Welcome to Operating Systems Assignment 2. We have implemented a shell. Now we are in our paging era.We provide starter code for this assignment which contains our solution for Assignment 1 as well as additional changes listed below. Note: If you have made improvements to the shell you made for Assignment 1, e.g., by adding additional commands (for the optional components), then you may wish to port those changes to our new starter code.You don’t have to, of course. But it would be a bit sad to have done that extra work and then just discard it! Changes in new template code A round-robin scheduler has been added to the shell which allows several scripts to be executed in a round-robin fashion. To execute several scripts in this manner, a new command exec has been added. exec takes up to three files as arguments (e.g., exec prog1 prog2 prog3, where progN are text files containing script commands).Then the scheduler will execute one command from each progN file at a time, until all commands in those files have been executed. Here are some notes on our implementation: • When exec is executed, the contents of each specified script file will be read and fully loaded into the shell memory. • A Process Control Block (PCB) for each script file will be created to represent the script’s process. Each PCB will store the process PID (unique to each process), the location in shell memory where the file contents of the script was stored, and the current instruction of the script to execute (i.e., the program counter). • A ready queue is used to store the PCBs of the running processes.It is implemented as a linked list. Each element in the queue has a next pointer which points to the next PCB in the ready queue. The queue also has a head pointer to point to the first PCB in the queue. • The scheduler runs the process at the head of the ready queue by sending its current instruction to the interpreter. • After the instruction is done, the scheduler switches to a different process according to the scheduling policy. It updates the ready queue according to said policy and then executes the current instruction of the next head process. • When a process is done executing, its source code is removed from the shell memory.Here is an example. Given the following three files: prog1_pdf echo helloP1 set x 10 echo $x echo byeP1 prog2_pdf echo helloP2 set y 20 echo $y print y echo byeP2 prog3_pdf echo helloP3 set z 30 echo byeP3 we can run them concurrently using the following commands, and get the following output, assuming that the round-robin scheduler runs with a time slice/quantum of 2 (i.e., two instructions per process before switching): $ exec prog1_pdf prog2_pdf prog3_pdf helloP1 helloP2 helloP3 10 byeP1 20 20 byeP3 byeP2 $ Specifically, the following files were added to the template code: • pcb.c and pcb.h to implement the Process Control Blocks• ready_queue.c and ready_queue.h to implement the ready queue • kernel.c and kernel.h to implement scheduling and process creation And the following files were modified: • interpreter.c and interpreter.h: to add the exec command and update the run command implementation, and miscellaneous error handling improvements • shellmemory.c and shellmemory.h: to implement loading the script files into shell memory • shell.c and shell.h: small miscellaneous changes • Makefile: to add the new files. As before, to compile your code, you will run make clean; make myshell in the Docker container as detailed earlier in this PDF. Also like the last assignment, to run your shell, you can either run in interactive mode(by typing ./myshell at the prompt), or in batch mode, by making a file of commands and then typing ./myshell < commands.txt. We will be using the latter mode to test your code. We encourage you to compile the starter code now and play around a bit with the exec command so that you understand how it works before continuing to read this PDF. You are going to need to have to modify our implementation, so part of this assignment is to understand the existing code given to you. As always, if you have troubles with this part after spending some time on it, feel free to come to see us in office hours or post on Ed to obtain clarifications.Your tasks for this assignment are as follows: 1. Implement a paging system. 2. Implement a demand paging system. 3. Implement the LRU page replacement policy in demand paging. On a high level, in this assignment we will allow programs larger than the shell memory size to be run by our OS. We will split the program into pages; only the necessary pages will be loaded into memory and old pages will be switched out when the shell memory gets full. Programs executed through both the run and exec commands will need to use paging.Details on the behavior of your memory manager follow in the rest of this section. We will make recommendations, but you have full freedom for your implementation, as long as it complies with all instructions and edge cases that we specify below. For each sub-part below, we also note how (relatively) lengthly it may take you to accomplish it, by indicating (Short), (Medium) or (Long). If you find that you are taking a very long time on a short part, then it may be helpful to rethink your implementation and possibly seek advice in office hours/Ed as there could be a much easier way to solve it.Note however that these notes are only our best approximations and we do not attach fixed amounts, but only specify them for a relative comparison. Also, a reminder that we will be having a lab on this assignment on Wednesday, February 14 (see our Ed post for details). You are strongly encouraged to attend the lab or watch the recording afterwards as it will go through some helpful tips for getting started with the assignment.We will start by building the basic paging infrastructure. For this intermediate step, you will modify the run and exec commands to use paging. Note that, even if this step is completed successfully, you will see no difference in output compared to the run/exec commands in the provided template code. However, this step is crucial, as it sets up the scaffolding for demand paging in the following section. As a reminder, the run command is specified as follows: run SCRIPT.txt: Executes the commands in the file SCRIPT.txt in the current