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[SOLVED] Comp1406 – assignment 4


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In this assignment, you will implement a Fish/Lake simulation similar to the
previous assignment. You will then make adjustments to accommodate class
hierarchies and make use of inheritance as well as a JAVA interface.Consider the following Fish, Lake and Fisher classes. Create a folder called Part1 and copy all the code
into unique files into that folder and then compile them:
______________________________________________________________________________ public class Fish {
// Any fish below this size must be thrown back into the lake
public static int THROW_BACK_SIZE = 18;
protected int size;
protected float weight;
public Fish(int aSize, float aWeight) {
size = aSize;
weight = aWeight;
public boolean isDesirableTo(Fisher f) {
// Replace the line below with your code
return false;
public boolean canKeep() {
// Replace the line below with your code
return false;
public int getSize() { return size; }
public float getWeight() { return weight; }
public String toString () {
return (“A ” + size + “cm ” + weight + “kg Fish”);
______________________________________________________________________________ public class Lake {
private Fish[] catchableThings;
private int numThings;
public Lake(int capacity) {
catchableThings = new Fish[capacity];
numThings = 0;
public int getNumCatchableThings() { return numThings; }
public boolean isFull() { return numThings == catchableThings.length; }
public String toString() { return “Lake with ” + numThings + ” catchable things”; }
// Add the given thing to the lake
public void add(Fish aCatchableThing) {
if (numThings < catchableThings.length)
catchableThings[numThings++] = aCatchableThing;
// Choose a random thing to be caught in the lake and return it
public Fish catchSomething() {
if (numThings == 0) return null;
int index = (int)(Math.random() * numThings);
Fish f = catchableThings[index];
catchableThings[index] = catchableThings[numThings-1];
catchableThings[numThings-1] = null;
return f;
// List all things in the lake
public void listAllThings() {
System.out.println(” ” + this + ” as follows:”);
for (int i=0; i<numThings; i++) System.out.println(” ” + catchableThings[i]); System.out.println(); } } ______________________________________________________________________________ public class Fisher { public static int LIMIT = 10; // max # of fish that can be caught private String name; private Fish[] thingsCaught; private int numThingsCaught; private float weightLimit; public Fisher(String aName, int wl) { name = aName; thingsCaught = new Fish[LIMIT]; numThingsCaught = 0; weightLimit = wl; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getNumThingsCaught() { return numThingsCaught; } public float getWeightLimit() { return weightLimit; } public String toString() { return name + ” with ” + numThingsCaught + ” things caught”; } // List all the things caught and kept by this fisher public void listThingsCaught() { System.out.println(” ” + this + ” as follows:”); if (numThingsCaught > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<numThingsCaught; i++)
System.out.println(” ” + thingsCaught[i]);
System.out.println(” ————————-“);
System.out.println(” Total fish weight: ” + getWeightSoFar() + “kg”);
// Cause this fisher to keep the thing caught.
public void keep(Fish aThing) {
thingsCaught[numThingsCaught++] = aThing;
// Simulate the fisher catching something in the lake and keeping what is caught if
// it is desirable, otherwise throwing it back into the lake again.
public void goFishingIn(Lake aLake) {
Fish aThing = aLake.catchSomething();
if (aThing != null) {
if (aThing.isDesirableTo(this)) {
else {
// Cause this fisher to give all fish to the given fisher, unless the given
// fisher exceeds the wight or catch limit, then throw the fish back into the lake.
public void giveAwayFish(Fisher f, Lake aLake) {
for (int i=0; i<numThingsCaught; i++) {
if (thingsCaught[i].isDesirableTo(f))
numThingsCaught = 0;
// Return the weight of all caught fish so far
public float getWeightSoFar() {
float total = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numThingsCaught; i++)
total += thingsCaught[i].getWeight();
return total;
______________________________________________________________________________1. Complete the canKeep() method in the Fish class. A fish can be “kept” if its size is greater than
the “throw-back” size.
