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[SOLVED] EECS 151/251A Lab 2: Simulation, Inter-module Communication, and Memories


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EECS 151/251A FPGA Lab
1 Before You Start This Lab
Before you proceed with the contents of this lab, we suggest that you look through three documents
that will help you better understand some Verilog constructs.
1. labs sp17/docs/Verilog/wire vs reg.pdf The differences between wire and reg nets and
when to use each of them.
2. labs sp17/docs/Verilog/always at blocks.pdf Understanding the differences between
the two types of always @ blocks and what they synthesize to.
3. labs sp17/docs/Verilog/verilog fsm.pdf An overview of how to create finite state machines in Verilog, specifying their state transitions and machine outputs.
The first couple sections of this lab focus on simulation and it would be valuable to read the first
two documents before starting.
1.1 Helpful Hint: Synthesis Warnings and Errors
At various times in this lab, things will just not work on the FPGA or in simulation. To help with
debugging, you can run make synth in the lab2/ folder. This will just run xst (Synthesis) which
will only take a few seconds. Then you should run make report. In the window that opened, click
on Synthesis Messages on the left under Errors and Warnings. Any synthesis warnings you see
here are an alert to a possible issue in your circuit. If you dont understand a warning, ask a TA;
it could reveal some issue in your Verilog.
2 Lab Overview
In this lab, we will begin by taking your tone_generator design from Lab 1 and simulating it in
software. We will learn how to use ModelSim to view waveforms and debug your circuits. You will
then extend your tone_generator to play a configurable frequency square wave and simulate it
to check that you have implemented the functionality correctly. You will then construct a module
that can pull tones to play from a memory block and send them to your tone_generator.
3 Simulating the tone generator from Lab 1
3.1 Copying Your Lab 1 Code
Run git pull in your git cloned labs_sp17 directory to fetch the latest skeleton files.
Begin by copying your tone_generator implementation into the lab2/src/tone_generator.v file.
Dont change the module port declaration. You can leave the input [23:0] tone_switch_period
unused for now.
Lets run some simulations on the tone_generator in software. To do this, we will need to use a
Verilog testbench. A Verilog testbench is designed to test a Verilog module by supplying it with
the inputs it needs (stimulus signals) and testing whether the outputs of the module match what
we expect.
3.2 Overview of Testbench Skeleton
Check the provided testbench skeleton in lab2/tone_generator_testbench.v to see the test written for the tone_generator. Lets go through what every line of this testbench does.
timescale 1ns/1ns
timescale (simulation step time)/(simulation resolution)
The timescale declaration needs to be at the top of every testbench file. It provides information to
the circuit simulator about the timing parameters of the simulation.
The first argument to the timescale declaration is the simulation step time. It defines the chunks of
discrete time in which the simulation should proceed. In this case, we have defined the simulation
step time to be one nanosecond. This means that we can advance the simulation time by as little
as 1ns at a time.
The second argument to the timescale declaration is the simulation resolution. In our example it is
also 1ns. The resolution allows the simulator to model transient behavior of your circuit in between
simulation time steps. For this lab, we arent modeling any gate delays, so the resolution can equal
the step time.
define SECOND 1000000000
define MS 1000000
// The SAMPLE_PERIOD corresponds to a 44.1 kHz sampling rate
define SAMPLE_PERIOD 22675.7
These are some macros defined for our testbench. They are constant values you can use when
writing your testbench to simplify your code and make it obvious what certain numbers mean. For
example, SECOND is defined as the number of nanoseconds in one second. The SAMPLE_PERIOD is
the sampling period used to sample the square wave output of the tone_generator at a standard
44.1 kHz sample rate.
module tone_generator_testbench();
// Testbench code goes here
This module is our testbench module. It is not actually synthesized to be placed on our FPGA,
but rather it is to be run by our circuit simulator. All your testbench code goes in this module.
We will instantiate our DUT (device under test) in this module.
reg clock;
reg output_enable;
reg [23:0] tone_to_play;
wire sq_wave;
Here are the inputs and outputs of our tone_generator. You will notice that the inputs to the
tone_generator are declared as reg type nets and the outputs are declared as wire type nets.
