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[SOLVED] IOM207 Individual Case Analysis AY 2024/25 C/C


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AY 2024/25

IOM207 Individual Case Analysis

The following case describes how a PhD student, called Fangxu, did some research. You need to analyze the case and answer the questions, which are listed at the end of the case. There are five questions, and the marks allocation and the expected maximal word count for the five questions are listed below.






Marks allocation






Expected word count






Please follow the requirements listed below when answering the questions:

1. Please submit your answer in a Word Document (.docx). The answer sheet template is in LMO. The file should be named as [Your Student ID_Your Full Name_IOM207_Individual CW.docx].

2. You must use appropriate in-text citations and references when answering Q3-Q5. Please cite the resources you use in an APA style. No in-text citations and references when answering Q3-Q5 means “Inadequate execution of the brief” and will induce a low score.

3. You must cite our mandatory textbook when answering Q3-Q5. No citations/references or inappropriate citations/references will cause mark deduction.

4. Your answer should mainly rely on the learning resources used in this module (e.g., lecture notes, the mandatory textbook, and optional textbooks).

5. Additional academic resources are encouraged.

6. Turnitin results will cause mark deductions only for extremely similar cases. The module leader and the examiner who marks the assignment will decide whether a suspicious case(s) constitutes academic misconduct. Turnitin system will exclude reference lists when checking the similarity rate.

7. Generative AI is not permitted for the individual assignment.

8. Please refer to the ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY to avoid any academic misconduct. For example, ask for detailed written feedback from lecturers and use it on your assignment before the submission deadline, which will be regarded as COLLUSION.

9. Please indicate the word account for each question at the end of your answer. Exceeding the word limit will cause a mark deduction. Reference will not be included in the word count.

10. Your answers are expected to be written in an academic style. with references in an APA style.


Fangxu was a full-time PhD student. He was starting his first year of study. The previous summer, he worked as an intern in the Human Resources department at the headquarters of a large Chinese bank. During his time as an intern, staff in the HR department discussed how several staff members were unhappy about the latest round of pay rises. More specifically, some employees questioned the procedures used to decide if a staff member should be given a pay rise. This was a problem for the bank, as those members of staff who had not received a pay rise felt they had been treated unfairly. This resulted in resentment amongst these staff members. The HR business press had also identified this issue, reporting similar problems in major Chinese corporations.

When Fangxu started his PhD, he began to examine the existing literature that examined the procedures used to determine pay raises and the circumstances under which staff may perceive that they have been treated unfairly. However, he was surprised to learn that very few academic papers even mentioned the topic and those that only mentioned it in relation to other concepts, such as employee turnover. Fangxu realized that the procedures used to determine pay raises and the circumstances around which employees may perceive that they have been treated unfairly represented a new area for academic research. In addition, Fangxu could not find an appropriate theory for studying this research topic.

After speaking with his supervisor, Fangxu decided to study pay rise procedures and the circumstances that lead to employees’ perceptions of unfairness. Fangxu and his supervisor also agreed that Grounded Theory would be the most appropriate qualitative research methodology for his research.

After working as an intern, Fangxu developed a few contacts at the bank. Therefore, he approached the head of Human Resources and asked if he could study pay rise procedures. Fangxu knew that the Head of Human Resources was concerned about the issue, and after a few weeks, he heard back from her, and she agreed to give Fangxu access to the company.

When Fangxu started his research, he used two forms of data collection. His primary source of data was from semi-structured interviews, where he interviewed employees who had and had not received pay raises. Additionally, staff members from the HR team who processed the applications were also interviewed. In keeping with the Grounded Theory methodology, Fangxu used ‘theoretical sampling.’ In addition, Fangxu was able to review HR documents related to pay raise applications and the official set of procedures used to determine pay raises.


1) What was the business problem that Fangxu wanted to examine?

2) What was the gap in the academic literature that provided Fangxu with his research topic?

3) What is Grounded Theory and why do you think Fangxu decided to choose Grounded Theory as his methodology?

4) Why did Fangxu use ‘theoretical sampling’ as part of his Grounded Theory research?

5) What are the advantages and disadvantages of conducting grounded theory research in the context of research that Fangxu has undertaken?


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[SOLVED] IOM207 Individual Case Analysis AY 2024/25 C/C