[SOLVED] CS代写 SOFT2201 / COMP9201

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The University of 1

Software Design and

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Construction 1
SOFT2201 / COMP9201
Introduction to Design

School of Computer Science

The University of 2

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The University of 4

– Design Patterns
– GoF Design Patterns

– Creational Deign Patterns
– Factory Method Pattern
– Builder Pattern

The University of 5

What is Design Pattern?

The University of 6

Design Patterns

– A pattern is a description of a problem and its solution

– Tried and tested ideas for recurring design problem

– Not readily coded solution, but rather the solution path to a
common programming problem

– Design or implementation structure that achieves a particular

The University of 7

Essential Components of a Pattern

– The pattern name
– e.g., Factory Method

– The problem
– The pattern is designed to solve (i.e., when to apply the pattern)

– The solution
– The components of the design and how they related to each other

– Consequence
– The results and trade-offs of applying the pattern
– Advantages and disadvantages of using the pattern

The University of 8

Gang of Four Patterns (GoF)

• Official design pattern reference
• Famous and influential book about design patterns
• Recommended for students who wish to become
• We will cover the most widely – used patterns
from the book
• 23 patterns in total – our unit will focus on 11
• GoF Design Patterns à Design Patterns as short

The University of 9

Design Patterns – Classification based on purpose

Scope Creational Structural Behavioural

Class Factory Method Adapter (class) Interpreter
Template Method

Object Abstract Factory

Chain of Responsibility

The University of 10

Design Patterns – Classification based on purpose

– Creational patterns
– Abstract the instantiation process
– Make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed

and represented

– Structural patterns
– How classes and objects are composed to form larger structures

– Behavioral patterns
– Concerns with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities between

The University of 11

Design Patterns – Classification based on relationships

– Patterns often used together
– E.g., Composite often used with Iterator or Visitor

– Alternative Patterns
– E.g., Prototype often alternative to Abstract Factory

– Patterns results in similar designs
– E.g., Structure diagram of composite and Decorator are similar

The University of 12

Design Patterns – Classification based on relationships



State Strategy






saving state
of iteration



to objects





changing skin
vs internals defining

steps often

configure factory

operations defining

* Adapted from the GoF book: Design Patterns

The University of 13

Selecting an Appropriate Design Pattern

It is useful to have some guidelines of how to select one. Here are
some thoughts on how you might do that:
– Consider the ways in which the design patterns solve problems.

– We will go into details on this for several design patterns
– Decide on what the intent of each design is.

– Without knowing what the motivation of the design pattern is, it will be
hard to know whether it is right for you

– Look at the relationships among patterns
– It makes sense to use patterns that have a clear relationship, rather than

one that you have manufacture ad hoc

The University of 14

Selecting an Appropriate Design Pattern

– Consider patterns with similar purpose
– Creational, Structural and Behavioral are quite different purposes so

you should consider which one you need

– Look at why redesign might be necessary
– Knowing why a redesign might be needed will help you select the right

design to avoid having to redesign later

– Why can vary?
– Your design should be open to variation where necessary
– Choose a design that will not lock you into a particular one, and enable

you to make variations without changing your design

The University of 15

Design Aspects Can be Varied by Design Patterns

Purpose Pattern Aspects that can change


Abstract Factory
Factory Method

families of product objects
how a composite object gets created
subclass of object that is instantiated
class of object that is instantiated
the sole instance of a class


interface to an object
implementation of an object
structure and composition of an object
responsibilities of an object without subclassing
interface to a subsystem
storage costs of objects
how an object is accessed; its location

The University of 16

Design Aspects Can be Varied by Design Patterns

Purpose Pattern Aspects that can change


Chain of Responsibility

Template Method

object that can fulfill a request
when and how a request is fulfilled
grammar and interpretation of a language
how an aggregate’s elements are accessed, traversed
how and which objects interact with each other
what private info. is stored outside an object, & when
number of objects that depend on another object; how the
dependent objects stay up to date
states of an object
an algorithm
steps of an algorithm
operations that can be applied to object(s) without changing
their class(es)

The University of 17

Creational Patterns

The University of 18

Creational Patterns

– Abstract the instantiation process
– Make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed and

– Class creational pattern uses inheritance to vary the class that’s instantiated
– Object creational pattern delegates instantiation to another object

– Provides flexibility in what gets created, who creates it, how it gets created

The University of 19

Creational Patterns

Pattern Name Description

Abstract Factory Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects
without specifying their concrete classes

a class only has one instance, and provide global point of access to it

Factory Method Define an interface for creating an object, but let sub-class decide which
class to instantiate (class instantiation deferred to subclasses)

Builder Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that
the same construction process can create different representations

Prototype Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototype instance, and create
new objects by copying this prototype

The University of 20

Factory Method

Class Creational Pattern

An interface for creating an object

The University of 21

Motivated Scenario

– Suppose you have a general shape creator that can create a
variety of different shapes.

