[SOLVED] CAB203 Graphs Project


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CAB203 Graphs Project

Graphs Project
1 Introduction
In this project will demonstrate your knowledge and skill with the material in the unit by developing a
solution to a real world problem by translating it to mathematical language, relating the problem to well
known problems on mathematical structures, and implementing software to solve the problem.
Your submission will consist of two parts: a report detailing the mathematical descriptions of the problem
and solutions, and a Python file containing your implementation of the solution.
This assignment is worth 40% of your final grade.
Please see the Canvas Assignments page for due dates.
2 Scenario
Congratulations on your acceptance to the organising committee of the 2024 CAB203 Bonkers tournament!
Bonkers is an extremely exciting and fictitious game.
There are many tasks that need to be done, which have been distributed amongst the organising committee
members. Your acumen with discrete structures is well known, and hence you have been assigned several
organisational tasks which will benefit from some computerisation.
All tasks are intended to make significant use of graph theoretic tools and problems.
1. The tournament structure needs to be set; that is to say, who plays who. For this tournament a
structure is used where all games are set at the beginning. Another committee member will propose
the tournament structure and your job is to determine whether it has the required properties. The
committee has determined that the following properties are sufficient:
For every pair of distinct players, either they play against each other, or there are at least two
other players that they both play against.
All players have the same number of games.
So for example, if Alice and Bob dont play against each other then its still OK as long as they both
play against two players in common, say, Charlie and Denise.
Your job is to find a method that, given a tournament structure, determines whether the above properties
Implement your method in a Python function like so:
def gamesOK ( games ):
where games is a set of proposed games to play, given as pairs of players, like so:
games = { (” Alice “, “Bob”), (” Charlie “, “Bob”) }
Note that the order of the players in a particular game does not matter: (‘Alice’,’Bob’) specifies
the same game as (‘Bob’,’Alice’). You may assume that in the games given no player plays against
themselves, every player plays in at least one game, there is at least one player, and no game is given
more than once.
Your function should return True if the required property holds for the games given, otherwise False.
2. All Bonkers games must have a referee, but the referee for each game cannot have any conflicts of
interest for the game. In particular, the referee cannot be a player in the game, and the referee must
also declare any other conflicts of interest (eg. cannot be a players relative, friend, boss, etc..). In
order to minimise the burden on any individual referee, the policy is to assign each referee at most one
Your task is to determine a method for assigning referees to games, given the games, referees, and
conflicts of interest for each referee. You must assign at most one game to each referee, and exactly
one referee to each game, or determine that it is impossible to do so.
Implement your solution as a Python function of the form
def referees (games , refereecsvfilename ):
games is structured the same as in the previous question. refereecsvfilename is the name for a CSV
file which you should read to obtain the list of referees and their declared conflicts of interest. Below
is a sample CSV file showing the structure.
Referee , Conflict1 , Conflict2 , Conflict3 , Conflict4
Alice ,Bob ,Dave ,Eve
Bob ,Dave ,Eve ,Fiona , Jamal
You may assume that for each referee there is exactly one row giving their conflicts of interest.
Your function should return a data structure of games and assigned referees similar to:
# dictionary of all ( player1 , player2 ) : referee
{ (‘Ashley ‘, ‘Bob ‘): ‘Rene ‘ }
or None if it is not possible.
3. The games now need to be scheduled, which will happen in two steps. Your first task is to group
together games that can be played simultaneously into game groups. The requirements for the game
groups are:
People are not double-booked: each person is involved in at most one game in any game group.,
either as a player or referee
Games are played once: each game is in exactly one game group
Each game group will be played in a single time slot, so the committee wants the smallest number of
game groups possible.
Implement your solution as a Python function of the form
def gameGroups ( assignedReferees ):
where assignedReferees is in the same format as you returned in the previous question, i.e. as a
dictionary with games as keys and referees as values. Your output should be a schedule in a data
structure of the form
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# list of timeslots
# each timeslot is a set of games
# each game is a pair ( player1 , player2 )
{ (” Ashley “, “Bob”), (” Charlie “, ” Dave “) },
{ (“Bob”, ” Charlie “), (” Rene “, ” Elaine “) }
4. The previous question only dealt with which games can be played at the same time, but not on the
order of the game groups. The preference is that if a player is also a referee then they play all of their
games before refereeing. Your task is to determine if it is possible to order the game groups so that
this is true.
Implement your solution as a Python function of the form
def gameSchedule ( assignedReferees , gameGroups ):
where assignedReferees is as in the previous question, and gameGroups is of the form of the return
value in the previous question. Your function should return the game groups in the required order, in
the same format as the return value in the previous question, or None if there is no such order.
5. Once all games are played, it is necessary to find the tournament winners. For this, Bonkers uses a
points based system. The system is a little technical, so we first provide some intuition for it.
