[Solved] Databas_Discussion board1-11


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Week 1 Discussion

Business Rules in Data Modeling Please respond to the following:

Per the text, when databases are developed, they are modeled around business rules, so they accurately support a business function or operation.

Based on your experiences, identify one (1) example of a business function / operation. Explain the business function / operation in the context of business data models.

Identify the business rules associated with your selected business function / operation. Explain the manner in which such business rules would impact the design of a database.

Explain at least one (1) way in which the business function or operation would be affected if these business rules were not adhered to in the development of the database.

Week 2 Discussion

Relational Database Model Please respond to the following:

In the Week 1 discussion, you identified one (1) example of a business function or operation and the business rules associated with that business function / operation. You will build upon that discussion as you describe the main entities or objects of that business function / operation in question, as well as the manner in which they relate to one another.

Describe the main entities or objects of the business function / operation. Specify the attribute that would be the primary key for each entity, and provide a rationale for why you selected such an attribute.

Determine whether the relationships between each of the chosen entities are one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships. Justify your response.

Explain the key manner in which the business function / operation and the business rules associated with that business function / operation support the relationships mentioned above. Also, explain the fundamental ways in which the relationships could change, based on the interpretation of the given business rules.

Week 3 DiscussionCollapseEntity Relationship Modeling Please respond to the following:

As explained throughout this course, entity relationship modeling is a critical element of database design. If the database is not properly modeled, it is unlikely that the database will be properly developed. Using this knowledge, explain the key reasons why entity relationship modeling is important, and determine at least (1) way in which it impacts the overall development of the database.Analyze the key ways that entity relationship modeling helps database developers overcome potential design challenges and conflicting goals.For the database that you described in the Week 1 and Week 2 discussions, determine the major / minor challenges that might exist when you are creating an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for the business function / operation.

Week 4 DiscussionNormalization and Redundancy Please respond to the following:

Suggest one (1) of the problems that normalization seeks to solve within a database. Describe one (1) example of your suggested problem, and explain the overall benefit that normalization would provide. (Note: Your example can be hypothetical.)Identify the key determinants that could affect the degree of normalization of a database. Justify your response. Next, identify the aspects of the database design that can be denormalized. Explain the key ways in which the business rules support the degree of normalization and the elements that can be denormalized.

Week 5 DiscussionDatabase Design and Implementation Please respond to the following:

Now that you have learned the concepts of database models and you have practiced creating entity relationship diagrams, let us focus on the implementation of that design into a Database Management System (DBMS).Based on the example of the business function / operation that you described within the Weeks 1-3 discussions, describe the queries that you would need to create in order to support the business function / operation in question.Based on the database model described in the Week 2 and Week 3 discussions for your business function / operation, determine the major / minor issues that might arise when creating these queries.

Week 6 DiscussionDatabase Life Cycle Please respond to the following:

Per the text, the Database Life Cycle includes the Database Initial Study, Database Design, Implementation and Loading, Testing and Evaluation, Operation, and Maintenance and Evolution phases. However, the actual implementation of each of the phases will likely change, based on the size of the related organization or other organizational factors.Select one (1) phase of the Database Life Cycle, and describe the manner in which the chosen phase would change based on the size of the organization.

Using the same phase that you selected in Part 1 of this discussion, describe the manner in which the phase would change, based on the distribution of the organization and the associated distributed database design.

Week 7 Discussion

Transactions and Concurrency Control Please respond to the following:

Database management systems have evolved over the years to be able to perform multiple transactions and enable multiple users to access databases simultaneously. However, database management systems must be able to manage transactions from multiple users and avoid potential problems associated with transaction management.Select one (1) of the transaction management or concurrency control methods, and explain the primary manner in which the chosen method is used in database management systems. Describe the impact and alternative of not having the chosen method available to manage concurrency.Describe one (1) scenario in which the selected transaction management or concurrency control method is needed. Examine the significant ways in which business operations would have to change if concurrency management methods were not available.

Week 8 DiscussionBusiness Intelligence Please respond to the following:

It is common knowledge that in todays business environment, organizations must continually strive to achieve a competitive advantage. Likewise, they are reliant on large amounts of data to make their business decisions.From the e-Activity, explain the key way(s) in which your selected organization / agency uses business intelligence in order to gain a competitive advantage. Next, speculate on the technological limitations regarding data, software, and hardware that you believe might challenge your chosen organization / agency in the future. Provide a rationale for your response.

Week 9 DiscussionCloud Services Please respond to the following:

Many organizations are using cloud services to provide application and database services to their users and their customers.From the e-Activities, select one (1) organization that provides application or database support through cloud services. Explain the services that the organization provides through the cloud, and examine the business operation that is enhanced through providing these services through the cloudExplain the key ways in which the previously identified business operation would be impacted if the cloud did not provide these services. Next, explain at least two (2) advantages and at least two (2) disadvantages that the organization in question incurs by providing these services through the cloud. .

Week 10 Discussion

Data Information Decision Please respond to the following:With the obvious pace of current technology development, data continues to grow daily. Imagine that you are a Database Administrator for a large organization. Identify the primary decisions a Database Administrator must make in order to manage such data, maintain data integrity, and maintain a database at its most ideal level. Provide a rationale for your response.Suppose you are also in charge of securing your organizations data. Identify at least two (2) data security measures that you believe are necessary to prevent data security issues. Justify your response.

Week 11 DiscussionDatabase Trends Please respond to the following: Identify at least two (2) industries that are currently using common data exchange and data management trends. Rank the success of each implementation based on the ease of implementation, ease of use, and costs. Speculate the data exchange and data management trends that may take place in the next five to ten (5-10) years. Justify your response.


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[Solved] Databas_Discussion board1-11