The University of 22

Motivated Scenario

Client Perspective:

The University of 23

Factory Method Pattern

– Purpose/Intent
– Define an interface for creating an object
– Let subclasses decide which class to instantiate.
– Let a class defer instantiation to subclasses

– Also known as
– Virtual Constructor

The University of 24

Factory Method Structure
Defines the interface of objects the
factory method creates

Implements the Product interface

Declares the factory method, which
returns an object of type Product.

Overrides the factory method to return
an instance of the ConcreteProduct

The University of 25

Factory Method Participants

– Defines the interface of objects the factory method creates

– ConcreteProduct
– Implements the Product interface

– Declares the factory method, which returns an object of type Product.

– ConcreteCreator
– Overrides the factory method to return an instance of the ConcreteProduct

The University of 26

Revisit the Motivated Example

The University of 27

Revisit the Motivated Example

Client Perspective

The University of 28

Factory Method Pattern

– Applicability
– A class cannot anticipate the class objects it must create
– A class wants its subclasses to specify the objects it creates
– Classes delegate responsibility to one of several helper subclasses, and you

want to localize the knowledge of which helper subclass is the delegate

– Benefits
– Flexibility: subclasses get a hook for providing an extension to an

object; connects parallel class hierarchies
– Limitations

– Can require subclassing just to get an implementation

The University of 29

Two varieties of Factory

– Variety 1: the Creator class is abstract
– This requires subclasses to be made because there is no reasonable

default value.
– On plus side, this avoids the problem of dealing with instantiating

unforeseeable classes

– Variety 2: the Creator class is concrete
– Creator may also define a default implementation of the factory

method that returns a default ConcreteProduct object
– This provides reasonable default behaviors, and enables subclasses to

override the default behaviors where required

The University of 30

Factory Registry — Selecting a Factory Method Source

– In essence, a mapping from identifier to implementation
– Responsibility for choice of Factory Method concentrated in one

public class FactoryRegistry {
private Map factories = new TreeMap<>();
public void registerFactory(Factory factory, Identifier identifier) {…}
public Factory getFactory(Identifier identifier) {…}

The University of 31

Object Creational Pattern

The University of 32

Motivated Scenario

– Suppose the design team is going outside to have a coffee
– John would like a CoffeeA that contains no milk and no sugar
– Xi would like a CoffeeB that contains no milk but full sugar
– Sue would like a CoffeeC that contains full milk and full sugar

The University of 33

– Purpose/Intent
– Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so

that the same construction process can create different representations
– You have a range of implementations that might expand, so must be

flexible, or you want to create instances of complex objects

The University of 34

Builder — Structure

The University of 35

Builder – Participants

– Specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object

– ConcreteBuilder
– Constructs and assembles parts of the product by implementing the

Builder interface
– defines and keeps track of the representation it creates.
– provides an interface (GetResult) for retrieving the product

The University of 36

Builder – Participants

– Director
– Constructs an object using the Builder interface

– Represents the complex object under construction.
– ConcreteBuilder builds the product’s internal representation and defines the process

by which it’s assembled
– Includes classes that define the constituent parts, including interfaces for assembling

the parts into the final result

The University of 37

Revisit the Motivated Example
“abstract” builder one concrete builder as an example

The University of 38

Revisit the Motivated Example
director client perspective

The University of 39

– Applicability
– The algorithm for creating a complex object should be independent of

the parts that make up the object and how they’re assembled
– The construction process must allow different representations for the

object that’s constructed

– Benefits
– Gives flexibility that can be extended by implementing new subclasses

of the Builder, and isolates code of construction from implementation

– Limitations
– Not completely generic, less useful in situations where variety of

implementations is not high

The University of 43

Builder – Collaboration

Director d = new Director( );
Builder b = new ConcreteBuilder1( );
Product p = b.GetResult( );

The University of 44

Builder – Consequences (1)

– Varying product’s internal representation
– Because the product is constructed through an abstract interface, all you have to

do to change the product’s internal representation is define a new kind of

– Isolation of code construction and representation
– Each ConcreteBuilder contains all the code to create and assemble a particular

kind of product.
– Different Directors can reuse it to build Product variants from the same set of

The University of 45

Builder – Consequences (2)

– Finer control over the construction process
– The builder pattern constructs the product step by step under the director’s

– Only when the product finished does the director retrieve it from the builder
– The builder interface reflects the process of constructing the product more than

other creational patterns

The University of 46

Task for Week 5

– Submit weekly exercise on canvas before 23.59pm Saturday
– Prepare questions and ask during tutorial this week

The University of 47

What are we going to learn next week?

– Behavioral Design Patterns
– Strategy Pattern
– State Pattern

The University of 48


–,,, and.
1995. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.
Addison-Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.

–. 2004. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-
Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition).
PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代写 SOFT2201 / COMP9201
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