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[SOLVED] CS164 hw8 Optimizations


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In this homework, you’ll implement some optimizations in your compiler. You’ll also come up with benchmark programs and see how well your optimizations do on a collaboratively-developed benchmark suite.

You’ll implement the following optimizations (all of which we discussed in class):

  • Constant propagation
  • Inlining
  • Common subexpression elimination

In order to make inlining and common subexpression elimination easier to implement, you’ll also write an AST pass (i.e., a function of type program -> program) to make sure all variable names are globally unique.

Note: Task 1 (as defined below) will be due 1 WEEK BEFORE the rest of the tasks. It has a separate assignment on Gradescope, hw8-benchmarks.

Note: There are no “”subtasks”” in this assignment. Each numbered section has exactly one task to go with it: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3a, Task 3b, and Task 3c.

The starter code is the same as for Homework 7, but without support for MLB syntax. In particular, lambda expressions and function pointers are not supported.

You will write all your optimizations in the file lib/optimize.ml. You will not need to modify any other files.

There is no reference solution for this homework. This is because everyone’s optimizations will be slightly different!

That being said, we still encourage you to write tests using the OUnit2 framework we used for Homework 1. For a refresher on how that works, check out Section 2 on the course website. In any case, we will not be grading any tests you write for this assignment except for the benchmarks that you explicitly submit in Task 1. It’s up to you what kinds of tests you write!

You can run the compiler with specific optimization passes enabled using the bin/compile.exe executable, by passing the -p argument one or more times. For instance:

dune exec bin/compile.exe -- examples/ex1.lisp output -r -p propagate-constants -p uniquify-variables -p inline

will execute the compiler with constant propagation, globally unique names, and inlining enabled. You can also use this to execute an optimization more than oncefor instance, doing constant propagation, then inlining, then constant propagation again.

You can also pass -o instead to enable all optimizations.

We’ve set up a repository for benchmarks for this homework assignment, as well as a script that you can use to see how much your optimizations improve performance on the various benchmarks.

Note: We will not be grading your optimizations based on a competition of any kind with the benchmarks submitted. Instead, we will just be grading your optimizations on the basis of whether or not they behave as prescribed (based on our own internal tests).

Task 1 (DUE 1 WEEK EARLY): In the Gradescope assignment hw8-benchmarks, upload at least three interesting benchmark programs. These must be programs that the Homework 8 starter code can actually run! For instance, since the Homework 8 language doesn’t include variadic functions or let expressions that bind multiple variables, your benchmarks should not use these features.

We will periodically take some of these submissions from Gradescope and upload them to the public benchmarking repository, so please DO NOT INCLUDE ANY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION IN YOUR BENCHMARKS (e.g. name, email, date of birth, social security number, password…).

This also means that if you’re interested in testing your optimizations on benchmarks contributed by others, you should periodically do a git pull on the hw8-benchmarks repo, to get the latest benchmark suite! This is totally optional. Again, the grade for your optimizations will not have anything to do with the benchmarks submitted by your peers. We have our own set of tests that we’ll use to evaluate your optimizations. But if you want access to benchmarks that your peers have created, just for your own purposes of assessing your optimizations, pulling from hw8-benchmarksis the way to get a whole suite!

Many optimizations can benefit from a pass that ensures all names are globally unique.

Task 2: Implement this pass using gensym.

This pass should be run before inlining and common subexpression elimination, and both of those optimizations can then assume globally-unique names (this is an exception to the usual principle that the order of optimizations shouldn’t matter for correctness). The validate_passes function in optimize.ml ensures that this optimization is executed before inlining and common subexpression elimination.

Hint: You should implement this optimization before implementing inlining or common subexpression elimination!

Constant propagation is a crucial optimization in which as much computation as possible is done at compile time instead of at run time.

We implemented a sketch of a simple version of constant propagation in class.

Task 3a: Implement constant propagation, which should support:

  • Replacing the primitive operations add1, sub1, plus, minus, eq, and lt with their statically-determined result when possible;
  • Replacing let-bound names with constant boolean or number values when possible;
  • Eliminating if expressions where the test expression’s value can be statically determined.

Optional extension (for no additional credit): You can also implement re-associating binary operations (possibly in a separate pass) to find opportunities for constant propagation. For instance, consider the expression

(+ 5 (+ 2 (read-num)))

This expression won’t be modified by the constant propagation algorithm described above, but with re-association it could be optimized to

(+ 7 (read-num))

In this task, you will implement function inlining for function definitions.

In general, inlining functions can be tricky because of variable names; consider the following code:

(define (f x y) (+ x y)) (let ((x 2)) (let ((y 3)) (f y x)))

A naive inlining implementation might result in code like this:

(let ((x 2)) (let ((y 3)) (let ((x y)) (let ((y x)) (+ x y)))))

This expression, however, is not equivalent!

This problem can be solved by adding a simultaneous binding form like the one you implemented in Homework 3. It can also be solved by just ensuring that all variable and parameter names are globally unique.

You should implement a heuristic for when to inline a given function. This heuristic should involve both (1) the number of static call sites and (2) the size of the function body. For example, you could multiply some measure of the size of the function body by the number of call sites and see if this exceeds some target threshold. We recommend implementing your inliner as follows:

  1. Find a function to inline. This function should satisfy your heuristics and be a leaf function, i.e., one that doesn’t contain any function calls.
  2. Inline the function, and remove the function’s definition.
  3. Go back to Step 1. Now that you’ve inlined a function, more functions may now be leaf functions.

This process will never inline recursive functions, including mutually-recursive functions.

Task 3b: Implement function inlining for function definitions. Please describe your heuristic in a comment at the VERY TOP of the optimizations.ml file.

In this task, you will implement common subexpression elimination.

This optimization pass should find common subexpressions, add names for those subexpressions, and replace the subexpressions with variable references.

This optimization is more challenging to implement than inlining is. Our suggested approach is to:

  • Optimize each definition (including the top-level program body) independently. For each definition:
    • Make a list of all of the subexpressions in the program that don’t include calls to (read-num) or (print)
    • Find any such subexpressions that occur more than once
    • Pick a new variable name for each expression that occurs more than once
    • Replace each subexpression with this variable name
    • Add a let-binding for each common subexpression

The most difficult part of this process is determining where to put the new let-binding. Consider replacing the (identical) subexpressions e1, e2, and e3 with the variable x. You’ll need to find the lowest common ancestor e of e1, e2, and e3, then replace it with

(let ((x e1)) e)

In order to find this lowest common ancestor, it will likely be useful to track the “”path”” to a given expression: how to get to that subexpressson from the top level of the given definition. How exactly you do this is up to you.

Task 3c: Implement common subexpression elimination.


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[SOLVED] CS164 hw8 Optimizations