directory run assumes that a file with the given name exists in the current directory. It opens that file and sends each line one at a time to the interpreter.The interpreter treats each line of text as a command. At the end of the script, the file is closed, and the command line prompt is displayed. And the exec command specification is as follows: exec prog1 prog2 prog3 (where prog3 or prog2 prog3 may be omitted). Note that the same script may be passed twice (e.g., exec prog1 prog1 is valid). Also, note that we will not test recursive exec calls.You will need to do the following to implement the paging infrastructure.1. (Short) Set up the (empty) backing store for paging. A backing store is the part of the hard drive that is used by a paging system to store information not currently in main memory. In this assignment, we will represent the backing store as a directory. • An empty backing store directory should be created when the shell is initialized. It should be created inside the current directory. In case the backing store directory is already present (e.g., because of an abnormal shell termination), then the initialization should remove all contents in the backing store. • The backing store should be deleted upon exiting the shell with the quit command. (Note: If the shell terminates abnormally without using quit then the backing store may still be present.)2. (Medium) Partition the shell memory. The shell memory should be split into two parts: • Frame store. A part that is reserved to load pages into the shell memory. The total lines in the frame store will be a multiple of the size of a single frame. In this assignment, each page (and thus frame) will have three lines, so the total lines in the frame store will be a multiple of three. • Variable store. A part that is reserved to store variables.To accomplish this you will need to modify the current shell memory implementation. Note that you are free to implement these two memory parts as you wish. For instance, you can opt to maintain two different data structures, one for loading pages and one for keeping track of variables. Alternatively, you can keep track of everything (pages + variables) in one data structure and keep track of the separation via the OS memory indices (e.g., you can have a convention that the last X lines of the memory are used for tracking variables). For now, the sizes of the frame store and variable store can be static. We will dynamically set their sizes at compile time in the next section.3. (Short) Add a shell command resetmem. This command will take no arguments. It will clear the entirety of the variable store, setting all values to default (the string “none”). Note that it will not modify the frame store. 4. (Medium) Load scripts into the backing store and frame store when run or exec is called. The shell will load script(s) as follows. • The script(s) are copied as files into the backing store.The original script files (in the current directory) are closed, and the files in the backing store are opened. (Thus, if exec has identical arguments, then the same program will be copied into the backing store multiple times, and each copy will be its own process with its own PCB.) • Then, all the pages for each program should be loaded from the backing store into the frame store. (This will change in the next section.) Unlike in the starter code, where scripts were loaded contiguously into the shell memory, in your implementation the pages do not need to be contiguously loaded. (See example on next page.) • When a page is loaded into the frame store, it must be placed in the first free spot (i.e., the first available hole).For example, assume you have two programs that each have six lines. Since each frame will store three lines, you will thus have two pages per program, which do not have to be contiguous in the frame store: 0 prog2-page0 1 prog2-page0 2 prog2-page0 3 prog1-page0 4 prog1-page0 5 prog1-page0 6 prog2-page1 7 prog2-page1 8 prog2-page1 9 prog1-page1 10 prog1-page1 11 prog1-page1 12 5. (Long) Create the page table. You must extend the PCB data structure to include a page table. Each process will have its own page table. The page table will keep track of the loaded pages for that process, and their corresponding frames in memory.You are free to implement the page table however you wish. One possible implementation is creating an array for the page table, where the values stored in each cell of the array represent the frame number in the frame store. For instance, in the example above with the two programs of six lines each, the page tables would be: Prog 1: pagetable[0] = 1 // frame 1 starts at line 3 in the frame store pagetable[1] = 3 // frame 3 starts at line 9 in the frame store Prog 2: pagetable[0] = 0 // frame 0 starts at line 0 in the frame store pagetable[1] = 2 // frame 2 starts at line 6 in the frame store Note that you will also need to modify the program counter to be able to navigate through the frames correctly. For instance, to execute prog 1, the PC needs to make the transitions between the 2 frames correctly, accessing lines: 3,4,5,9,10,11. Assumptions: • The frame store is large enough to hold all the pages for all the programs. (We will modify this assumption in part 2 below.)• The variable store has at least 10 entries. • An exec/run command will not allocate more variables than the size of the variable store. • Each command (line) in the scripts will not be larger than a shell memory line (i.e., 100 characters in the reference implementation). • A one-liner is considered as multiple commands. If everything is correct so far, your run/exec commands should have the same behavior as in the template code. We include some examples with the template code that you can use to make sure your code works properly.We are now ready to add demand paging to our shell. In the section above, we assumed that all pages of all programs fit in the shell memory’s frame store. Now, we will remove this assumption, as follows: 1. (Short) Set the sizes for the frame store and variable store as macros. As you may know, when compiling with GCC, we can pass the -D flag followed by name=value. This flag will have the effect of replacing all occurrences of name in your compiled executable with the value value. We will use this flag to set the size of our frame store and variable store as follows.