CSE 237A Winter 2023: Individual Project Part 2
Part 2 of 2: Sensor interaction and real-time scheduler Assignment
In this part, you will implement a program which interacts with the RPi4’s sensors. The RPi4 provides multiple General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) connectors, which carry signals to/from the sensors. You will connect the sensors to the RPi4, and implement a user space program using the WiringPi library for GPIO communications. The program you will create emulates a sensor platform that detects emergency situations in operating vehicles. Subsequently, you will use the base code that extends sensors with longer latencies, on which you will implement your energy efficient scheduler.
Complete the following steps:
Connect the sensors with RPi and implement a sensor interaction program based on skeleton code available in the projects folder on class website (part2.zip)
Update your sensor interaction program, which now includes latencies, to implement a list scheduler considering task dependencies
Implement an energy-efficient scheduler for your application. The scheduler should manage the provided standard workloads.
Demo on 2/7/23 the sensor interaction with RPi to the TA. Build and run your sensor program with an unmodified version of “main_section1.c”. The TA will test the various sensing and actuation scenarios.
Submit these files into GradeScope (Due: 23:59:59 PST, 2/21/23)
Four source files: assignment1.c, assignment1.h, assignment2.c, and assignment2.h
A report on the implementation of both the sensor interaction program and energy-efficient scheduler. Provide a table for the three provided workloads that reports the estimated CPU energy consumption and the number of missed deadlines.
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