This is because we will be driving the inputs in our testbench and we will be monitoring the output.
initial clock = 0;
always #(30.3/2) clock <= ~clock;
Here is our clock signal generation code. The clock signal needs to be generated in our testbench
so it can be fed to the DUT. The initial statement sets the value of the clock net to 0 at the very
start of the simulation. The next line toggles the clock signal such that it oscillates at 33Mhz.
tone_generator piezo_controller (
Now we instantiate the DUT and connect its ports to the nets we have access to in our testbench.
initial begin
output_enable <= 0;
#(10 * MS);
output_enable <= 1;
tone_to_play <= 24d37500;
#(200 * MS);

Here is the body of our testbench. The initial begin end block specifies the main()
function for our testbench. It is the execution entry point for our simulator. In the initial block,
we can set the inputs that flow into our DUT using non-blocking (<=) assignments.
We can also order the simulator to advance simulation time using delay statements. A delay
statement takes the form #(delay in time steps);. For instance the statement #(100); would
run the simulation for 100ns.
In this case, we set output_enable to 0 at the start of the simulation, then we let the simulation
run for 10ms, then we set output_enable to 1. We then change the tone_to_play several times,
and give the tone_generator some time to produce the various tones. For now, the tone_to_play
signal wont affect your tone_generator which should only be playing a fixed 440 Hz tone.
The final statement is a system function: the $finish() function tells the simulator to halt the
integer file;
initial begin
file = $fopen(output.txt, w);
forever begin
$fwrite(file, %h
, sq_wave);
This piece of code is written in a separate initial begin end block. The simulator treats
both blocks as separate threads that both start execution at the beginning of the simulation and
operate in parallel.
This block of code uses two system functions $fopen() and $fwrite(), that allow us to write
to a file. The forever begin construct tells the simulator to run the chunk of code inside it
continuously until the simulation ends.
In the forever begin block, we sample the square_wave_out output of the tone_generator and
save it in a file. We sample this value every SAMPLE_PERIOD nanoseconds which corresponds to a
44100 kHz sampling rate. Your tone_generators output is stored as 1s and 0s in a text file that
can be translated to sound to hear how your circuit will sound when deployed on the FPGA.
3.3 Using TCL scripts (.do files)
ModelSim, which is our circuit simulator, takes commands from TCL scripts. Take a look at the
lab2/sim/tests/tone_generator_testbench.do TCL script. Here is a quick description of what
is instructs our simulator to do.
start tone_generator_testbench
add wave tone_generator_testbench/*
add wave tone_generator_testbench/piezo_controller/*
run 10000ms
We begin by issuing the start command to the simulator. This instructs the simulator to scan
a list of Verilog source files provided to it to find a module named tone_generator_testbench.
This module name must exactly match the module name of your top-level testbench module. The
simulator loads and elaborates this module so that its ready to simulate/execute.
The two add_wave commands are important. By default, the simulator will not log the signals in
our testbench or DUT as the simulation executes. The add wave tone_generator_testbench/*
line tells the simulator to log all signals directly inside in the tone_generator_testbench module.
The second line tells the simulator to log the signals in a submodule of the top-level testbench
module. Observe that piezo_controller is the instance name of the tone_generator instance in
the testbench module.
Finally, the run (time) command tells the simulator to jump to the initial begin blocks in the
testbench and actually run the simulation. The time value (in our case 10000ms = 10s) gives the
simulator an upper bound on the simulation time. The simulator will simulate for 10 seconds before
timing out. If the simulator hits the $finish() function before the 10 second timeout is up, it will
stop simulation instantly.
3.4 Running ModelSim
With all the details out of the way, lets actually run a simulation. Go to the lab2/sim directory
and run make. After a minute or so, the simulation will finish.
3.5 Viewing Waveforms
Lets take a look at the data that the simulator collected. Run the viewwave script like this:
./viewwave results/tone_generator_testbench.wlf &
The results of the simulation and the logged signals are stored in a .wlf file. This command should
open that file in the ModelSim Wave Viewer.
You should see a window like this:
Lets go over the basics of ModelSim. The boxed screens are:
1. Module Window List of the modules involved in the testbench. You can select one of
these to have its signals show up in the object window.
2. Object Window List of all the wires and regs in the selected module. You can add signals
to the waveform view by selecting them, right-clicking, and doing Add Wave.