• Update your Makefile to add -D name=value flags to the gcc command for the two sizes. Use “framesize” and “varmemsize” for the two names. • Do not specify the values inside the Makefile. Instead, we will specify the values as an argument to make. By running make xval=42, the variable xval can be accessed inside the Makefile by writing $(xval). Use this approach to specify the values for the two sizes. For example, you might call make like this: make xval=42 And in your Makefile you might have: gcc -D XVAL=$(xval) -c test.c Then, in your C code, the term XVAL will be replaced by 42. E.g.: for the line int x = XVAL;, x will be set to 42. • Using the technique described above, your shell will be compiled by running make myshell framesize=X varmemsize=Y where X and Y represent the number of lines in the frame store and in the variable store.You can assume that X will always be a multiple of 3 in our tests and that X will be large enough to hold at least 2 frames for each script in the test. The name of the executable remains myshell. • Include an extra printout in your shell welcome message as follows (on the line right after “Shell v2”: “Frame Store Size = X; Variable Store Size = Y” where X and Y are the values passed to make from the command line. Please make sure your program compiles this way and that the memory sizes are adjusted. 2. (Medium) Load only part of each script into memory when run or exec is called. In the previous section, we loaded the entirety of each script into the frame store.Here, we will modify our approach to load pages into the frame store dynamically, as they become necessary. We will begin by modifying the shell behaviour when a run or exec is called. • In the beginning of the run/exec commands, only the first two pages of each program should be loaded into the frame store. A page consists of 3 lines of code. In case the program is smaller than 3 lines of code, only one page is loaded into the frame store. Each page is loaded into the first available hole. The programs should then start executing normally, according to the round-robin scheduling policy with time slice of two lines of code.3. (Long) Handle page faults. Since not all pages of a program may be in memory, there may come a point where a program needs to execute the next line of code that resides in a page which is not yet in memory. This situation is known as a page fault, and you will deal with it as follows: • The current process P is interrupted and placed at the back of the ready queue, even if it may still have code lines left in its “time slice.” The scheduler selects the next process to run from the ready queue.• The missing page for process P is brought into the frame store from the file in the backing store. P’s page table needs to be updated accordingly. The new page is loaded into the first free slot in the frame store if a free slot exists in the frame store. • If the frame store is full, we need to pick a victim frame to evict from the frame store. For now, pick a random frame in the frame store and evict it. (We will improve on this policy in part 3 of the assignment.)Do not forget to update P’s page table. Upon eviction, print the following to the terminal: “Page fault! Victim page contents:” “End of victim page contents.” • P will resume running whenever it comes next in the ready queue, according to the scheduling policy. • When a process terminates, you should not clean up its corresponding pages in the frame store.Note that because the scripting language is very simple, the pages can be loaded into the shell memory in order (i.e., for a program, you can assume that you will first load page 1, then pages 2, 3, 4 etc.). This greatly simplifies the implementation, but be aware that real paging systems also account for loops, jumps in the code, etc. Also, note that if the next page is already loaded in memory, there is no page fault. The execution simply continues with the instruction from the next page, if the current process still has remaining lines in its “time slice”.The final piece is adjusting the page replacement policy to Least Recently Used (LRU). As seen in class, you will need to keep track of the least recently used frame in the entire frame store and evict it. Note that, with this policy, a page fault generated by process P1 may cause the eviction of a page belonging to process P2.(Optional) Part 4 The following sub-parts are not worth any marks and will not be graded. However, if you pass the tests for this part, you will be awarded the specified number of COMP310COIN. Note: For those working with a partner, you will split the coins with your partner. However, your leaderboard score will appear as if you had each obtained the full amount. 500 coins In the given template code, there is a bug that occurs for certain inputs. If you fix the bug and pass the corresponding (optional) test on submission of your code, you will be automatically awarded 500 coins.1000 coins Compare the number of page faults of selected programs under the Random and LRU page replacement policies. Analyze how the page fault rate varies based on program characteristics. Include your analysis in the README.md file (see below). 1000 coins Add another page replacement policy. Do not use random (since that what we implemented in Part 3). Instead, you could try FIFO (First In First Out) or another of your choice. Also, add a new shell command pagepolicy policyname. It will switch the current page replacement policy to the given policy.2500 coins For the additional policy mentioned in the above bullet point, choose the EELRU page replacement policy, which is a paper that students are presenting the week of February 12. You can find the paper link in the presentations spreadsheet on myCourses and/or come to one of our presentation sessions that week to learn more about it.README Finally, add a README.md file into the same folder as your code files. In this file, state your name(s) and McGill ID(s), any comments you would like the TA to see, and whether you have implemented any optional parts, and if so, which parts, so that the TA will know to check for this.
Assignment, COMP, solved
[SOLVED] Comp 310 assignment 2
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