2. Complete the isDesirableTo() method in the Fish class. A fish is “desirable” to the given fisher if
ALL of the following can be satisfied:a. it can be “kept” (i.e., all fish less than 18cm must be thrown back).
b. the Fisher has less than his LIMIT of fish that may be caught.
c. the weight of this fish combined with the “total weight of all fish caught by the Fisher so far”
has not exceeded the Fisher’s weight limit.3. Test your code with the following program. Run it a few times and make sure that it is working.
public class FishingTestProgram1 {
public static void main(String [] args) {// Create a big pond with 15 fish
Lake weirdLake = new Lake(15);
weirdLake.add(new Fish(76, 6.1f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(32, 0.4f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(20, 0.9f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(30, 0.4f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(140, 7.4f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(15, 0.3f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(90, 5.9f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(120, 6.8f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(80, 4.8f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(42, 3.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(100, 5.6f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(45, 2.0f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(16, 0.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(30, 1.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Fish(7, 0.1f));System.out.println(“Here is what is in the lake to begin with …”);
// Create two people to fish in the lake
Fisher fred = new Fisher(“Fred”, 25);
Fisher suzy = new Fisher(“Suzy”, 15);
System.out.println(“Fred casts his fishing line into the lake 10 times …”);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
System.out.println(“Suzy casts her fishing line into the lake 10 times …”);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
System.out.println(“Here is what remains in the lake …”);
weirdLake.listAllThings();// Now simulate Suzy giving her fish to Fred
System.out.print(“Suzy now gives all her fish to Fred (if he can keep “);
System.out.println(“them), otherwise she returns them to the lake …”);
suzy.giveAwayFish(fred, weirdLake);
System.out.println(“Here is the lake when Fred and Suzy go home …”);
}Create a folder called Part2 and copy all of the files from Part1 into it. Create all additional subclasses
necessary to construct the following hierarchy of classes:Note that Fish, NonEndangeredFish and EndangeredFish are all abstract classes, while the other 4
are concrete classes. With the exception of the Fish class, none of the other classes here have any
attributes defined within them. Follow the steps on the next page.1. Change Fish to be an abstract class. Change the canKeep() method to be an abstract method.
2. Adjust the toString() method in the Fish class so that it displays the proper type of fish. You
cannot use instanceof nor use any IF statements.
(e.g., “A 16cm 0.2kg Perch” instead of “A 16cm 0.2kg Fish” )3. Using maximum use of inheritance, create a toString() method in the EndangeredFish class so
that endangered fish display as follows:
“A 42cm 3.2kg AuroraTrout (ENDANGERED)”
“A 80cm 4.8kg AtlanticWhiteFish (ENDANGERED)”4. Write the canKeep() method in the NonEndangeredFish and EndangeredFish classes so that
endangered fish can never be kept and non-endangered fish can be kept only if their size is
greater than the “throw-back” size as defined in the Fish class.5. Test your code using the following program (copy the code into a file called
FishingTestProgram2.java). You will need to create some constructors as well in order to get
this to work.public class FishingTestProgram2 {
public static void main(String [] args) {
// Create a big lake with 15 fish
Lake weirdLake = new Lake(15);
weirdLake.add(new AuroraTrout(76, 6.1f));
weirdLake.add(new Perch(32, 0.4f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(20, 0.9f));
weirdLake.add(new Perch(30, 0.4f));
weirdLake.add(new AtlanticWhiteFish(140, 7.4f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(15, 0.3f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(90, 5.9f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(120, 6.8f));weirdLake.add(new AtlanticWhiteFish(80, 4.8f));
weirdLake.add(new AuroraTrout(42, 3.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(100, 5.6f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(45, 2.0f));
weirdLake.add(new Perch(16, 0.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(30, 1.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Perch(7, 0.1f));System.out.println(“Here is what is in the lake to begin with …”);
// Create two people to fish in the lake
Fisher fred = new Fisher(“Fred”, 25);
Fisher suzy = new Fisher(“Suzy”, 15);
System.out.println(“Fred casts his fishing line into the lake 10 times …”);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
fred.listThingsCaught();System.out.println(“Suzy casts her fishing line into the lake 10 times …”);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
System.out.println(“Here is what remains in the lake …”);
// Now simulate Suzy giving her fish to FredSystem.out.print(“Suzy now gives all her fish to Fred (if he can keep “);
System.out.println(“them), otherwise she returns them to the lake …”);
suzy.giveAwayFish(fred, weirdLake);
System.out.println(“Here is the lake when Fred and Suzy go home …”);
}Create a folder called Part3 and copy all of the files from Part2 into it. Create all additional classes
necessary to form this hierarchy:
Abstract class SunkenObject should have a weight (i.e., a float) attribute associated with it.1. Create a constructor that takes an initial weight.2. Create a get method for the weight.3. The Tire, Treasure and RustyChain classes should each have a zero-parameter constructor that
calls the SunkenObject constructor with initial weights of 10, 20 and 15, respectively.
