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[SOLVED] Lab Report 4 Litter Lab Presentation Rubric R


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Lab Report 4 Litter Lab – Presentation Rubric

TITLE SLIDE (5 pnts)

£ Contains a short, informative title

£ Identifies authors

£ Identifies course (ENS 201: Fundamentals of Environmental Science I)

£ Includes academic affiliation


£ Starts with a general introduction to the main topic.  This should answer the question “Why do we care about this?”  The information presented puts the study into a broader context.

£ Second slide clearly identifies the objectives and hypotheses (at least 3) of the study.

£ Time is 2-3 minutes (includes Title Slide).


£ Contains all relevant information to enable the reader to repeat the procedure

£ Contains a description of the study sites and photographs so that readers can locate them and understand how they differ

£ Contains a description of the assessment procedure used including the scoring system and how items were classified.

£ Routine procedures are not explained

£ No preview is given of how the data will be organized or interpreted

£ Time is 2-3 minutes.

RESULTS (25 pnts)

£ No explanation is given for the results

£ A minimum of three graphs is presented, with at least one additional finding that is not graphed presented (does not have to be graphed, but can be)

£ Some text is included that identify major findings off graphs (Results are not just a series of graphs)

£ All plots are complete, including axis labels, error bars, and any other information needed to understand the plot

£ Figures and/or Tables include informative title and can be understood apart from the text.

£ Time is 2-3 minutes.

DISCUSSION (15 pnts)

£ Results for each parameter are briefly restated and interpreted.  The interpretation should also include the identification of any sources of litter or other factors that may be influencing the parameters you measured.

£ An assessment of the overall condition of each site category is conducted.

£ Potential mitigative measures are identified that could improve the condition of the site categories.

£ Errors and inconsistencies are pointed out. Any sources of errors are explained and suggestions for future studies are included

£ Time is 2-3 minutes.


£ Thank anyone who helped with your study (group members, anyone who listens to you practice this talk).


£ Presenters speak clearly and at appropriate volume.

£ Presenters appear well-prepared (have rehearsed talk) and have a professional demeanor

£ Vocabulary used is appropriate and does not include too much scientific jargon or is not too conversational.

£ The slide background and color schemes are visually appealing but are not difficult to see/read and are not distracting.

£ Text is limited to key points listed as text bullets.

£ The use of animations is limited so as not to be distracting.

PEER REVIEW (10 pnts)

£ Average score from 0-10 from the other 3 members of your group for your contribution to the presentation.


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[SOLVED] Lab Report 4 Litter Lab Presentation Rubric R