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[SOLVED] Cecs 220 assignment 5 1. (20 points) solve the following problem (ch. 11). write a program to enter employee data


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1. (20 points) Solve the following problem (Ch. 11).
Write a program to enter employee data including his or her name, Social Security number, and salary,
into an array.The maximum number of employees is 100, but your program should also work for any
number of employees less than 100. Your program should use two exception classes, one for the case
when the Social Security number length is not exactly nine characters (without dashes or spaces), and
another when the Social Security number includes any character that is not a digit, as defined below.(a) Create a class called Employee which has three instance variables, Name, Salary, and SSNumber.
The Employee class has one constructor that accepts values for initializing the Name, Salary, and
SSNumber. Include accessor methods, mutator methods, equals method and toString method. The
constructor method, or the mutator method for the SSNumber, should throw exceptions when a
Social Security number does not satisfy the required format. The equals method returns true if the
two employee objects have either the same name or the same Social Security number, and false
otherwise.(b) Define two exception classes. One is called SSNLengthException, for the case when the Social
Security number entered without dashes or spaces is not exactly nine characters. The other is called
SSNCharacterException, for the case when any character in the Social Security number is not a
digit. The two exception classes should display appropriate messages, when they are thrown, telling
the user what has been entered and why they were not appropriate.Write a client class, called EmplyeeBuilder, that builds a list of Employee objects, using an array of
maximum size of 100. The client allows a user to enter values for an employee. The client class catches
and handles the exceptions if they are thrown due to creating unacceptable Employee object that does
not satisfy the Social Security number format. Besides, the program should not allow two employees
of the same name or Social Number to be added to the built list of Employee objects. No employee
record should be added to the list if it does not satisfy the conditions. After all data has been entered,
your program should display the records for all employees, with an annotation stating whether the
employee’s salary is above or below average.2. (10 points, optional bonus problem) Write a JavaFX application that calculates the registration fees
for a conference. The general conference fee is $800 per person, and student registration is $450 per
person. There is also an optional opening night dinner with a keynote speech for $30 per person. In
addition, the optional preconference workshops listed below are available.Workshop Fee
Introduction to E-commerce $350
The Future of Web $300
Advanced Java Programming $400
Network Security $450The application should allow the user to select the registration type using two radio buttons, the optional
opening night dinner using a check box, and one preconference workshop as desired using either a
choice box, a spinner, or a list view. The total cost should be displayed on the screen window.Submission Requirements:
Your presentation in your report reflects great deal about you, your understanding of the assignment and
on how much this course means to you. I try very hard to look at the substance of the report but I will be
lying if I said that presentation does not influence my judgment. So, I expect your reports to be well
organized and conform to the following rules:All reports must be submitted in PDF format. Each assignment should contain the following:
1. Title page with your name, assignment number and the day you are actually submitting this report (Not
the assignment due date).2. A brief description of your solution of each problem of the assignment separately, you can also explain
your solution using a pseudocode. Number your descriptions according to the problem numbers.
3. A comprehensive set of snapshots showing the inputs submitted, outputs obtained in the case of a
successful output or a failure, including required output formatting, prompts, and messages.
4. Java source files that contain your solutions. It must be a “*.java” file. Source programs should contain
meaningful comments and variable names.5. Please zip both the PDF document with the source code and submit one zipped file. Please name your
zipped file as “HWx_firstname_lastname.zzz”. Where, “firstname” and “lastname” refer to your first
and last names, “x” refers to the homework number (e.g., 1, 2, etc), “zzz” refers to the file name
extension for the software used for archiving.6. Submissions after the due date are accepted with a penalty of 25% per day (weekend days are
counted as one-day delay).
Grading Table Summary
Problem Item PointsProblem 1
(20 points)
Report (Description of solution, and pseudocode) 2.0
Output snapshots (input/output, formatting) 1.0
Java Source Code
Exception classes 1.0
Employee Class 9.0
EmployeeBuilder Class 7.0
Problem 2
(10 points)
Report (Description of solution) 1
Output snapshots (input/output, formatting) 1
Java Source Code
Correct implementation satisfying
Total 30


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[SOLVED] Cecs 220 assignment 5 1. (20 points) solve the following problem (ch. 11). write a program to enter employee data