3. Waveform Viewer The signals that you add from the object window show up here. You
can navigate the waves by searching for specific values or going forward or backward one
transition at a time. The x-axis represents time.
You may not see the Waveform Viewer when you first open ModelSim. To add signals to view,
right click on the signal in the Object Window, and click on Add Wave. Add the clock, output_enable,
and sq_wave signals to the waveform viewer.
Here are a few useful shortcuts:
Click on waveform: Sets cursor position
O: Zoom out of waveform
I: Zoom into waveform
F: Fit entire waveform into viewer (zoom full)
C: Zoom in on cursor position
Middle Click + Drag Left/Right: Zoom in on waveform section
Middle Click + Drag to Top Right: Zoom out from current waveform section
You should play with these shortcuts for a few minutes; they will boost your productivity when
debugging greatly. Now, zoom to fit the entire waveform in your viewer.
You should be able to see the clock oscillate at the frequency specified in the testbench. You should
also see the output_enable signal start at 0 and then become 1 after 10 ms. However, you may
see that the sq_wave signal is just a red line. Whats going on?
3.6 Fixing the Undefined clock counter
Take a look at the clock_counter, by clicking on piezo_controller in the module and Add Wave
on the clock_counter signal. Plot the signal in your waveform viewer. You may notice its a red
line. Red lines in ModelSim indicate undefined signals (defined in Verilog as the letter x).
Blue lines in ModelSim indicate high-impedance (unconnected) signals. High-impedance is defined
in Verilog as the letter z. We wont be using high-impedance signals in our designs, so blue lines
in ModelSim indicate something in our testbench isnt wired up properly.
Going back to the red line for clock_counter: this is caused because at the start of simulation,
the value sitting inside the clock_counter register is unknown. It could be anything! Since we
dont have an explicit reset signal for our circuit to bring the clock_counter to a defined value, it
may be unknown for the entire simulation.
Lets fix this. In the future we will use a reset signal, but for now lets use a simpler technique. In
lab2/src/tone_generator.v modify this line as such:
// Original code:
reg [x:0] clock_counter;
// Change to:
reg [x:0] clock_counter = 0;
This tells the simulator that the initial simulation value for this register should be 0. For this
lab, when you add new registers in your tone_generator or any other design module, you should
instantiate them to their initial value in the same way. Do not set an initial value for a wire
type net; it will cause issues with synthesis, and may cause Xs in simulation.
Now run the simulation again.
3.6.1 Helpful Tip: Reloading ModelSim .wlf
When you re-run your simulation and you want to plot the newly generated signals in ModelSim,
you dont need to close and reopen ModelSim. Instead click on the Reload button on the top
toolbar which is to the right of the Save button.
3.7 Listen to Your Square Wave Output
Take a look at the file written by the testbench located at lab2/sim/build/output.txt. It should
be a sequence of 1s and 0s that represent the output of your tone_generator sampled at 44.1 kHz.
Ive written a Python script that can take this file and generate a .wav file that you can listen to.
Go to the lab2/ directory and run the command:
python scripts/audio_from_sim.py sim/build/output.txt
This will generate a file called output.wav. Run this command to play it:
play output.wav
If play doesnt work, try running aplay output.wav.
You should hear a 440Hz square wave for 1 second.
3.8 Playing with the Testbench
Play around with the testbench by altering the clock frequency, changing when you turn on
output_enable and verify that you get the audio you expect. For checkoff be able to answer
the following question and demonstrate understanding of basic simulation:
1. If you increase the clock frequency from 33 Mhz, would you expect the tone generated by
your tone_generator to be of a higher or lower frequency than 440Hz? Why? Show audio
evidence of this using simulation.
2. Prove that the output_enable input of your tone_generator actually works in simulation.
4 Design a Configurable Frequency tone generator
Lets extend our tone_generator so that it can play different notes. Notice that we have a 24-bit
input to the tone_generator called tone_switch_period. Note you will also have to modify your
clock_counter to be 24 bits wide.
