[SOLVED] CS 505 Homework 04: Classification


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CS 505 Homework 04: Classification

Due Friday 10/27 at midnight (1 minute after 11 59 pm) in Gradescope (with a grace period of 6 hours)

You may submit the homework up to 24 hours late (with the same grace period) for a penalty of 10%.

All homeworks will be scored with a maximum of 100 points; point values are given for individual problems, and if parts of problems do not have point values given, they will be counted equally toward the total for that problem.

Note: I strongly recommend you work in Google Colab (the free version) to complete homeworks in this class; in addition to (probably) being faster than your laptop, all the necessary libraries will already be available to you, and you dont have to hassle with

conda , pip , etc. and resolving problems when the install doesnt work. But it is up to you! You should go through the necessary tutorials listed on the web site concerning Colab and storing files on a Google Drive. And of course, Dr. Google is always ready to help you resolve your problems.

I will post a walkthrough video ASAP on my Youtube Channel.

Submission Instructions

You must complete the homework by editing this notebook and submitting the following two files in Gradescope by the due date and time:

image A file HW04.ipynb (be sure to select Kernel -> Restart and Run All

before you submit, to make sure everything works); and image A file HW04.pdf created from the previous.

For best results obtaining a clean PDF file on the Mac, select File -> Print

Review from the Jupyter window, then choose File-> Print in your browser and then Save as PDF . Something similar should be possible on a Windows machine just make sure it is readable and no cell contents have been cut off. Make it easy to grade!

The date and time of your submission is the last file you submitted, so if your IPYNB file is submitted on time, but your PDF is late, then your submission is late.

Collaborators (5 pts)

Describe briefly but precisely

. Any persons you discussed this homework with and the nature of the discussion;

. Any online resources you consulted and what information you got from those resources; and

. Any AI agents (such as chatGPT or CoPilot) or other applications you used to complete the homework, and the nature of the help you received.

A few brief sentences is all that I am looking for here.

I learned about the process of word segmentation and model training from the documents of pytorch and spacy, and the usage methods of relevant machine learning models from the documents of sklearn.

import math

import numpy as np

from numpy.random import shuffle, seed, choice

from tqdm import tqdm

from collections import defaultdict, Counter

import pandas as pd

import re

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import torch

from torch.utils.data import Dataset,DataLoader

import torch.nn.functional as F

from torch.utils.data import random_split,Dataset,DataLoader

from torchvision import datasets, transforms

from torch import nn, optim

from torchvision.datasets import MNIST

import torchvision.transforms as T

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer

In [15]:

Problem One: Exploring Shakespeares Plays with PCA (45 pts)

In this problem, we will use Principal Components Analysis to look at Shakespeares plays, as we discussed with a very different play/movie in lecture. Along the way, we

shall use the tokenizer and the TFIDF vectorizer from sklearn, a common machine learning library.

Note: There is a library for text analysis in Pytorch called Torchtext , however, in my view this will less welldeveloped and less wellsupported than the rest of Pytorch, so we shall use sklearn for this problem.

Part A: Reading and exploring the data (5 pts)

The cells below read in three files and convert them to numpy arrays (I prefer to work with the arrays rather than with pandas functions, but it is your choice).

. The file shakespeare_plays.csv contains lines from William Shakespeareʼs plays. The second column of the file contains the name of

the play, the third the name of the player (or the indication <Stage Direction> , and the fourth the line spoken.

. The file play_attributes.csv stores the genres and chronology of Shakepeares plays; the first column is the name of the play, the second the genre, and the third its order in a chronological listing of when it was first performed. The plays are in the same (arbitrary) order as in the first file.

. The file player_genders.csv stores the name of a major character (defined somewhat arbitrarily as one whose total lines contain more than 1400 characters) in the first column and their gender in the second.

For each of the arrays, print out the the shape and the first line.

