[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 RISC-V computer architecture assembly UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
EEC 170 Introduction to Computer Architecture Winter 2021
Quiz 3 Solutions
1. (12 points) Consider a new instruction for RISC-V (RV32I), adds rd, rs1, rs2. This instruction separately adds bits <31:16> of its two inputs and places the result in rd<31:16>, and also adds bits <15:0> of its two inputs and places the result in rd<15:0>. In English, this instruction separately adds the top 16 and bottom 16 bits of its two in- puts.
Write a RISC-V assembly program to implement adds x2, x3, x4 using any RISC-V RV32I instructions of your choosing, and using x5–x11 as temporaries if needed. Do not change x3 and x4. You will help us grade and give partial credit if you comment your code enough for us to understand your intent. Your code does not have to be minimal but it does have to be near-minimal for full credit.
Basic strategy is to separately compute the high and low parts of the answer, masking o the other bits, then or them together. Two solutions follow. Both are eight instructions.
One solution just uses shifts back and forth to zero out half the words, then ors the two half-results together. Note all shifts are logical so that we shift in only zeroes.
1 add x2, x3, x4 # full add, but well next throw away top 16 bits
2 sll x2, x2, 16 # shift left, bottom part of sum now in top part …
3 srl x2, x2, 16 # … and now its back in the bottom part.
4 srlx5,x3,16 #tophalfofx3nowinbottomhalfofx5
5 srlx6,x4,16 #tophalfofx4nowinbottomhalfofx6
6 add x5, x5, x6 # add the top halves, result in bottom half
7 sll x5, x5, 16 # shift result back to the top …
8 or x2, x2, x5 # … and or it into the final result
Same program showing bit values:
1 # assume x3 = 0xabcdefgh, x4 = 0xijklmnop,
2 # and final solution = 0xqrstuvwx
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3 add x2, x3, x4 # x2: 0x????uvwx
4 sll x2, x2, 16 # x2: 0xuvwx0000
5 srl x2, x2, 16 # x2: 0x0000uvwx
6 srl x5, x3, 16 # x5: 0x0000abcd
7 srl x6, x4, 16 # x6: 0x0000ijkl
8 add x5, x5, x6 # x5: 0x????qrst
9 sll x5, x5, 16 # x5: 0xqrst0000
10 or x2, x2, x5 # x2: 0xqrstuvwx
Alternately, we can use bitmasks. There’s probably several ways to generate a bit- mask that covers either the top half or bottom half of the word, but by far the easiest is lui. We then do a full add and throw away the top 16 bits of the result (to calculate the bottom half of the sum) and then mask o the bottom 16 bits of each input and add (to calculate the top half of the sum), then or them together.
1 lui x5, 0xffff0
2 xori x6, x5, -1
3 add x7, x3, x4
4 andx2,x6,x7
5 andx8,x5,x3
6 andx9,x5,x4
7 addx7,x8,x9
8 or x2, x2, x7
# x5 now has 0xffff0000
# x6 now has 0x0000ffff
# full add, but well next throw away top 16 bits … #…andputitinx2 #setbottom16bitsofx3to0 #setbottom16bitsofx4to0 #fulladdofjusttop16bits…
# … and or it into the final result
Same program showing bit values:
1 2
3 lui x5, 0xffff0
4 xori x6, x5, -1
5 add x7, x3, x4
6 and x2, x6, x7
7 and x8, x5, x3
8 and x9, x5, x4
9 add x7, x8, x9
# assume x3 = 0xabcdefgh, x4 = 0xijklmnop,
# and final solution = 0xqrstuvwx
# x5: 0xffff0000
# x6: 0x0000ffff
# x7: 0x????uvwx
# x2: 0x0000uvwx
# x8: 0xabcd0000
# x9: 0xijkl0000
# x7: 0xqrst0000
# x2: 0xqrstuvwx
10 or x2, x2, x7
2. To make this problem simpler, all registers in this problem are 32 bits.
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Recall that a 32-bit IEEE 754 single-precision floating point value (referred to in the rest of this problem as a “float”) has a sign field (bit 31), an exponent field (bits 30–23), and a fraction field (bits 22–0).
Eddie is thinking of two 32-bit values that he can place in integer register x2. Each of these values, when interpreted as a float, has the following property: Its value can also be exactly represented as a positive (non-zero) 32-bit unsigned integer. (As an example, the float 42.0 can be represented exactly as a 32-bit unsigned integer—0x2a—but the float 6.02 ◊ 1023 cannot.)
(a) (4 points) Eddie’s first value is the smallest number that satisfies this property.
Write the hexadecimal value of the floating-point representation of this number. (In other words, what are the 32 bits that would be stored in x2 that represent this number?)
(b) (8 points) Eddie’s second number is the largest number that satisfies this property. What is the exponent field of this number? (Your answer should be an unsigned integer between 0–255.) You do not need to find the exact number to determine the exponent. Note: the largest expressible float is much larger than the largest expressible unsigned integer.
Solution: This number is 1.0, which has a 0 sign bit, 127 in the exponent field, and 0 in the fraction field. Thus 0x3f800000.
Solution: In this solution, the “exponent” is the actual power of 2 for the float and the “exponent field” is the actual bits in the float representation (your answer). Remember, for single-precision floating point, exponent + 127 = ex- ponent field.
The largest possible unsigned integer will have a 1 in bit 31. Let’s first look at a number with exponent=0 (so the exponent field has 127). This number is between 1 and 2, so its highest order bit is in bit position 0. So we need to move this bit 31 places to the left (multiply it by 231), so exponent = 31 and exponent field = 127 + 31 = 158.
3. (4 points) In class we discussed that the RISC-V RV64I instruction beq rs1, rs2, target (“branch if equal”) is (likely) implemented in the ALU by subtracting its two arguments (rs1 – rs2) and branching if the result is zero. Calculating the branch condition, then, requires a large nor gate on the ALU output out:
branch condition = nor(out<63>, out<62>, …, out<0>).
Assume that the RISC-V RV64I instruction bge rs1, rs2, target (“branch if greater than or equal”) is also implemented by subtracting its two operands (rs1 – rs2). Write the minimal logic equation for the bge branch condition as a function of the 64-bit out output of the ALU. Express your answer as
branch condition = …
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Solution: If rs1 – rs2 is positive or zero, the branch condition is also positive. We can determine this by looking at the sign bit, which is zero, so we have to invert it to indicate the branch condition. So:
branch condition = not(out<63>).
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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 RISC-V computer architecture assembly UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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