
[SOLVED] ‌COMP 530: Operating Systems‌


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‌COMP 530: Operating Systems








Mailing List

Syllabus and Policies

  1. Bulletin Description

  2. General Course Info

  3. Instructor Info

  4. Teaching Assistant(s)

  5. Textbooks and Resources

  6. Course Description

  7. Target Audience

  8. Prerequisites

  9. Goals and Key Learning Objectives

  10. ‌Course Requirements

    1. Lecture Recordings

  11. Key Dates

  12. Grading

    1. Labs

    2. Examinations

    3. Homework

  13. Course Policies

    1. Lateness

    2. Honor Code Statement

    3. Cheating Yourself

  14. Attendance

  15. Title IX Resources

  16. Accessibility Resources and Services

  17. Counseling and Psychological Services

  18. Syllabus Changes

  19. Acknowledgements

‌Bulletin Description

‌Types of operating systems. Concurrent programming. Management of storage, processes, devices. Scheduling, protection. Case study. Course includes a programming laboratory.

‌General Course Info

‌Term: Fall 2023

‌Department: COMP Course Number: 530

‌Section Number: 001

Time: MW, 3:35-4:50 PM

Location: SN 014

Website: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~porter/courses/comp530/f23

Instructor Info

Name: Dr. Donald Porter

Office: Fred Brooks 344

Email: porter at cs dot unc dot edu Phone: 919-590-6044

Web: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~porter

Office Hours: Scheduled on Course Care, or by appointment.

Teaching Assistants

All office hours will be scheduled on Course Care, or by appointment.

Name Email

Eric Schneider eric at cs dot unc dot edu

Learning Assistants

All office hours will be scheduled on Course Care, or by appointment.

Name Email

David Karash dwkarash at email dot unc dot edu Felipe Yanaga yanaga at unc dot edu

Amin Zamani azamani at unc dot edu

Textbooks and Resources

Required Textbook: We will be using this book for required course readings, as listed on the course schedule. The readings will not necessarily be in order, and I will supplement the book with additional required and optional resources as needed. All required readings will be placed on the course schedule.

image Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

Free online here: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/

Most of the course materials will be on the course website. We will also use Campuswire for class discussions, and Sakai only for posting assignment grades.

A number of helpful references for the labs are available on the References page.

Optional Textbooks: The following books are useful references for this course and OS kernel programming in general. These books are available from amazon, and several are available for free online via the UNC

library or course reserves on canvas.

Other recommended operating system textbooks and references (in no way are these required purchases for the course):

image Thomas Anderson and Michael Dahlin

Operating Systems: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition

Recursive books (August 21, 2014),

ISBN: 0985673524

image Marshall Kirk McKusick, George V. Neville-Neil

The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System Pearson Education, 2004.

ISBN: 0201702452

image Uresh Vahalia

Unix Internals: The New Frontiers Prentice Hall, 1996.

image Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Modern Operating Systems Prentice Hall, 1992.

If you need help with C or Unix, I recommend these texts: image Brian Keringhan and Dennis Ritchie

The C Programming Language (2nd ed., ANSI version)

Prentice-Hall Software Series, June 1988. ISBN: 0131103628

image Brian Keringhan and Rob Pike

The UNIX Programming Environment

Prentice-Hall Software Series, March 1984. ISBN: 013937681X

image Æleen Frisch

Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition

O’Reilly & Associates, August 2002. ISBN: 978-0-596-00343-2

image Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins

Linux in a Nutshell, 6th Edition

O’Reilly & Associates, September 2009. ISBN: 978-0-596-15448-6

If you are interested in more detail on Linux kernel programming, I recommend these references: image Daniel P. Bovet & Marco Cesati

Understanding the Linux Kernel (3rd edition)

O’Reilly & Associates, Novemeber 2005. ISBN: 0596005652

Note: Be sure NOT to get the older editions of this book, which covered Linux 2.2 (1st ed.) and

2.4 (2nd ed.).

image Jonathan Corbet; Alessandro Rubini; Greg Kroah-Hartman

Linux Device Drivers (3rd edition) O’Reilly & Associates, February 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0-596-00590-0

This book is has a more accessible introduction to compiling your own kernel and writing your own module than Bovet and Cesati, as it is intended to be a practical guide to writing device drivers.

image Robert Love

Linux Kernel Development (3nd Edition)

Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010.

ISBN: 0672329468

image Christian Benvenuti

Understanding Linux Network Internals–>Understanding Linux Network Internals

O’Reilly Media; 1 edition (December 1, 2005)

ISBN: 0596002556

Course Description

An operating system is an essential part of almost all computer systems. In fact, your cell phone, your car, and most consumer appliances that contain a processor have an operating system inside. Your car probably has at least 10 different operating systems lying about.

At a high-level, the principles of operating systems include topics such as how to securely and fairly share resources among multiple applications; how to design abstractions for hardware resources that balance ease of programming with expressive power; and techniques for coordinating concurrent access to a resource.

More specifically, this course will primarily study general purpose, time-shared operating systems. In this context the operating system is the software system that provides the interface between users, their

applications, and the underlying hardware. The purpose of this course is to introduce some of the fundamental concepts in the design of a time-shared operating system. These include:

image Processes and inter-process communication and synchronization image CPU scheduling

image Memory management and virtual memory image Secondary storage management

image File systems

image Deadlock detection and prevention image Security and authentication

More philosophically, a computer scientist with an bachelor’s degree should not view any part of the computer as “magic,” but should either understand how it works or have the tools to figure it out. For

instance, when one types a command at the console, what is the chain of hardware and software events that lead to the command returning the correct value?

Thus, an important part of the course will be the hands-on experience. For that, you will developing assignments on a Linux system. Some assignments will require low-level user-level programming.