In [16]:

plays_array = pd.read_csv(‘https://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/snyder/cs505/shakespear print(plays_array.shape, plays_array[0])

player_genders_array = pd.read_csv(‘https://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/snyder/cs505/p print(player_genders_array.shape, player_genders_array[0])

play_attributes_array = pd.read_csv(‘https://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/snyder/cs505/ print(play_attributes_array.shape, play_attributes_array[0])

(111582, 4) [1 ‘Henry IV Part 1’ ‘<Stage Direction>’ ‘ACT I’]

(398, 2) [‘AARON’ ‘male’]

(36, 3) [‘Henry IV Part 1’ ‘History’ 15]

Part B: Visualizing the Plays (8 pts)

. Create an array containing 36 strings, each being the concatenation of all lines spoken. Be sure to NOT include stage directions! You may wish to create an appropriate dictionary as an intermediate step.

. Create a documentterm matrix where each row represents a play and each column represents a term used in that play. Each entry in this matrix represents the number of times a particular word (defined by the column) occurs in a particular play (defined by the row). Use CountVectorizer in sklearn to create the matrix.

Keep the rows in the same order as in the original files in order to associate play names with terms correctly.

. From this matrix, use TruncatedSVD in sklearn to create a 2-dimensional representation of each play. Try to make it as similar as possible to the illustration below, including (i) appropriate title, (ii) names of each play, followed by its chronological order, and (iii) different colors for each genre. Use a figsize of

(8,8) and a fontsize of 6 to provide the best visibility. You can follow the tutorial here to create the visualization (look at the PCA part).

. Now do the same thing all over again, but with TFIDF counts (using

TFIDFVectorizer in sklearn ).

. Answer the following in a few sentences: What plays are similar to each other? Do they match the grouping of Shakespeareʼs plays into comedies, histories, and tragedies here? Which plays are outliers (separated from the others in the same genre)? Did one of TF or TFIDF provided the best insights?

In [94]:

genres_to_colors = {

“History”: “blue”,

“Comedy”: “green”,

“Tragedy”: “red”,


def visualize_pca_plays(reduced, title): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))


for i, (play, genre, _) in enumerate(play_attributes_array):

plt.plot(reduced[i][0], reduced[i][1], ‘o’, c=genres_to_colors[genr plt.text(reduced[i][0], reduced[i][1], play, fontdict={“fontsize”:


plays_to_lines = defaultdict(list)

for _, play, player, line in plays_array:

if player == “<Stage Direction>”:



strings = []

for play, _, _ in play_attributes_array:

strings.append(” “.join(plays_to_lines[play])) svd = TruncatedSVD()

cv = CountVectorizer()

doc_term_mat = cv.fit_transform(strings) reduced = svd.fit_transform(doc_term_mat)

visualize_pca_plays(reduced, “Shakespeare Plays Visualized with PCA (TF)”)

tfidf = TfidfVectorizer()

doc_term_mat = tfidf.fit_transform(strings) reduced = svd.fit_transform(doc_term_mat)

visualize_pca_plays(reduced, “Shakespeare Plays Visualized with PCA (TF-IDF)

Plays with the same genre are more similar. According to the results of PCA, samples with the same color (plays with the

same genre) have a more concentrated distribution on the two-

dimensional plane. The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Love’s Labours Lost are outliers. I think TF provided better insights than TF-IDF because, based on the results of PCA,

samples in the TF results are more distinctive.

Part C: Visualizing the Players (8 pts)

Now you must repeat this same kind of visualization, but instead of visualizing plays, you must visualize players. The process will be essentially the same, starting with an array of strings representing the lines spoken by each player. Use one of TF or TFIDF, and use different colors for the genders.

Use a figsize of (8,8) and a fontsize of 4 to make this a bit more visible.

Again, comment on what you observe (it will not be as satisfying as the previous part).

genders_to_colors = { “male”: “blue”,

“female”: “red”,


In [96]:

def visualize_pca_players(reduced, title): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))


for i, (player, gender) in enumerate(player_genders_array):

plt.plot(reduced[i][0], reduced[i][1], ‘o’, c=genders_to_colors[gen plt.text(reduced[i][0], reduced[i][1], player, fontdict={“fontsize”


players_to_lines = defaultdict(list)

for _, _, player, line in plays_array:

if player == “<Stage Direction>”:



strings = []

for player, _ in player_genders_array:

strings.append(” “.join(players_to_lines[player]))

doc_term_mat = tfidf.fit_transform(strings) reduced = svd.fit_transform(doc_term_mat)

visualize_pca_players(reduced, “Shakespeare Players Visualized with PCA (TF-

From the visualization results of PCA, it can be seen that

the red(female) and blue(male) samples are mixed together and

cannot be distinguished. So there is not much difference in lines between roles of different genders.

