
[SOLVED] COMP3760/6760: Enterprise Systems Integration Assignment 2

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COMP3760/6760: Enterprise Systems Integration Assignment 2

Assignment Name: BPM for (International) Student Admission Semester: Semester 2, 2024 Percentage of Semester Grade: 20% Instructor: Dr. Peter Busch Due Date: 11:55 pm Friday – 13th September 2024

BPM for (International) Student Admission Source

Source: Gonzalez-Dominguez, J., Busch, P., (2018), “Automated business process discovery and analysis for the international higher education industry” Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Intelligent Systems: 15th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2018. Yoshida, K. & Lee, M. (eds.). Cham: Springer, Springer Nature, p. 170-183.

BPM Background

  • Business Process Management uses different techniques to achieve organisational goals through well established, monitored and continuously improved processes.
  • Business processes are a series of interdependent activities carried out at different levels. They can run internally in an organisation or externally through different organisations.
  • Papazoglou and Ribbers describe business processes as part of the technical and management foundations for e-business solutions.
  • Hammer notes processes and process management as a whole discipline that supports transformation strategies and organisational operations.
  • Hung notes process alignment and people involvement are variables impacting the successful implementation of Business Process Management as a competitive advantage.
  • Business process initiatives allow organisations to develop or implement methodologies to maximise resources by business process continuous improvement.

University processing

  • With growing demand from international students, a university should have the capability to monitor and improve its International Students Admissions Process continuously.
  • The importance of this process relies on the ability to ensure candidates’ qualifications and English proficiency are appropriate, comply with Australian Education Legislation, facilitate the transition between application and enrolment stages, and elaborate market development strategies for recruitment.
  • A university may use an application system to record admissions activities and keep one actual source of information.
  • The process is triggered when an application for study is received. It can be made online or in hard copy.
  • Data Entry Clerks review the application and create a new student in the Student Management System. If it’s paper application, student details are entered in both systems.
  • The application is then assessed by Admissions Assistant or Admissions Officers.
  • During assessment, admission officers confirm documentation completeness, compliance with university policies, and entry requirements. Faculty permission and recognition of prior learning advice are sought if necessary.
  • After assessment, the admissions officer either rejects the application, asks for more information or issues an offer letter.
  • The offer letter can be Full Offer Letter, Full Offer with Conditions or Conditional.
  • The next task is Acceptance. There can be a significant time gap between issuing the offer letter and acceptance.
  • Acceptance is processed by the admissions officer/assistance in coordination with the finance department.
  • When the finance department confirms the student’s payment, a confirmation of enrolment (CoE) is issued and sent to the student with a welcome message and instructions for program enrolment.


  • The process shows two activities that do not conform with the assumed process flow. “Application Edited” can happen mainly before submission but leads to “Assessing” skipping two activities. “Not Qualified” is considered an ending activity but one case continues with “Agent Assignment Request by Student”.
  • Table 1 summarises the main events and processing times per sequence pattern in days.
  • The overall results mention an average of 1.06 months to complete a case with a standard deviation of 1.02 months.

University Team

  • Consists of two international office workers (HEW level 7), two faculty administrative officers (HEW level 7), one faculty manager (HEW level 8) who signs off the process, one international office manager (HEW level 8), and one ‘International Student’.


  • Look at SCHEDULE 1: FULL-TIME ANNUAL SALARIES. Assume all staff are band 1. Professional staff are non-academic staff at an Australian university.

Assignment algorithm

  • As a Business Analyst (BA), read pages 335-340 regarding BPMN. Consider software like ADONIS or other suitable BPM software. Re-read the assignment pages, examine figure 1 and table 1, and appendix 2. Implement a To-Be process model for the scenario.


  • Soft copy only. One file as a report explaining what you have done etc. The file should include supporting data relegated to appendices. Use connectors in diagrams and export to document using screen shots.


  • Place soft copy in assignment 2 submission folder on iLearn. Due: 11.55pm, Friday 13th September.

Marking Rubric

  • Modelling software:
    • Developing (Borderline Pass-Fail): Limited use of BP Modeler showing some understanding of the tool.
    • Functional (Pass): Competent use of BP Modeler showing understanding of the software and ability to use it effectively, perhaps making some basic mistakes.
    • Proficient (Credit): Good understanding of the software, modelling workflows proficiently and using tool appropriately without any significant mistakes.
    • Advanced (Distinction-High Distinction): Excellent understanding of the software, modelling workflows proficiently and using tool appropriately at an expert level.
  • Workflow modelling:
    • Developing (Borderline Pass-Fail): Limited understanding of workflow modelling, some obvious mistakes.
    • Functional (Pass): Competent understanding of workflow modelling, some mistakes in evidence, but an understanding of what is taking place and why.
    • Proficient (Credit): Some incorporation of the literature beyond just competent understanding of workflow modelling.
    • Advanced (Distinction-High Distinction): An excellent grasp of workflow modelling, also drawing on the literature widely to exemplify in the case of further examples how workflow modelling has aided other organisations as well.

Appendix 1 – Business Process Modeling Notation Tools

Business process modeling (BPM) refers to the activity undertaken to represent processes of an organization to analyze and conduct process improvement if necessary. Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) is a business process-modelling standard enabling graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD) using a flowcharting technique. List of tools: Activity Modeler (Cross-Platform, 2.0, Simulation, Modeler, Execution, Apache License 2.0), ADONIS (Software, Windows, 2.0, Business Process Analysis tool, Proprietary/Freeware), ARCWAY Cockpit (Windows and Mac. Linux unofficially, 2.0, BPMN Collaboration Diagrams, Petri Nets, EPC, integrated with FMC Block diagrams for business and Information Technology architecture, UML Class diagrams for data models and Requirements management, Proprietary, free single user edition), BPMN Web Modeler (Cloud, 2.0, Process Animator to learn about the dynamic behaviour of the model, migration BPMN 2.0 tool, live teamwork support, process repository, process simulator, Interchange capability, Shareware, Proprietary), HP Process Automation (Java/Windows, 2.0, Effective as a standalone Business Process Model application. Integrated suite of applications to offer end-to-end Solutions for Content and Human Centric Processes. Single vendor solution from HP MFPs to Document Capture, Process Automation, Content Management, Records Retention, Legal Holds and Content Distribution, Proprietary), IBM BlueWorks Live (Browser based cloud, 2.0, Sophisticated process management platform, Specific custom properties for documentation, Analysis and comparison of process metrics, sharing processes in the cloud, automatically backs up and saves, Proprietary), Microsoft Visio 2013 (Windows, BPMN2 Modeling and validation. Does not provide support for Data Input/Output. Does not also provide support for BPMN file format, Proprietary).

Appendix 2 – As Is Hospital Stores Procurement Process

Minimum/Maximum Levels Set. Report Run on Current Stock Levels. Calculate Reorder Quantity. Key New Order into ERP System. Item has backorders? Autofax Purchase Order to Supplier. Alternate supplier available? NO. YES. NO. Adjust ERP Supplier for all orders of item. Fax all orders for item to new supplier. Cancel old order on old supplier. Receive Item into Store with GRN Form. Reconcile GRN with Supplier Delivery Docket. Are there errors? Enter received items into ERP System. Put items on shelf. Resolve error with supplier. YES. NO. YES. Mail delivery of Invoice. Book Invoice into ERP system. Invoice matches GRN and PO? End. Submit Credit Request to Supplier. Supplier accepts credit request? Discuss with Supervisor. Supervisor resolves with Supplier. YES. NO. YES. NO. Pay Supplier.


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[SOLVED] COMP3760/6760: Enterprise Systems Integration Assignment 2
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