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[SOLVED] Sorted linked-lists in javascript cpt s 489


File Name: Sorted_linked-lists_in_javascript_cpt_s_489.zip
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This assignment is meant to assess your understanding of objects in JavaScript. Since the
concept of classes in JavaScript may not have been covered fully in lecture by the time this
project is assigned, the framework for the “SortedLL489” class is already in place for you. Do
not delete any existing code in the .js file. Only add code.
Your task is to complete the “add” and “remove” function implementations. The
“toString” function is already implemented for you and requires nodes in your linked-list to
have the following members:
Node Object
Member (case-sensitive!) Purpose
value Value stored in the node
next Reference to next node in the linkedlist (null for last node)
previous Reference to previous node in the
linked-list (null for first node)
Because you’re working with JavaScript, we don’t need to declare a node class. You
must produce nodes as simple objects with the required members and insert them in the
proper location into the linked-list. The linked-list is to be sorted in ascending order after each
call to “add” or “remove”. Additional notes follow:
• Duplicate values ARE allowed in the list
• Both functions must run in worst case O(N) time and O(1) space
This project is worth 3 points. You need to have ALL (not “all but one or two”… ALL) basic
test cases on the web page to be working to get at least 2 points. You get 1 point if at least 50%
(but < 100%) of the basic test cases complete successfully. You get 0 points if at less than 50%
of basic test cases pass/complete.
The basic test cases use numbers for node values. For the 3rd “challenge point”, you need to
support linked-lists that have custom objects for the values in the nodes instead of just
numerical values. ALL challenge cases must pass for the 3rd point to be awarded. Investigate the
code and figure out how to make these cases work if you want the 3rd point!
Final note (and it’s important): The TA may use different and/or additional test cases than
what’s included in the HTML page. Do additional tests to make sure your code works well.


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[SOLVED] Sorted linked-lists in javascript cpt s 489