Part D: DIY Word Embeddings (8 pts)

In this part you will create a wordword matrix where each row (and each column) represents a word in the vocabulary. Each entry in this matrix represents the number of times a particular word (defined by the row) cooccurs with another word (defined by the column) in a sentence (i.e., line in plays ). Using the row word vectors, create a documentterm matrix which represents a play as the average of all the word vectors in the play.

Display the plays using TruncatedSVD as you did previously.

Again, comment on what you observe: how different is this from the first visualization? Notes:

. Remove punctuation marks . , ; : ? ! but leave single quotes.

. One way to proceed is to create a nested dictionary mapping each word to a dictionary of the frequency of words that occur in the same line, then from this to create the sparse matrix which is used to create the aerage documentterm matrix which is input to TruncatedSVD .

. If you have trouble with the amount of memory necessary, you may wish to eliminate stop words and then isolate some number (say, 5000) of the remaining most common words, and build your visualization on that instead of the complete vocabulary.

import nltk


from nltk.corpus import stopwords

stops = set(stopwords.words(‘english’))

dictionary = defaultdict(int)

for _, _, player, line in plays_array:

if player == “<Stage Direction>”:


words = line.split(” “)

words = list(filter(None, map(lambda x: re.sub(“[.,;:?!t
, “”, x)

for word in words:

dictionary[word] += 1 my_stops = set()

for word, count in dictionary.items():

if count > 3000:

my_stops.add(word) stops = stops | my_stops

vocab = set(dictionary.keys()) stops N = len(vocab)

In [ ]:

words_to_idx = {} all_lines = []

players_to_words = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))

for _, _, player, line in plays_array:

if player == “<Stage Direction>”:


words = line.split(” “)

words = list(filter(None, map(lambda x: re.sub(“[.,;:?!t
, “”, x) all_lines.append(words)

for word in words:

if word not in vocab:


players_to_words[player][word] += 1

for i, word in enumerate(vocab): words_to_idx[word] = i

word_word_mat = np.zeros((N, N))

for line in all_lines: n = len(line)

for i in range(n):

word_i = line[i]

if word_i not in vocab:


for j in range(i + 1, n): word_j = line[j]

if word_j not in vocab:


word_word_mat[words_to_idx[word_i]][words_to_idx[word_j]] += 1

doc_term_mat = []

for player, _ in player_genders_array: vec = np.zeros((N,))

words_to_nums = players_to_words[player] n = 0

for word, number in words_to_nums.items():

vec += word_word_mat[words_to_idx[word]] * number n += number

vec /= number


doc_term_mat = np.array(doc_term_mat)

reduced = svd.fit_transform(doc_term_mat)

visualize_pca_players(reduced, “Shakespeare Players Visualized with PCA (DIY

In [97]:

Compared to the first visualization result, the sample points are more concentrated on the two-dimensional plane, and there are several blue(male) samples being farther away from other samples.

Part E: Visualizing the Plays using Word2Vec Word Embeddings (8 pts)

Now we will do the play visualization using word embeddings created by Gensims

Word2Vec , which can create word embeddings just as you did in the previous part, but using better algorithms.

You can read about how to use Word2Vec and get template code here: https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/models/word2vec.html

I strongly recommend you follow the directions for creating the model, then using

KeyedVectors to avoid recomputing the model each time.

Experiment with the window (say 5) and the min_count (try in the range 1 5) parameters to get the best results.

Display the plays using PCA instead of TruncatedSVD .