The tone_switch_period describes how often the square wave output switches from high to low
or low to high. For example a tone_switch_period of 37500 tells us to invert the square wave
output every 37500 clock cycles, which for a 33 Mhz clock translates to a 440 Hz square wave. Here
is the derivation for review:
33 106
1 second
440 periods
1 second =
75000 cycles
1 period
75000 cycles/period 37500 cycles/half-period
You may have to modify the architecture of your tone_generator to accommodate this new input
signal. You should reset the internal clock_counter every tone_switch_period cycles and should
also invert the square wave output. Remember to initialize any new registers declared in your
tone_generator to their desired initial value to prevent unknowns during simulation.
5 Simulating and Debugging Your New tone generator
Now, lets run the tone_generator_testbench again. Since we have now implemented the tone_switch_period
functionality, changing the tone_to_play register in the testbench should change the tone being
outputted by the tone_generator.
Inspect the waveform and debug your tone_generator if you detect any bugs. Then use the same
Python script to generate an audio file to listen to your tone_generators output. You should
hear 5 tones, played rapidly one after the other that have descending frequencies.
Create a testbench that plays some simple melody that you define and have its audio output file
ready for checkoff.
6 Try the tone generator on the FPGA
Modify the top-level Verilog module ml505top.v to include the new input to the tone_generator.
You should tie the tone_switch_period to the GPIO_DIP[7:1] switches left-shifted by 9 bits
(effectively a multiplication by 512). This will allow you to control the tone_switch_period from
512 to around 65000. Leave GPIO_DIP[0] to control output_enable. Here is a code snippet:
tone_generator piezo_controller (
.tone_switch_period({17d0, GPIO_DIP[7:1]} << 9)
Run the usual make process and then make impact to put your new tone_generator on the FPGA.
Verify that toggling the DIP switches changes the frequency of your tone_generator.
7 Introduction to Inferred Asynchronous Memories ROMs
An asynchronous memory is a memory block that isnt governed by a clock. In this lab, we will
use a Python script to generate a ROM block in Verilog.
A ROM is a read-only memory. A ROM can be broadly classed as a state element that holds some
fixed data. This data can be accessed by supplying an address to the ROM; after some time, the
ROM will output the data stored at that address. A memory block in general can contain as many
addresses in which to store data as you desire. Every address should contain the same amount
of data (bits). The number of addresses is called the depth of the memory, while the number of
bits stored per address is called the width of the memory. These are important terms that are
frequently used.
The synthesizer is a powerful tool that takes the Verilog you write and converts it into a low-level
netlist of the structures are actually used on the FPGA. Our Verilog describes the functionality of
some digital circuit and the synthesizer infers what primitives implement the functional description.
In this section, we will examine the Verilog that allows the synthesizer (XST) to infer a ROM.
What follows is a minimal example of a ROM in Verilog: (depth of 8 entries/addresses, width of
12 bits)
module rom (input [2:0] address, output reg [11:0] data);
always @(*) begin
3d0: data = 12h000;
3d1: data = 12hFFF;
3d2: data = 12hACD;
3d3: data = 12h122;
3d4: data = 12h347;
3d5: data = 12h93A;
3d6: data = 12h0AF;
3d7: data = 12hC2B;
To power our tone_generator, we will be using a ROM that is X entries/addresses deep and 24
bits wide. The ROM will contain tones that the tone_generator will play. You can choose the
depth of your ROM based on the length of the sequence of tones you want to play.
Weve provided you with a few scripts that can generate a ROM from either a file with its contents
or even from sheet music. Run these commands from lab2/.
python scripts/musicxml_parser.py musicxml/Twinkle_Twinkle_Little_Star.mxl music.txt
python scripts/rom_generator.py music.txt src/rom.v 1024 24
The first script will parse a MusicXML file and turn it into a list of tone_switch_periods for each
of the notes for a piece of sheet music. The second script will take that list and turn it into a ROM
thats 1024 entries deep with a width of 24 bits.
Take a look at music.txt and src/rom.v. You can download your own music in MusicXML format
from here (https://musescore.org/) and run it through the same parser; it should ideally only
have one part to work properly. You can also directly edit the music.txt file to customize the
contents of the ROM as you wish.
8 Design of the music streamer
Open up the music_streamer.v file. This module will contain an instance of the ROM you created
earlier and will address the ROM sequentially to play notes. The music_streamer will play each
note in the ROM for a predefined amount of time by sending it to the tone_generator.