4. Write a single toString() method in the SunkenObject class so that Tires, Treasures and
RustyChains look as follows when printed:A 10kg Tire
A 20kg Treasure
A 15kg RustyChain5. Create and compile an interface called Catchable which defines the following two methods:
public float getWeight();
public boolean isDesirableTo(Fisher f);6. Have SunkenObject implement the Catchable interface. By default, SunkenObjects are NOT
desirable. However, Treasures are desirable if the number of things caught by the fisher is
below the LIMIT of items that are allowed to be caught (see Fisher class). Also, have Fish
implement the Catchable interface.7. Alter the Lake class so that they contain Catchable objects instead of just Fish objects.
8. Alter the Fisher class so that they keep Catchable objects as thingsCaught instead of just Fish
objects.9. Adjust the giveAwayFish() method in the Fisher class so that only Fish are given away, not
10. Adjust the getWeightSoFar() method in the Fisher class so that it returns the weight of all Fish
that have been caught and kept, ignoring the weight of any kept Treasures.11. Test your code again by using the following test program. Run it a few times to be sure that
everything is working. You will want to run until Suzy gets a treasure in order to make sure that
she does not give it away to Fred, nor throw it back into the lake.Also, you will want to verify that
Fred never exceeds his weight limit (especially when Suzy gives him her fish) and that no fish
below 18cm are kept by anyone.public class FishingTestProgram3 {
public static void main(String [] args) {
// Create a big lake with 15 fish, 2 tires, 2 treasures and 2 rusty chains
Lake weirdLake = new Lake(21);
weirdLake.add(new AuroraTrout(76, 6.1f));
weirdLake.add(new Tire());
weirdLake.add(new Perch(32, 0.4f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(20, 0.9f));weirdLake.add(new Treasure());
weirdLake.add(new Perch(30, 0.4f));
weirdLake.add(new AtlanticWhiteFish(140, 7.4f));
weirdLake.add(new RustyChain());
weirdLake.add(new Bass(15, 0.3f));
weirdLake.add(new Tire());
weirdLake.add(new Bass(90, 5.9f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(120, 6.8f));
weirdLake.add(new AtlanticWhiteFish(80, 4.8f));
weirdLake.add(new AuroraTrout(42, 3.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(100, 5.6f));
weirdLake.add(new Bass(45, 2.0f));
weirdLake.add(new RustyChain());
weirdLake.add(new Perch(16, 0.2f));weirdLake.add(new Bass(30, 1.2f));
weirdLake.add(new Treasure());
weirdLake.add(new Perch(7, 0.1f));
System.out.println(“Here is what is in the lake to begin with …”);
// Create two people to fish in the lake
Fisher fred = new Fisher(“Fred”, 15);
Fisher suzy = new Fisher(“Suzy”, 15);System.out.println(“Fred casts his fishing line into the lake 10 times …”);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
System.out.println(“Suzy casts her fishing line into the lake 10 times …”);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
suzy.listThingsCaught();System.out.println(“Here is what remains in the lake …”);
// Now simulate Suzy giving her fish to Fred
System.out.print(“Suzy now gives all her fish to Fred (if he can keep “);
System.out.println(“them), otherwise she returns them to the lake …”);
suzy.giveAwayFish(fred, weirdLake);
suzy.listThingsCaught();System.out.println(“Here is the lake when Fred and Suzy go home …”);
NOTE: Submit all .java and .class files needed to run. You MUST NOT use packages in your code, nor projects.Submit
ALL of your files in one folder such that they can be opened and compiled individually in JCreator. Some IDEs may create
packages and/or projects automatically. You MUST export the .java files and remove the package code at the top if it is
there.Do NOT submit JCreator projects either. JUST SUBMIT the JAVA and CLASS FILES. Note that if your internet
connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for handing in an assignment late … so
make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !Please NOTE that you WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing. You
will also lose marks if your code is not written neatly with proper indentation. See examples in
the notes for proper style.


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[SOLVED] Comp1406 – assignment 4