Take Home Programming Test
CSEE 3827: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
Release Date: 11/15/22
Submission Date: 11/22/22
All work is to be individual, with no collaboration of any sort permitted.
You may pose questions to course staff via private post on ED. As on a test, staff will answer
clarifying questions about the prompt, but will not provide assistance writing or debugging code.
Youmay refer to all of this semesters coursematerials (i.e., slides, notes, problem sets and solutions,
Ed Discussion board history, SPIM).
You may also refer to external resources (e.g., slides from other courses or semesters, the Harris
and Harris textbook, etc.). Such materials should serve as references and their content should never
be presented as your own.
Under no circumstances are you to solicit or consult solutions.
As in PS4 and PS5, place all of your code above the line in the scaffolding that begins
#### Do not remove this separator.
Your submitted .s file must contain your code followed by this separator.
Your code will be tested for both correctness and adherence to calling conventions.
The submission deadline is Tuesday November 22 at 11:59pm. Be sure to leave sufficient time to
upload before that deadline.
To submit, upload a single file named mapreduce.s to gradescope.
1 Introduction
For this assignment you are to implement a mapreduce function that uses the MapReduce approach to
analyze a set of strings.
MapReduce is one way to organize a large computation to process large data sets. In a MapReduce
computation a map function processes each element in the dataset to generate a set of intermediate values,
one per element. A reduce function then reduces all of these intervalues to produce a single result. For
example, to get the total wordcount on many documents, a map function would apply wordcount to each
individual document, and then the reducer would sum the results.
Many realworld tasks are expressible in this structure, andMapReduce is deployed inmany commercial
settings. One major benefit is that a user needs only write their map and reduce function, to be plugged
into this framework and deployed at scale to process large datasets. For more background, Wikipedias
page is a reasonable introduction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MapReduce.
2 Data Format in Memory
The strings to be processed are stored in a full binary tree. In this tree, each leaf contains a pointer to a
string. Every non-leaf node of the tree contains pointers to two children.
Leaf nodes take up two contiguous words of memory:
1 Non-leaf nodes use three contiguous words: 0 To help you visualize this data structure, the following diagram depicts one of the test trees in the itty bitty word set 3 Provided Map and Reduce Functions unit always returns 1, regardless of the argument strlen returns the length of the argument string sum returns the sum of the two arguments min returns the smaller of the two arguments max returns the larger of the two arguments 4 Your mapreduce Function A pointer to the root of the binary tree containing the strings to be processed. This pointer will A pointer to a map function A pointer to a reduce function the reduce function to the given tree. The information flow between map and reduce functions on the itty bitty word set reduce reduce map map map map As always, your mapreduce function should adhere to MIPS calling conventions. Further, it should 5 Calling Map and Reduce Functions jal myfunction But when you have a pointer to a function, and not its label name, you can call it with jalr (jump and All of the arguments and return values are handled in the normal fashion. 6 Scaffolding In the provided main, you will find twelve invocations of mapreduce, calling all six mapper/reducer 7 Advice and Hints Helper functions are allowed if you wish, but they are probably not necessary; if you write them, We strongly advising building your code and testing incrementally, for example Comment out all but one mapreduce invocation from main. Implement the tree traversal only to start, You may assume the reduce function will always be commutative, and therefore can be applied in Introduction CS : assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]
scaffolding file, called tiny. As above, each gray cell represents one word of memory.
In the scaffolding you will find a selection of map and reduce functions. For the purpose of this project,
all of the map functions take a pointer to a null-terminated ASCII string and return an integer. The
scaffolding contains two such functions:
As for reduce functions, all of ours take two integer arguments and return a single integer. The scaffolding
contains three:
Your assignment is to implement a function, called mapreduce, that takes three arguments:
never be null.
mapreduce should return an integer whose value is the result of applying the map function and then
tiny tree is illustrated in red here:
not modify the contents of the tree.
Since you are given pointers to the map and reduce functions, you will need to call them by pointer. So
far we have been calling functions using their label:
link register) on whatever register holds the pointer to the function. For example, if a function pointer
were in $t0 you would call it with:
As mentioned above, there are two mappers (unit and strlen) and three reducers (sum, min, and max)
provided in the scaffolding. You will also find two test trees under .data. tiny is the tree depicted above
with four leaves. lorem is a larger tree that has 64 leaves.
pairs on each of the two test trees.
You will almost certainly prefer a recursive implemention
they should also adhere to conventions
Consider testing mapreduce on subtrees if you want something even smaller (e.g., tinyRR is
a leaf node of tiny, tinyL is a tree with two leaves).
then actually invoke a mapper,
then invoke a reducer.
any order.
Data Format in Memory
Provided Map and Reduce Functions
Your mapreduce Function
Calling Map and Reduce Functions
Advice and Hints
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