We will play each note for 1/25th of a second. Calculate what that is in terms of 33Mhz clock
Begin by instantiating the music_streamer module in ml505top.v. Use the instance name streamer
to match the expected name in the .do file. Connect its tone output to the tone_switch_period
input of the tone_generator. Connect its clk input to the global clock signal. Connect its
rom_address output to the GPIO_LEDs by routing the top 8 bits of the address to the LEDs.
Now lets begin the design of the music_streamer itself. Instantiate your ROM in the music_streamer
and connect the ROMs address and data ports to wire or reg nets that you create in your module
(you can ignore the last_address port).
Next, write the RTL that will increment the address supplied to the ROM every 1/25th of a
second. The data coming out of the ROM should be fed directly to the tone output. The ROMs
address input should go from 0 to the depth of the ROM and should then loop around back to 0.
You dont have a reset signal, so define the initial state of any registers in your design for simulation
purposes. Also hook up the rom_address output to the ROM address currently being accessed.
9 Simulating the music streamer
To simulate your music_streamer open up the lab2/src/music_streamer_testbench.v. In contrast to the tone_generator_testbench where the tone_generator was instantiated in isolation,
in this testbench we are instantiating our entire top-level design, ml505top. This testbench is referred to as a system-level testbench, which tests our entire design using top-level I/O, in contrast to
the tone_generator_testbench which is a block-level testbench. This is similar to the difference
between unit and integration tests in software development.
You can see that this testbench just runs a simulation for 2 seconds and then exits. To run this simulation, go to lab2/sim/tests and change the extension on the music_streamer_testbench.dont
file to .do. Our Makefile works by executing the TCL files in this folder that have the file extension .do. You might have to modify the .do file to match the name of your module instances in
To execute the testbench, run make in lab2/sim. This may take several minutes to complete. You
may have to run make clean before running make if ModelSim has cached build artifacts.
Inspect your waveform to make sure you get what you expect. Verify that there are no undefined
signals (red lines, x) Then, run the Python script to generate a .wav file of your simulation results
and listen to your music_streamer in action. It should sound like the first few seconds of the song
that was loaded on the ROM.
10 Verify your Code to Works For Rest Notes
In simulation, you can often catch bugs that would be difficult or impossible to catch by running
your circuit on the FPGA. You should verify that if your ROM contains an entry that is zero (i.e.
generate a 0Hz wave), that the tone_generator holds the square_wave_out output at either 1 or
0 with no oscillation. Verify this in simulation, and prove the correct functionality during checkoff.
11 Try it on the FPGA!
Now try your music_streamer on the FPGA. You should expect the output to be the same as in
simulation. The GPIO_DIP[0] switch should still work to disable the output of the tone_generator.
Show your final results, simulation, and the working design on the FPGA to the TA
for checkoff.
12 Optional: Adding Tempo Variations and Pausing to the music streamer
In the next lab, we will be making our music_streamer more full-featured. If you have time now,
you can implement some of these features.
Connect a GPIO_DIP switch to a new pause input of the music_streamer. When this switch is
turned on, your module should pause the music at the current note and should cut the output to
the piezo speaker. When the switch is turned off, your module should resume playback.
Connect a pair of GPIO_DIP switches to a new tempo input of the music_streamer. When these
switches are toggled, your music_streamer should play the notes faster or slower. Basically, you
can define four different tempos that hold each note for a different amount of time. We choose a
standard 1/25th of a second for this lab, but you can vary it from 1/75, 1/50, 1/30, 1/15 to change
the tempo of your music playback on the fly.
13 Checkoff
1. Section 3.8 How will a higher clock frequency impact the frequency of the square wave
output for a fixed tone_switch_period?
2. Section 5 Play an audio file that was generated using the tone_generator_testbench that
plays some melody you define.
3. Section 10 Prove that if the ROM contains an entry for a tone_switch_period of 0, that
the square wave doesnt oscillate.
4. Section 11 Show the working music_streamer on the FPGA.
14 Conclusion
You are done with lab 2! Please write down any and all feedback and criticism of this lab and share
it with the TA. This is a new lab and we welcome everyones input so that it can be improved.


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[SOLVED] EECS 151/251A Lab 2: Simulation, Inter-module Communication, and Memories