[SOLVED] CS代考 ;;;; The assignment is to fill in the definitions below, adding your code w

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File Name: CS代考_;;;;_The_assignment_is_to_fill_in_the_definitions_below,_adding_your_code_w.zip
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;;;; The assignment is to fill in the definitions below, adding your code where ever
;;;; you see the comment
;;replace this line
;;;; to make each function do what its comments say it should do.You

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

;;;; may replace such a line with as many lines as you want to.You may
;;;; also add your own functions, as long as each function has a
;;;; comment like the ones below.You may not make any other changes
;;;; to this code.

;;;; see end of file for some examples that will run ONCE THE FUNCTION add-check

;;;; code for a program to create closures that generate figures out
;;;; of characters.

;;; figures: a figure is represented by a list of 3 elements: func,
;;; numrows, and numcols where:
;;; func is a function (ie a closure) of two parameters: row, column
;;; that returns the character at the given row and column of the
;;; figure.If row is out of bounds ie row<0 or row>=numrows, or
;;; similarly for col, func returns the character #. (a period
;;; character)
;;; numrows is the number of rows in the figure
;;; numcols is the number of columns in the figure

;;; The following are functions to create and access a figure. Note that
;;; make-figure adds bounds checking to func
(define (make-figure func numrows numcols)
(list (add-check func numrows numcols) numrows numcols))
(define (figure-func figure) (car figure))
(define (figure-numrows figure)(cadr figure))
(define (figure-numcols figure)(caddr figure))

;;; forn takes three arguments:start and stop, which are numbers, and func
;;; which is a function of one argument.
;;; forn calls func several times, first with the argument start, then with start+1
;;; then … finally with stop.It returns a list of the values of the calls.
;;; If start>stop, forn simply returns the empty list without doing any calls to func.

(define (forn start stop func)
(if (> start stop) ‘()
(let ((first-value (func start)))
(cons first-value (forn (+ 1 start) stop func)))))

;;; range-check takes 4 arguments:row, numrows, col, numcols It checks if
;;;0 <= row < numrows and similarly for col and numcols.If both row and col are in ;;;range, range-check returns #t.If either are out of range, rangecheckreturns #f(define (range-check row numrows col numcols)(not (or (< row 0) (< col 0) (>= row numrows) (>= col numcols))))

;;; add-check takes 3 arguments: func, numrows and numcols.func is a
;;; function of two numbers, row and col.add-check returns a new
;;; function, which we will refer to here as func2.Like func, func2 takes
;;; a row number and a column number as arguments. func2 first calls
;;; range-check to do a range check on these numbers against numrows
;;; and numcols. If row or col is out of range func2 returns #.,
;;; otherwise it returns the result of (func row col).You can think of
;;; func2 as a “safe” version of func, like the function returned by
;;; null-safe in Resources > Langauge_Info > Scheme > null-safe.scm except that a
;;; “bad”, i.e. out of range, argument to func here will not necessarily
;;; crash scheme the way (car ‘( )) would.
(define (add-check func numrows numcols)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; display-window prints out the characters that make up a rectangular segment of the figure
;;;startrow and endrow are the first and last rows to print, similarly for startcol and endcol
;;; The last thing display-window does is to call (newline) to print a blank line under the figure.
(define (display-window start-row stop-row start-col stop-col figure)
(forn start-row stop-row
(lambda (r)
(forn start-col stop-col
(lambda (c)
(display ((figure-func figure) r c))))

;;; charfig takes one argument, a character, and returns a 1-row, 1-column figure consisting of that character
(define (charfig char)
(lambda (row col) char)

;;; sw-corner returns a figure that is a size x size square, in which
;;; the top-left to bottom-right diagonal and everything under it is
;;; the chracter * and everything above the diagonal is the space
;;; character
(define (sw-corner size)
(lambda (row col)
(if (>= row col)
size size)

;;; repeat-cols returns a figure made up of nrepeat copies of
;;; figure, appended horizontally (left and right of each other)
(define (repeat-cols nrepeat figure)
(make-figure (lambda (row col)
((figure-func figure) row (modulo col (figure-numcols figure))))
(figure-numrows figure)
(* nrepeat (figure-numcols figure))
;; the function just calls the function that repeat-cols received, but
;; uses modulo to select the right position.

;;; repeat-rows returns a figure made up of nrepeat copies
;;; of a figure, appended vertically (above and below each other)
(define (repeat-rows nrepeat figure)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; append cols returns the figure made by appending figureb to the
;;; right of figurea the number of rows in the resulting figure is the
;;; smaller of the number of rows in figurea and figureb
(define (append-cols figurea figureb)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; append-rows returns the figure made by appending figureb below figurea
;;; the number of columns in the resulting figure is the smaller of the number of columns in figurea
;;; and figternb
(define (append-rows figurea figureb)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; flip-cols returns a figure that is the left-right mirror image of figure
(define (flip-cols figure)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; flip-rows returns a figure that is the up-down mirror image of figure
(define (flip-rows figure)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; paste draws the composition of two figures
;;; any coordinate in range of either figure should draw,
;;; and a space should appear only if that is the case for both figures
(define (paste figurea figureb)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; rotateCCW causes the figure to be drawn with a 90 degree counter clockwise
;;; rotation
(define (rotateCCW figure)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; rotateCCW causes the figure to be drawn with a 90 degree clockwise rotation
(define (rotateCW figure)
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;; excludewindow excludes some segment of a figure, replacing any character
;;; within the figure’s normal draw area that is in the exclusion zone
;;; with a ‘#space’ character
;;; the exclusion window is rectangular only

(define (excludeWindow minrow maxrow mincol maxcol figure )
‘ ( ) ;; replace this line with code

;;;;The tests below should work after just add-check is filled in.
;;;; (Remove the “;” at the start of the lines below to activate them.)

(define fig1 (sw-corner 4))
(display-window 0 3 0 3 fig1)

;(define fig2 (repeat-cols 3 fig1))
;(display-window 0 4 0 12 fig2)

;(display-window 0 12 0 4 (repeat-rows 3 fig1))
;(display-window 0 12 0 12 (append-rows fig1 fig1))
;(display-window 0 3 0 3 (flip-rows fig1))

;(display-window 0 3 0 7 (append-cols fig1 (flip-rows (flip-cols fig1)) ))

;(display-window 0 3 0 3 (rotateCW fig1))
;(display-window 0 3 0 3 (rotateCW (rotateCW (rotateCW fig1))) )

;(display-window 0 3 0 3 (paste fig1 (flip-rows fig1)))

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代考 ;;;; The assignment is to fill in the definitions below, adding your code w
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