Since not all players play against each other in Bonkers, a points based system based on the number
of wins alone is not sufficient. Perhaps Alice and Bob have the same number of wins, but Alice played
against skilled opponents and Bob did not. So the number of wins alone doesnt indicate a players
skill very well. To compensate for this, players gain points for their own wins, and also for the wins of
players that they defeated. For example, if Alice defeats Bob and Bob defeats a lot of other players
(say, Charlie, Dave, Evalyn) this this probably means that Bob is skilled, and hence Alice must also be
skilled to defeat Bob. Hence Alice earns some points for Charlie, Dave and Evalyn as well. Now, we
need to put some limits on these extra points. In the previous example, if Alice defeated Charlie then
she will get points for that win directly; she shouldnt also get points for Bob defeating Charlie. Also,
suppose that Bob is quite skilled and defeated many other players. Alice can access those points if she
plays Bob, but another player (say, Fred) who doesnt play Bob wouldnt have access to those points,
even if he is as skilled as Bob. If Fred only plays against weak players then he is at a disadvantage.
For this reason we limit the number of points that Alice can claim for Bobs wins. Finally, suppose
that Alice defeats Bob who defeats Charlie, and Alice also defeats Dave who defeats Charlie. Charlie
is apparently not very skilled, so it isnt fair for Alice to gain points for both Bob defeating Charlie and
Dave defeating Charlie. So Alice gets the same amount of points from Charlie as if only Bob defeated
Charlie. Put differently, Alice gets points once for second-hand defeating Charlie, not for each way
that the second-hand defeats him. But, because there is the limit on points that Alice gets through
Bob, she can get some of the points for Charlie through Bob and the rest through Dave.
Traditionally, each players points are calculated through a scoring game, which works as follows.
(1) The player writes out the names of all the players that they defeated (called primary wins) out
on a big piece of paper. Above them the player writes all the names of all the players that the
primary wins defeated (called secondary wins). They also draw a line from each primary win to
each secondary win that the primary win defeated.
(2) A referee places p tokens on the paper on name of each primary win.
(3) The referee places s tokens on the paper on name of each secondary win.
(4) The player now moves tokens one at a time along lines from secondary wins to primary wins.
They can choose which lines to follow with each token.
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(5) While doing the above, each primary win can have at most c tokens on it. (This is sometimes
done by drawing c circles around each primary win so that it is easy to see if there is capacity to
add more tokens.) This means that it may happen that not all tokens on secondary wins can be
moved to primary wins.
(6) The player collects tokens on the primary wins counts them to determine their score.
Here is an example to illustrate the above rules based on a partial set of wins. We set p = 4, s = 3, c = 5:
Alice defeats Bob, which is a primary win for Alice.
Bob defeats Charlie, which is a secondary win for Alice against Charlie via Bob (Bob is the
intermediate player.)
Similarly, Alice defeats Dave (primary win), and Dave defeats Charlie (a secondary win for Alice.)
Bob defeats Dave. This is not a secondary win for Alice because Dave is already a primary win.
Alice plays the scoring game as follows:
(a) Alice writes Bob and Dave on the paper for primary wins, and Charlie for secondary wins.
(b) Alice draws lines from Charlie to Bob and to Dave.
(c) The referee puts 4 tokens on Bob, 4 tokens on Dave and 3 tokens on Charlie.
(d) Alice moves 1 token from Charlie to Bob. Bob now has 5 tokens, so there is no space for
(e) Alice moves 1 token from Charlie to Dave. Dave now has 5 tokens, so there is no space for
(f) Alice decides not to reset.
(g) The referee counts 10 tokens total on Bob and Dave, so Alices score is 10.
Your task is, given the outcomes of all games in the tournament, determine the maximum possible
score for each player. Note that you do not need to implement the scoring game itself, just determine
what the maximum score can be. Implement your solution as a Python function of the form
def scores (p, s, c, games ):
where games is a data structures similar to:
# each pair is a game (winner , loser )
games = { (” Ashley “, “Bob”), (“Bob”, ” Charlie “) }
Your function should return a dictionary mapping players to points like so:
{ ” Ashley “: 5, “Bob”: 4, ” Charlie “: 4 }
3 Report
Your report should have five sections, one for each of your assigned tasks. Each section should discuss the
following (preferably in this order)
1. Use mathematical language, concepts and notation from the unit to describe the problem. You should
make use of mathematical tools and problems discussed in the unit, for example quantified predicates
or finding a shortest path in a graph. Describe the information given in mathematical terms and using
mathematical notation (e.g. the games are given a set of pairs of players like {(a, b), (c, d)}).
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2. Describe, using mathematical terms and notation, how to find a solution for a given instance of the
problem. If applicable, describe how the information given relates to other mathematical objects that
are needed. For example, how are the vertices and edges of a graph related to the given games. Describe
how the solution to the mathematical problem relates to the solution to the original problem.
3. Describe your implementation in Python. Mention the role of important variables, library calls (eg. to
graphs.py or digraphs.py), and source of reused code if applicable and any modifications required to
it. If you need to make a choice about data structures, explain why your choice. Please note that this
section should be about programming considerations, not solution methods, which is the above point.
