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[SOLVED] Cse 473/573 – computer vision and image processing project 1


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1.1 Goals
The goal of this task is to implement an optical character recognition system. You will experiment
with connected component and matching algorithms and your goal is both detection and recognition
of various characters.The first input will be a directory with an arbitrary number of target characters as individual
image files. Each will represent a character to recognize in the from of a ”template”. Code will
be provided to read these images into an array of matrices. You will need to enroll them in your
system by extracting appropriate features.The second input will be a gray scale test image containing characters to recognize. The input
image will have characters that are darker than the background. The background will be defined
by the color that is touching the boundary of the image. All characters will be separated from each
other by at least one background pixel but may have different gray levels.1.2 Implementation
The OCR system will contain three parts, Enrollment, Detection and Recognition.
1. Enrollment
• Code will be provided to read in a set of test images from a provided directory• You process an enrollment set of target characters from the provided directory and
generate features for each suitable for classification/recognition in Part 3 (Recognition).
• You may store these features in any way you want to in an intermediate file, that is read
in by the recognizer. The file you store should NOT be the same as an image file. The
reason for the intermediate file is so you do not have to run enrollment every time you
want to run detection and recognition on a new image.• Rubric: 20 points – 10 points (code) and 10 points (features).• Code will be provided to read in a test image.
• Once you have read in the test image, you will need to use connected component labeling
(that you implement) to detect various candidate characters in the image.
• You should identify ALL possible candidates in the test image even if they do not appear
in the list of enrolled characters.• The characters can be between 1/2 and 2x the size of the enrolled images.
• Once you have detected the character positions, you are free to generate any features or
resize those areas of the image in any way you want in preparation for recognition.
• The detection results should be stored for output with the recognition results in part 3,
and should be in the original image coordinates.
• Rubric: 30 points – 10 points (code) and 20 points (evaluation)• Taking each of the candidate characters detected from previous part, and your features for
each of the enrolled characters, you are required to implement a recognition or matching
function that determines the identity of the character if it is in the enrollment set or
UNKNOWN if it is not.
• Rubric: 50 points – 10 points (code), 40 points (evaluation)1.3 Output
For the output, you are expected to generate an output file ‘results.json’. It will be a list with each
entry as {“bbox” : [x (integer), y (integer), w (integer), h (integer)],“name”: (string)} :
• x, y are the top-left coordinates of the detected character. Consider origin (0,0) to be the
top-left corner of the test image and x increases to the right and y increases to the bottom.
• the h is the height, and w is the width of detection (from part 2),
• matching enrollment character identify from part 3 (if any). Use “UNKNOWN” for characters
that are not in the enrollment set.The order of detected characters should follow English text reading pattern, i.e.,list should start
from top left, then move from left to right. After finishing the first line, go to the next line and
continue.Note that
• the final code should read target enrollment images from the directory “characters”, read the
file “test img” from the main directory, and write the output file“results.json” to the main
directory.• the size of the test characters MAY differ from the size of the enrollment images.
You also need to submit a report “report.pdf” (approximately 1 page) explaining how you
computed features, performed detection, and performed recognition.1.4 Evaluation
• For part 1 (20 points), computing appropriate features for the task would fetch you points.
• For part 2 (30 points), we will proportionately assign a score based on the number of characters
detected. A character is considered to be detected if more than 50% of the character is covered
by the bounding box.• For part 3 (50 points), The F1 measure is the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall, with
precision being the # of true positives / # one says are positive, and the recall is the # of true
positive / # of positives that exist. The F1 will be used as the metric. you can assume that
if you get an F1 measure > 0.6 you will get full credit. Note that “UNKNOWN” detections
will not be counted towards f1 score.• Irrespective of the F1 score, using template matching without generating features would result
in a maximum of 90 points for the project.• We have provided “groundtruth.json” for the data in “data” folder. You may use it to compute
F1 score with ‘evaluate.py’. However, for final evaluation, we will use similar but different
test image and character group (i.e., English alphabets and numbers).2 Project Guidelines and Submission
• Do not modify the code provided.
• All work should be your own. You are not permitted to copy code from the internet.
• You are free to use any opencv (cv2 version 3.4.5 ONLY) and numpy (np) function for generating features. For other parts of your code (especially connected components and template matching), you cannot use any API provided by opencv (cv2) and numpy (np) (except “np.sqrt()”, “np.zeros()”, “np.ones()”, “np.multiply()”, “np.divide()”, “cv2.imread()”,
“cv2.imshow()”, “cv2.imwrite()”, “cv2.resize()”, any basic “cv2” and “np” API).• You may use opencv version 3.4.5 ONLY, no other versions• Do not import any additional libraries (function, module, etc.) except native Python packages,
e.g., pdb, os, sys.• Compress the python files, i.e., “task1.py”, “data” folder, features folder (from part 1), “results.json” and “report.pdf”, into a zip file, name it as “UBID.zip” (replace “UBID” with
your eight-digit UBID, e.g., 50305566) and upload it to UBLearns before the due date.• Late submission guidelines apply for this project.
• Not following the project guidelines may result in penalty.


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[SOLVED] Cse 473/573 – computer vision and image processing project 1