an earlier version). This function moves a single card and thisfunction calls valid_tab_move() to decide if a movement is valid or not. If there isan invalid move, it will raise a RuntimeError exception. This function returnsnothing. This function only moves the top card from the Waste pile. When a user entersa wt x command, this function will be used.9. This function will be used when user enters an sw command:stock_to_waste(stock, waste) à NoneThis function will move the top card from the Stock to Waste. If such movement is notpossible, it will raise a RuntimeError exception. This function returns nothing.10. This function will be used to decide if a game was won:is_winner(foundation) à True/FalseA game is a win if all the Foundation piles have 13 cards and the top card on each of thepile is a King. Or you can change this function to is_winner(tableau, stock,waste) and it will return True if all the Tableau columns are empty (and Stock andWaste are also empty). This function returns either True or False.Some Mandatory Stuff:1. The display_game() function must generate the output similar to the example.2. You must use the try-except block to handle errors (the only try-except blockneeded is included in the sample), each error message must explain exactly what type oferrors a user is making. There are many errors to consider—we do not enumerate themfor you. Please see the Bad Session example for this purpose.3. Use the RuntimeError’s custom message option to throw and handle errors (I didthis for all errors). You put the error message in quotes and when the exception iscaught in the main your message in quotes is passed as error_message in theexcept part and is then printed.if everything looks fine:do whatever necessaryelse:raise RuntimeError(“Error: invalid command because of …”)Assignment Notes and Tips:1. Before you begin to write any code, play with the game athttp://politaire.com/thumbandpouch and look over the sample interaction below to besure you understand the rules of the game and how you will simulate the game.2. We provide a module called cards.py that contains a Card class and a Deck class.Your program must use this module (import cards). You should also understandthis file line by line and do not modify this file!3. Laboratory Exercise #12 demonstrates how to use the cards module. Understandingthose programs should give you a good idea how you can use the module in your game.4. We have provided a framework named proj10.py to get you started. Using thisframework is mandatory. It runs as is, but does nothing useful. Gradually replace the“stub” code (marked with pass and comments) with your own code. (Delete the stubcode.) Modify and test functions one at a time—do not move on to a new function untilexisting functions are correct.5. Displaying the Tableau in columns is tricky. Start by implementing a very simple displayfunction: You can easily label and display the foundation on one line, and the tableauusing seven lines, with each line displaying the cards in a column. Once you have thegame logic working properly, modify your display function to display the current gamestate as described in the specification.6. TT command: Moving a pile of length n > 1 is harder than moving n = 1. First write yourcode to move exactly one card (n = 1). Once moving one card is working and the rest ofthe program is working, incorporate moving piles of length n > 1.7. The list pop() command is useful for this assignment (but its use is not required). Ifound extend() useful (in addition to append()).8. One thing that can help testing is to turn off shuffling when the game starts.9. For debugging it can be useful to start and quit the program so data structuresrepresenting Tableau, Foundation, Stock, and Waste are created. Then in the Pythonshell you can create individual cards and add them to your data structures. You canthen (also in the Python shell) call functions to test them individually:10. The coding standard for CSE 231 is posted on the course website:http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse231/General/coding.standard.htmlItems 1-9 of the Coding Standard will be enforced for this project.11. Your program should not use any global variables inside of functions. That is, allvariables used in a function body must belong to the function’s local name space. Theonly global references will be to functions and constants.12. Your program must contain the functions listed in the previous sections; you maydevelop additional functions, as appropriate.Sample Output:Because the interactions are lengthy, they are saved in separate files; they are available on theproject folder. They are partial games—neither goes to completion.1. good-session.txt: an example game session with few errors. A modified cards.pyfile is used with shuffle turned off so the game is played the same way each time. Also,a specific set of cards is used when creating a deck. That special cards file is namedcards1.py.2. bad-session.txt: an example game session demonstrating more error messages.These are plain text files, please use notepad/wordpad (textedit in osx) to open them.========================================Educational ResearchWhen you have completed the project insert the 5-line comment specified below.For each of the following statements, please respond with how much they apply to your experiencecompleting the programming project, on the following scale:1 = Strongly disagree / Not true of me at all234 = Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat true of me567 = Strongly agree / Extremely true of me***Please note that your responses to these questions will not affect your project grade, so pleaseanswer as honestly as possible.***Q1: Upon completing the project, I felt proud/accomplishedQ2: While working on the project, I often felt frustrated/annoyedQ3: While working on the project, I felt inadequate/stupidQ4: Considering the difficulty of this course, the teacher, and my skills, I think I will do well in thiscourse.Please insert your answers into the bottom of your project program as a comment, formatted exactly asfollows (so we can write a program to extract them).# Questions# Q1: 5# Q2: 3# Q3: 4# Q4: 6


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[Solved] Project 10: Thumb and Pouch Solitaire
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