Again, comment on what you observe: how different is this from the other visualizations?

from gensim.models import Word2Vec

model = Word2Vec(sentences=all_lines, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count= word_vectors = model.wv


In [91]:

from gensim.models import KeyedVectors

wv = KeyedVectors.load(“word2vec.wordvectors”, mmap=‘r’) plays_to_words = defaultdict(list)

for _, play, player, line in plays_array:

if player == “<Stage Direction>”:


words = line.split(” “)

words = list(filter(None, map(lambda x: re.sub(“[.,;:?!t
, “”, x) plays_to_words[play] += words

doc_term_mat = []

for play, _, _ in play_attributes_array:

doc_term_mat.append(np.average(np.array(list(map(lambda x: wv[x], plays_ doc_term_mat = np.array(doc_term_mat)

pca = PCA()


visualize_pca_plays(doc_term_mat, “Shakespeare Plays Visualized with PCA (Wo

In [95]:

Unlike the previous two results, in Word2Vec’s PCA results, blue sample points are distributed on the left and green

sample points are distributed on the right.

Part F: Visualizing the Players using Word2Vec Word Embeddings (8 pts)

Now you must repeat Part C, but using these Word2Vec embeddings. Use a figsize of (8,8) and a fontsize of 4 to make this a bit more visible.

Again, comment on what you observe. How is this different from what you saw in Part C?

doc_term_mat = []

for player, _ in player_genders_array: vec = 0

words_to_nums = players_to_words[player] n = 0

for word, number in words_to_nums.items(): vec = vec + wv[word] * number

n += number vec /= number


doc_term_mat = np.array(doc_term_mat)

In [99]:

reduced = svd.fit_transform(doc_term_mat)

visualize_pca_players(reduced, “Shakespeare Players Visualized with PCA (Wor

The PCA results of Word2Vec are basically consistent with DIY’s.

Problem Two: Classifying Text with a Feed-Forward Neural Network (50 pts)

In this problem, you must create a FFNN in Pytorch to classify emails from the Enron dataset as to whether they are spam or not spam (“ham“). For this problem, we will use

Glove pretrained embeddings. The dataset and the embeddings are in the following


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cHR4VJuuN2tEpSkT3bOaGkOJrvIVlSR? usp=sharing

(You can also download the embeddings yourself from the web; but the dataset is one created just for this problem.)

Part A: Prepare the Data (10 pts)

Compute the features of the emails (the vector of 100 floats input to the NN) vector based on the average value of the word vectors that belong to the words in it.

Just like the previous problem, we compute the representation of each message, i.e. the vector, by averaging word vectors; but this time, we are using Glove word embeddings instead. Specifically, we are using word embedding glove.6B.100d to obtain word vectors of each message, as long as the word is in the glove.6B.100dembedding space.

Here are the steps to follow:

. Have a basic idea of how Glove provides pretrained word embeddings (vectors).

. Download and extract word vectors from glove.6B.100d‘.

. Tokenize the messages ( spacy is a good choice) and compute the message vectors by averaging the vectors of words in the message. You will need to test if a word is in the model (e.g., something like if str(word) in glove_model … ) and ignore any words which have no embeddings.

Part B: Create the DataLoader (15 pts)

Now you must separate the data set into training, validation, and testing sets, and build a Dataset and DataLoader for each that can feed data to train your model with Pytorch.

Use a trainvalidationtest split of 80%-10%-10%. You can experiment with different batch sizes, starting with 64.


. Make sure   init ,   len and   getitem of the your defined dataset are implemented properly. In particular, the     getitem should return the specified message vector and its label.

. Dont compute the message vector when calling the   getite function, otherwise the training process will slow down A LOT. Calculate these in an array before creating the data loader in the next step.

. The data in the .csv is randomized, so you dont need to shuffle when doing the split.