Additionally, your report should include a bibliography using consistent, appropriate style. Some standard
citation styles are explained at The QUT Citation tool, any of which is acceptable. At minimum you should
cite at least two sources, including lecture material and a standard reference such as a textbook. The sample
report available on Canvas demonstrates reasonable citations and bibliography.
Overall, report should be understandable by another student in CAB203 who knows the material but hasnt
thought about the tasks. It is not necessary to define terms already used in the unit, but you should point
out the significance of particular details about the problem and the choices that you make in modelling and
solving it.
Your report will be a single file, in PDF format. There is no minimum or maximum page length, but
a concise, easy to understand report is better than a long wordy report. Five pages is about right, not
including diagrams if you have any.
3.1 Python implementation
Your solution should be a reasonable implementation of the mathematical solution described in your report.
The problems are all solvable using the Python concepts and syntax used in the unit. You can use additional
syntax if you like as long as it is compatible with Python 3.10. One exception is that using loops incurs
a penalty (see the marking criteria below.) The purpose of penalising loops is to encourage you to think
in terms of mathematical style declarative structures rather than procedures. All tasks are solvable in the
intended way without using loops.
You are allowed to use or modify any functions defined throughout the lectures, tutorials, and assignment
solutions. Many of these functions and more are collected in Python files graphs.py and digraphs.py. We
prefer that you import these files rather than copying from them; the questions are designed so that you can
use the functions directly without modifying them. You can assume that these files are available; there is
no need to include them in your submission. Additionally, you are allowed to use the csv Python module.
Before using other modules, please contact the unit coordinator.
A submission template file is available from the Canvas Assessments module. If your solution includes
modified code from the unit, say so in a comment explaining where you obtained it and what modifications
you made. One line is enough detail.
A test file is included to help you debug your code, available from the Canvas Assessments module. Please
make sure that you run it before submission. You can run the test file directly: python test_project.py.
Mac and Linux users may need to run python3 test_project.py. Or, run it through Thonny. Be sure that
test_project.py is in the same directory as your solution, and that your solution is called project.py.
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The test file is structured using unittest, which is part of the Python standard library. It can be run directly
to test your solutions:
python test_project .py
The tasks are all chosen so that they can be solved with a relatively short function (Matts solution is 57
lines, excluding comments and blank lines). There is no limit on the length of your program. However,
the marking system will impose a time limit of about 5 seconds to avoid problems with infinite loops. This
should be plenty of time to solve the tasks given.
Your code submission will be a single Python file.
4 Marking criteria
Your mark is made of two parts. The report is graded out of 30 and the Python code is graded out of 10,
for a total of 40. Each mark counts 1% towards your final grade.
4.1 Report
The marking rubric is available on Canvas under Assignments > Graph Project Report.
Note that some criteria are worth more than others.
4.2 Python code
Your Python code will be graded automatically by running test cases. The tests will be similar, but not
identical, to those found in test_project.py. There will be 30 tests, 6 for each task. Each test is 1/3 of a
mark, for a total of 10 marks. For each task, one of the tests checks to see if you have used for or while
The marking system will use Python 3.10, so if you are using a later version be sure not to use any syntax
newer than 3.10.
Your code is not assessed for quality, format, comments, length, etc.. Only the automated tests count for
5 Submission
Submission process: You will need to make two submissions through two separate links in Canvas:
Your report, in PDF format (extension .pdf).
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Your Python code, as a Python file (extension .py).
You can find the submission pages on Canvas on the Assignments page.
Extensions: Information about extensions is available on the About Assessments module on Canvas. If you
obtain an extension, you may optionally attach confirmation as a separate file to your report submission.
Citing your sources: You are welcome to source information and code from the internet or other
sources. However, to avoid committing academic misconduct, you must cite any sources that you use.
See https://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/ for guidelines on citing sources and how to properly format and
acknowledge quoted material.
You are welcome to use resources, including code, from within the unit. Please cite the unit like CAB203,
Tutorial 7 or similar. This is only necessary when explicitly quoting unit material. There is no need, for
example, to cite the definition of a graph or similar, unless you are directly quoting the lectures definition.
For code, please include your citation as a comment within the code. For example
# modified from CAB203 graphs.py
Policy on collaboration: We encourage you to learn from your peers. However, for assessment you need
to turn in your own work, and you will learn best if you have spent some time thinking about the problem
for yourself before talking with others. For this reason, talking with other students about the project is
encouraged, as long as you are putting in the effort on the problems yourself as well. But do not share your
code or your report with other students and do not copy from others. It is considered academic misconduct
to copy from other students or to provide your work to others for the purposes of copying.
For the purposes of this unit, the use of generative AI (eg. copilot, ChatGPT) is treated the same as colluding
with another person.
For Teams and other online discussions, please do not post about solutions. Keep your discussions private
so that everyone gets a chance to get to the solutions on their own. You can direct message or email the
unit coordinator or one of the tutors if you wish to discuss specifics of your solution. Feel free, however, to
ask general questions about the project on the Teams channels.
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[SOLVED] CAB203 Graphs Project