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[SOLVED] Physics 230 Homework Set 9


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1. A spaceship passes earth traveling at a speed of V = (5/13)c and is heading for a distant
planet 25.0 cyears away. Both the earth and the distant planet are at rest relative to
one another and their clocks have been previously synchronized, both reading zero when
the spaceship passes earth.Just as the spaceship passes earth, the spaceship observer
sets his clock to also read zero and explodes a flashbulb at that point. Later, the flash is
seen by an observer at rest on the distant planet.a) What does the distant planet clock read when the distant planet observer sees the
b) When the distant planet observer sees the flash, where is distant planet located
according to the spaceships coordinate system?c) For an observer at rest in the spaceship frame who is at the location of coordinate
found in part b) when the flash is received by the distant planet observer, what does
their clock read?2. Spaceship A moves to the right at a speed of V = (4/5)c relative to spaceship B. Both
spaceships have synchronized their own clocks in their own reference frame. Just as
the origins of their respective coordinate systems pass one another, clocks at the origins
of both frames read zero and a flashbulb explodes at that point.Later, the flash is seen
by an observer in the spaceship A frame 150. meters to the right of the spaceship A
origin. This problem should be analyzed from the perspective of the spaceship B observers.a) What does the observers clock read when the observer detects the flash?
b) When this observer sees the flash, where is the observer located according to the
spaceship B observers?c) According to the spaceship B observers, what do their clocks read when the
spaceship A observer sees the flash?3. Two spaceships A and B are moving in opposite directions, each measures the speed of
the other to be (4/5)c. Relative to our frame of reference, spaceship A moves to the
right and spaceship B moves to the left. Each spaceship contains two clocks with one at
the nose and one at the tail, synchronized with one another in each ships frame.Spaceships A and B have nose and tail clocks NA, NB and TA, TB, respectively, and the
origin of each coordinate system is placed at the location of their nose clocks. The rest
length of spaceship A is 150. m and the rest length of spaceship B is 450. m. Just as
the nose of B reaches the nose of A, both ships set their nose clocks to read zero as a
flashbulb explodes at their origin. Later the flash is received by TB.a) What time does TB read when clock TB receives the flash?
b) When TB receives the flash, where is clock TB located according to spaceship As
coordinate system?c) For an observer in spaceship As frame who is located besides TB when TB receives
the signal, what does their clock read?4. Spaceship A of rest length 150. m moving at a speed V = (4/5)c relative to us contains
a passenger in the ships tail. The passenger fires a bullet toward the nose of the ship, at
speed (3/5)c relative to the spaceship.a) How fast is the bullet traveling relative to us?
b) How long is the ship in (i) our frame, (ii) the ships frame, (iii) the bullets frame?
c) How much time does it take the bullet to reach the nose of the ship, as measured by
(i) passengers in the ship, (ii) us?5. Spaceship A of rest length 150. m moving at a speed V = (4/5)c relative to us contains
a passenger in the ships nose. The passenger fires a bullet toward the tail of the ship, at
speed (3/5)c relative to us.a) How fast is the bullet traveling relative to the spaceship?
b) How long is the ship in the bullets frame?c) How much time does it take the bullet to reach the nose of the ship, as measured by
(i) passengers in the ship, (ii) us?


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[SOLVED] Physics 230 Homework Set 9