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load(“en_core_web_sm”)

embeddings = {}

with open(“./glove.6B/glove.6B.100d.txt”, “r”) as f: lines = f.readlines()

for line in lines:

word_embedding = line.split(” “) word = word_embedding[0]

embedding = np.array(list(map(lambda x: float(x), word_embedding[1: embeddings[word] = embedding

class MyDataset(Dataset):

def     init    (self, file_path) -> None:

In [ ]:

df = pd.read_csv(file_path) self._raw_data = []

n = len(df)

for i in range(n):

message = df.iloc[i][“Message”] message = nlp(message)

word_vecs = []

for word in message:

if word.text in embeddings.keys():

word_vecs.append(embeddings[word.text]) vec = np.array(word_vecs)

vec = np.average(vec, axis=0)

self._raw_data.append((vec, df.iloc[i][“Spam”]))

def     len    (self) -> int:

return len(self._raw_data)

def     getitem    (self, index) -> tuple[str, int]:

return self._raw_data[index]

dataset = MyDataset(“./data_pa5/enron_spam_ham.csv”)

seed = 42

torch.manual_seed(seed) # PyTorch随机数种

np.random.seed(seed) # NumPy随机数种

batch_size = 64

trainset, devset, testset = random_split(dataset, [0.8, 0.1, 0.1], generator train_dataloader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=batch_size)

dev_dataloader = DataLoader(devset, batch_size=batch_size)

test_dataloader = DataLoader(testset, batch_size=batch_size)

In [123…

Part C: Build the neural net model (25 pts)

Once the data is ready, we need to design and implement our neural network model. The model does not need to be complicated. An example structure could be:

. linear layer 100 x 15

. ReLU activation layer

. linear layer 15 x 2

But feel free to test out other possible combinations of linear layers & activation function and whether they make significant difference to the model performance later.

In order to perform early stopping,” you must keep track of the best validation score as you go through the epochs, and save the best model generated so far; then use the model which existed when the validation score was at a minimum to do the testing. (This could also be the model which is deployed, although we wont worry about that.) Read about torch.save(…) and torch.load(…) to do this.

Experiment with different batch sizes and optimizers and learning rates to get the best validation score for the model you create with early stopping. (Try not to look too hard at the final accuracy!) Include your final performance charts (using

show_performance_curves ) when you submit.

Conclude with a brief analysis (a couple of sentences is fine) relating what experiments you did, and what choices of geometry, optimizer, learning rate, and batch size gave you the best results. It should not be hard to get well above 90% accuracy on the final test.

In [124…

class MyModel(nn.Module):

def     init    (self) -> None: super().    init    ()

self.classifier = nn.Sequential(

nn.Linear(100, 15, dtype=torch.float64), nn.ReLU(),

nn.Linear(15, 2, dtype=torch.float64), nn.Softmax()


def forward(self, x):

return self.classifier(x)

max_epoch = 100

model = MyModel()

optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3) loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

last_acc = 0

early_stop = 0

for i in range(max_epoch): model.train()

for batch in train_dataloader: optimizer.zero_grad()

x, y = batch

pred = model(x)

loss = loss_fn(pred, y) loss.backward()

optimizer.step() model.eval()

correct = 0

for batch in dev_dataloader: x, y = batch

pred = model(x)

pred = pred[:, 0] < .5

correct = correct + (pred == y).sum() acc = correct / len(devset)

acc = acc.item()

if acc < last_acc:

if last_acc acc < 0.0001: early_stop += 1

if early_stop == 5:



early_stop = 0


last_acc = acc

torch.save(model, “best_model.pt”)

model = torch.load(“best_model.pt”) model.eval()

correct = 0

for batch in test_dataloader: x, y = batch

pred = model(x)

pred = pred[:, 0] < .5

correct = correct + (pred == y).sum()

acc = correct / len(testset) acc = acc.item()

print(“Test set accuracy: “, acc)

Test set accuracy: 0.9562744498252869

batch size

learning rate











































The experiment involved testing different combinations of

batch sizes, learning rates, and optimizers to evaluate their impact on accuracy. Two optimizers, AdamW and SGD, were

compared across batch sizes of 64 and 128 and learning rates

ranging from 1e-5 to 1e-2. The highest accuracy of 95.63% was achieved with a batch size of 64, learning rate of 1e-3, and AdamW optimizer. Generally, smaller learning rates and larger batch sizes led to better accuracy, with AdamW consistently

outperforming SGD in this experiment.


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[SOLVED] CS 505 Homework 04: Classification