At the completion of this project, you should be able to:
o Implement a method to generate all permutations of a set of numbers.
o Trace a Hamiltonian path through an undirected graph.
o Use brute force to find the minimum cost solution to a Traveling Salesperson
Problem.o A Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) is an NP-complete problem. A salesman
is given a list of cities and a cost to travel between each pair of cities (or a list of
city locations). The salesman must select a starting city and visit each city exactly
one time and return to the starting city. His problem is to find the route (also
known as a Hamiltonian Cycle) that will have the lowest cost. (See for more info)• Problem
o You will be expected to use brute force to calculate the minimum cost paths for a
series of problems.
o Data for each problem will be supplied in a .tsp file (a plain text file).
• Hints
o Be careful of exponential explosion. 10 cities will have over 3 million possible
o The largest data set will be 12 cities.
o I strongly urge you to create reusable code. It will be needed for the future
projects.o In the future projects, we will be dealing with MUCH larger datasets. So large
that brute force approach would not be possible.• Deliverables
o Project report (2-3 pages). Describe how you generated the permutations
representing the tours. Show the route and the cost of the optimal tour for each
provided dataset.o Well-commented source code for your project (You can use any language you
like, but I reserve the right to ask you to demo performance of your algorithm on
a new dataset).o You don’t have to include a GUI with visual representation of the solutions for
this project, but it might be useful for your future TSP related projects in this
course.Data Format: You can read about standard TSP problem files here:
Data files for development and testing of your code will be generated using Concorde:
Sample data file with 7 cities:
NAME: concorde7
COMMENT: Generated by CCutil_writetsplib
COMMENT: Write called for by Concorde GUI
1 87.951292 2.658162
2 33.466597 66.682943
3 91.778314 53.807184
4 20.526749 47.633290
5 9.006012 81.185339
6 20.032350 2.761925
7 77.181310 31.922361
Distance Formula:
Brute, CECS‐545, Force, Problem, Project, Salesperson, solved, Travelling
[SOLVED] Cecs‐545 project 1: travelling salesperson problem ‐ brute force
File Name: Cecs‐545_project_1:_travelling_salesperson_problem_‐
File Size: 640.56 KB
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