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[SOLVED] Info 4604/5604 assignment #1: perceptron #1 1 (version 1.0)


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1.1 What You are Given
The assignment is based on the Chapter 2 code from the Python Machine Learning book:
For this assignment, you will not use any code from the “Adaptive linear neurons and the
convergence of learning” section onward. It is preferred that you remove this code from your
notebook for this assignment, to make it easier for the instructor to find your relevant code. You
may modify the layout of the notebook and add new sections as needed.You will submit the assignment on Piazza. A private note to the instructor should be submitted with the subject “Submission 1 from ” with the submission files as an
attachment. The note should be submitted to the submissions folder. You will submit two files:
• Your code should go in a single Jupyter notebook named hw1-lastname.ipynb, where lastname
is replaced with your last name.• A single PDF named hw1-lastname.pdf that contains everything described in the Deliverables sections below, including figures and answers to questions. The easiest way to grade
this is if you put everything in a single document, numbered based on the section and
problem number in this handout. You may also put all of your solutions in the Jupyter
notebook and save that as a PDF (by going to File > Download as > PDF, if you have the
right tools installed). If you do this, please create headers for your cells that are labeled
“Deliverable” followed by the problem number, so that your responses are easy to find.
Note on 4604 vs 5604: Sections labeled as [5604] are only required for INFO-5604 students.
Students in INFO-4604 may optionally do these problems for extra credit (with the amount of
extra credit points indicated as “EC” points).• Collaboration: You are allowed to work with up to 3 people besides yourself. You
are still expected to write up your own solution. Each individual must post their own
submission on Piazza, and you must list the names of your group members in your Piazza
note when you submit.• Late Submissions: We allow each student to use up to 5 late days over the semester.
You have late days, not late hours. This means that if your submission is late by any
amount of time past the deadline, then this will use up a late day. If it is late by any
amount beyond 24 hours past the deadline, then this will use a second late, and so on.
Once you have used up all late days, late assignments will be given at most 50% credit. 1.4 Asking for HelpYou are encouraged to ask questions on Piazza. Do not post anything that you are turning in.
In this assignment, that would be any of the plots you need to hand in, or the parameter values.
However, you can describe your results, like the number of iterations it took to converge, and
general things you observe about the algorithms.You may ask questions to help with debugging, but do not post your code. You can share
error messages and describe what you are trying to do with your code, but try not to write
enough to “give away” the solution.Questions specifically about this assignment should be posted in the hw1 folder. If you have
clarifications about what is being asked, you can tag the instructor in your post. If you have
more general programming questions (for example, if you are having trouble installing packages,
running the notebook, or working with numpy or pandas), post in the python folder. (You can post
in multiple folders if both are relevant.)The code from the book uses two variables, sepal length and petal length (columns 1 and 3). This
is not actually a very interesting example, because the points are completely separated by only
one of these dimensions (petal length), so it is easy to learn. In order words, if you only used
this one feature, you could still learn a classifier, rather than needing two features.
A more interesting example is with sepal length and sepal width (columns 1 and 2). The
data are still linearly separable in these two dimensions, but it requires a combination of both
Modify the code to use these two variables. When you run it, you will find that the algorithm still makes errors after the default 10 iterations (also called epochs). Change the n iters
parameter of the Perceptron object to 1000. You will see that eventually perceptron learns to
classify all of the instances correctly, but that it takes a large number of iterations.
Examine the figure of decision regions (the figure with two regions shaded as red or blue) when
running perceptron for 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 iterations (seven different figures).
You can see how the boundary changes and gradually becomes more accurate as the algorithm
runs for more iterations.
In your figures, be sure to change the axis labels to reflect the correct variable name (sepal
width instead of pedal length).
Finally, examine the weights that are learned by perceptron after 1000 iterations. To do this,
print out the values of the w variable of the Perceptron object, which is the weight vector, where
w [0] is the ‘bias’ weight.2.1 Deliverables [8 points]
Include the following in your writeup:
1. The plot showing the number of updates versus epochs when using 1000 iterations.
2. The seven region boundary figures for different numbers of iterations.
3. Write the linear function that is learned, in the form m1x1 + m2x2 + b, based on the
parameters in the w vector as described above. 3 Modifying Perceptron [5604]You will experiment with an algorithm that is similar to perceptron, called Winnow [1]. Winnow is not a commonly used algorithm (and it’s not quite appropriate for this dataset), but
implementing it is a way to get additional practice with the perceptron implementation here.
Like perceptron, Winnow (at least the basic version) is used for binary classification, where
the positive class is predicted if:
wTx ≥ τ
for some threshold τ . This is almost the same as the perceptron prediction function, except that
in perceptron, the threshold τ for positive classification is usually 0, while it must be positive in
Winnow. Usually τ is set to the number of training instances in Winnow. In this assignment,
you’ll set τ = 100.0.
The main difference between Winnow and Perceptron is how the weights are updated. Perceptron uses additive updates while Winnow uses multiplicative updates. The Winnow update
rule is:
i =

wi × ηxi yi > f(xi)
wi ÷ ηxi yi < f(xi)
wi yi = f(xi)
For this problem, you should create a new class called Winnow, which is similar to the Perceptron
class but with the following changes:
• Initialize the weights w to 1.0 instead of 0.0. This can be done in numpy with np.ones (where
the current code uses np.zeros).
• Change the prediction function so that it outputs the positive class if the linear function
is greater than 100.0 (where the current code uses a threshold of 0.0).
• Change the update rule so that the weights are multiplied by ηxi
if the prediction was
an underestimate, and divided by ηxi
if the prediction was an overestimate (where the
current code adds ηxi to the weight if it was an underestimate and subtracts ηxi
if it was
an overestimate).
When you run this, use the variables sepal length and petal length (columns 1 and 3). (The
algorithm won’t work if you use sepal length and sepal width, for reasons we won’t get into.)
In the code, set the parameter eta to 1.0 (it won’t behave as expected if η < 1, which is the
default, so you need to change it), and set n iters to 10.
You may notice that when η (eta) is 1, the bias weight will never change. This is okay; the
algorithm will still work, but the bias won’t contribute anything to the prediction rule.
If you run everything correctly, it should converge after 5 epochs.
3.1 Deliverables [5604: 6 points; 4604: +3 EC points]
Include the following in your writeup:
1. The plot showing the number of updates versus epochs when using 10 iterations.
2. The region boundary figure.
3. Write the linear function that is learned, in the form m1x1 + m2x2 + b.
INFO 4604/5604 Assignment #1 4
[1] Nick Littlestone. Learning quickly when irrelevant attributes abound: A new linear-threshold
algorithm. Machine Learning, 2:285–318, 1988.


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[SOLVED] Info 4604/5604 assignment #1: perceptron #1 1 (version 1.0)