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[SOLVED] COMP6991 Rust Logo Interpreter Assignment


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COMP6991 Rust Logo Interpreter Assignment

Logo Language Overview

  • Logo is a programming language derived from Lisp and others.
  • Older programmers often had their first programming experience with Logo.
  • Key feature is a “turtle” for drawing by picking up and putting down a pen and moving around.

Assignment Goals

  • Practice designing and structuring a larger Rust program.
  • Focus on modern programming skills and design patterns.
  • Have fun creating an aesthetic and interesting application while connecting with programming history.

Assignment Requirements

  • Build a Logo interpreter that writes to an.svg or.png image using theunsvgcrate.
  • Handle various Logo commands for turtle control, variables, queries, conditionals, and math operations.
  • Implement design excellence features for full marks.

1. Introduction to the Logo Language


  • A token can be a procedure (like a function), a variable (prefixed by:), or a value (prefixed by").
  • Procedures always take a fixed number of arguments.
  • Values in Logo are always strings, but some like"TRUE"and"FALSE"are interpreted as booleans and some can be parsed as numbers.

Program Structure

  • A logo program consists of lines of text split into tokens by whitespace.
  • Lines starting with//or empty lines are ignored as comments.

2. Introduction to Unsvg

  • The assignment uses theunsvgcrate to generate SVG or PNG images.
  • unsvg::Imagerepresents an image and has methods likedraw_simple_line.
  • unsvg::get_end_coordinatesreturns where a line drawn from a given point would end.

3. How Your Program Will Work

  • Produce a program calledrslogothat takes four arguments: a logo program file (.lg), the output SVG/PNG file path (.svg or.png), image height, and image width.
  • Read the logo program, parse and execute it line by line.
  • Exit with a non-zero return code and print an error message if there’s an issue.
  • Write an SVG or PNG using theunsvgcrate if there are no issues.

4. Design Excellence

  • Options for design excellence include making beautiful errors, achieving 80% test coverage, using a parser combinator library, creating a facility for language extensions, building a zero-copy program, contributing to theunsvglibrary, or building a transpiler.
  • Markers will consider a reasonable attempt at one of these tasks as sufficient.

5. The Tasks To Complete

Part 1: Turtle Control (20%)

  • Control the “turtle” which is like an invisible pen that can draw on the image.
  • Turtle starts “up” (not drawing) in the center of the screen facing straight up.
  • Turtle can go off the image without causing an error.

Part 2: Variables and Queries (20%)

  • Implement theMAKEcommand to create and assign variables.
  • Implement theADDASSIGNcommand for variable increment.
  • Support “queries” likeXCOR,YCOR,HEADING,COLOR.

Part 3: IFs, WHILE, [ ] (20%)

  • ImplementIF EQandWHILE EQcommands for conditional execution and looping.

Part 4: Implementing Maths and Comparisons using a Stack (20%)

  • Implement operations in Polish Notation likeEQ,NE,GT,LT,AND,OR,+,-,*,/.
  • Implement stack operations forIFandWHILE.

Part 5: Logo Defined Procedures (20%)

  • Implement procedures analogous to functions in other languages.
  • Procedures are defined with a line starting withTO, followed by the procedure name and arguments, and ending withEND.

6. Common Questions

Design Approaches

  • Line-by-line approach: Execute each line in turn while storing more data and state.
  • Parse then execute approach: Convert the text into an Abstract Syntax Tree and read from it.


  • A happy middle is suggested: think about the approach and read through the assignment without spending more than 30 minutes planning.

Using AI

  • Permitted uses of AI include seeking help with concepts, pattern matching, generating skeletons, and writing tests.

7. Other Information


  • See instructions at the bottom of the page.

Using Other Crates

  • Can use crates from crates.io under certain conditions.

Marking Scheme

  • Marked on Mechanical Style (10%), Functional Correctness (40%), and Idiomatic Design (50%).

8. Formal Stuff

  • Assignment is individual.
  • No joint work or sharing of code allowed.
  • Use of code-synthesis tools is permitted but with caution.
  • Submit work by running6991 give-crateby Week 7 Wednesday 17:00:00.


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[SOLVED] COMP6991 Rust Logo Interpreter Assignment