Target Audience

The course is geared towards advanced undergraduate computer science majors and first year graduate students in computer science. Operating systems is a classic topic in a computer science curriculum as the

problems of resource allocation, management of concurrency, and file storage have always been present in some form in nearly all computing environments. You can’t understand how a computer operates until you understand what an operating system is, how it functions, and how it is organized.


The prerequisites for this class are:

image COMP 210 (Data Structures) or COMP 410 (Data Structures – in the old sequence)

image COMP 311 (Computer Organization) or COMP 411 (Computer Organization – in the old sequence)

These courses are necessary background. If you have not completed COMP 210 and 311 you will be dropped from the class.

If you’ve taken equivalent courses elsewhere, and they include actual programming experience in C/Unix, please speak to me first to get an approval to take this class. If you’ve never taken an introductory C/C++ course before, you may not take this class; in some cases, having industry experience in the same field is enough.

C Programming: You should already know the basics of programming and debugging in C programming language. This course will be taught in C, and you will complete substantial, user-level programming

assignments in C. We expect that a typical student will become much more proficient in C over the course of the semester. However, because this is not a C course, the time spent in class on C will be minimal.

If you do not know C and would like to take the course, I would recommend reading “The C Programming Language” by Kernighan and Ritchie and working the exercises in the book BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS. A dedicated student that is proficient in another language (e.g., Java) can probably accomplish this in a week or two.

You should already have basic exposure to Unix commands and the command line. You should know what commands such as ssh, gcc, make, man, ls, mkdir, vi/emacs, and gdb do, or be able to figure this out on your own (via google and friends). In general, we will not teach you how to use Unix (we’d like to spend the time teaching you about operating systems instead), although we may discuss particularly tricky commands.

If you do not fulfill the above requirements, you should very strongly consider postponing COMP 530 until you are more prepared.

Goals and Key Learning Objectives

Students will learn how to write concurrent programs, how to synchronize concurrently executing processes, and how to communicate data between such processes. They will learn how to allocate system resources such as memory and processor cycles to processes and how such allocation decisions affect system performance. They will also learn how system resources can be virtualized and shared between processes so as to provide the abstraction that each process is executing on a dedicated machine.

Course Requirements

The course is taught in an interactive lecture style. Although there are slides and planned topics to discuss, students are expected to answer questions during the lecture and ask questions. Attendance is expected, but will not be recorded.

To help students review and synthesize course concepts, we will assign worksheets, to be completed in a small group outside of class. Worksheets will be “discussed” between groups using a social media site for the course. The groups will change approximately every week and in total students will complete approximately 8-10 worksheets.

Students are also expected to complete roughly 4 programming assignments. The programs will be written in the C programming language on a departmental Linux server and will each emphasize some aspect of

operating system design and implementation.

Lecture Recording

Lectures will be recorded and be made available to the students in the class. These recordings are intended to help students review the material after attending lectures, and are not a substitute for attending lectures in

person. Lecture attendance is still expected, to facilitate questions, announcements, and discussion. If lecture recording substantially harms attendance, it will be discontinued.

This is a best-effort service and should not replace lecture attendance. Student questions, chalkboard

drawings, and other materials may not record properly. Moreover, my experience has been that a few lectures

are lost each semester for unforeseen technical difficulties (e.g., the recording space fills up mid-lecture, a file gets corrupted).

Key Dates

There will be two in-class exams: Weds 10/4, and Mon 11/13, held during class time. There will be a final exam at 4pm on Thursday, Dec 14.

Please mark your calendars now. If you have a conflict with the midterm, tell the instructor during the first two weeks of class, and we will schedule a makeup for a time before the exam is given to the rest of the class.


The final grade will be determined as follows: The raw scores obtained by all students on each assignment and exam will be standardized for that particular assignment or exam either (at my discretion) by converting them to percentile scores, or else by applying a linear transformation to map the scores to a standard [0, 100] scale. A weighted sum of the resulting standardized scores will then be formed (with weights as shown

below) to obtain a composite score for each student.

image Labs (45%)

image Exam 1 (15%)

image Exam 2 (15%)

image Final examination (25%)

Finally, the composite scores will be ranked, and I will apply a subjective method of my choice to determine the cutoffs for each grade category. Absolute performance standards, the distribution of composite scores,

information derived from late homeworks, and class participation are factors likely to contribute to this decision.

In assigning final grades, I often take into account evidence of improvement over the course of a semester. However, I will not entertain end-of-term pleas to get a certain grade.

So that you can get an idea of how you are doing as the term progresses, I will report rough percentile

information when I hand back each assignment. Final percentile scores will not be computed until after all grade changes and corrections have been taken into account at the end of the term.

The exams are closed book and include a mix of multiple-choice, short answer, and programming questions.

Re-grading: we will handle regrade requests on gradescope. It’s highly recommended that you take some time to review your entire assignment before requesting a regrade. We reserve the right to regrade the entire assignment or exam, not just the question raised in the regrade request. Your grade can be improved or harmed by regrading.

Extra credit: Some labs may include optional challenge problems, which may be completed for extra credit. Please indicate if you do these in your lab’s challenge.txt file. The instructor may also assign bonus work in class at my discretion. Any extra credit points accrued by any student will be used as follows. The final course grade will be assigned as a letter grade which excludes all extra credit points. Then I will apply a

subjective method to determine how much value to assign to extra credit points. Extra credit points can only be used to raise your final course letter grade. In other words, you are not obligated to do any of the extra credit work, and you can still get an A in this course.

A note of caution: in the past, some students have spent too much time working challenge problems and

gotten behind on core assignments; note that the relative value of extra credit is small compared to the main course assignments.


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[SOLVED] ‌COMP 530: Operating Systems‌