[SOLVED] 代写代考 #lang racket

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#lang racket
(provide do-lazy-func rest continue)

;; Using call/cc problem

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

;; So for this problem I’d like you to implement what I call a “lazy”
;; function.
;; Here’s some example code:
;; ((lambda ()
;; (display “hello”)
;; (do-lazy-func (lambda ()
;; (display 1)
;; (rest)
;; (display 2)
;; (rest)
;; (display 3)
;; 99))
;; (display “goodbye”)))
;; I’ve enclosed this in a surrounding lambda () (a thunk) because
;; continuations in Racket can act a little inconsistently at the top
;; level but the my version works both with and without that.Yours needs
;; to work with the lambda surrounded version (and if it does it’ll probably
;; work without it too)
;; So lazy functions need to rest.When they do they call the global
;; rest function.This causes the do-lazy-func to immediately return.So the
;; given code prints “hello1goodbye”.
;; However, you can continue a resting lazy function with the global function
;; continue.If you add a (continue) (display 4) after the display goodbye,
;; you should see a hello1goodbye24.continue resumes the lazy function after the
;; rest, and when the function rests again, the continue returns and 4 is
;; displayed.Note that I don’t use the return values of rest and continue in
;; these cases – it doesn’t matter what they return.
;; It should be possible for a lazy function to rest and be continued as many
;; times as needed.When the lazy function finally returns, the last (continue)
;; should return the value of the overall function.So this code

;; ((lambda ()
;; (display “hello”)
;; (do-lazy-func (lambda ()
;; (display 1)
;; (rest)
;; (display 2)
;; (rest)
;; (display 3)
;; 99))
;;(display “goodbye”)
;;(display 4)
;;(display (continue))
;; displays hello1goodbye24399
;; You do not need to worry about the case where continue is called too many times.
;; You do not need to worry about rest being called outside of a lazy func.
;; If do-lazy-func is invoked when an already existing lazy func is still in
;; progress, the old func is lost and cannot be continued, the new func should
;; rest/continue as normal.
;; To solve this problem you may use global variables and state modifying functions
;; like set!
;; Implement this problem using call/cc directly.Do not use features
;; like corountinues or engines to solve it.

(define mycontinue ‘())

(define continue
(lambda ()
‘nyi)) ; I use ‘nyi rather than aborting so you can play with only implementing some of these functions

(define rest
(lambda ()

(define do-lazy-func
(lambda (func)

; I included the example code down below
; feel free to uncomment/edit it for your testing.
; Note that certian buggy implementations
; will cause infinite loops and make Racket
; really unhappy.I reccommend you save
; your code before running this code or running the
; tests which have the same potential issue.

; ((lambda ()
; (display “hello”)
; (do-lazy-func (lambda ()
; (display 1)
; (rest)
; (display 2)
; (rest)
; (display 3)
; 99))
;(display “goodbye”)
;(display 4)
;(display (continue))

;;——–Used by the testing mechanism ——————

(define-syntax nyi
(syntax-rules ()
[error “nyi”])))

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] 代写代考 #lang racket
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