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[SOLVED] Cse2050 homework 10: priority queue implementation


File Name: Cse2050_homework_10__priority_queue_implementation.zip
File Size: 471 KB

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You have been hired by a restaurant to create a program that manages reservations. The program should use a priority queue to keep track of customers in order of their reservation time. Each customer has a unique name. The customer also has reservation time, represented as a string in the format of HH:MM. For example, 09:25 has a higher priority than 10:30. The time is from 00:00 until 23:59.  So 16:30 is 4:30pm.  The program should have a menu-based interface (provided) that allows the user to choose from the six options listed below:




You should submit the following files:



An example of how the program should work starts on the following page.


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[SOLVED] Cse2050 homework 10: priority queue implementation