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• the exam consists of a written test including: – closed questions
– open questions
– exercises

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• all the answers must be inserted into the system, it is not permitted to upload pictures or screenshots, nothing
written on paper will be submitted for correction
• the written exam will be followed by a colloquium (the date of the colloquium will be communicated by the
professor after the correction of the written exam)
• have two devices:
– one for filling the exam through Exam.net + SEB platform
– one for the surveillance through Zoom video-conferencing system
• install SEB (Secure Exam Browser) on the device you will use to fill the exam and make sure that it works correctly (see the instructions on the University web site)
• download and install Zoom app (https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting) on the device you will use for surveillance, please use your institutional account @studenti.unimi.it, and verify that the app works correctly
• read very carefully the instructions available at: https://www.unimi.it/it/studiare/frequentare-un-corso-di-laurea/seguire-il-percorso-di-studi/esami/esami- distanza-faq-gli-studenti/esami-scritti-su-piattaforma-online
• prepare your working area as per instructions before connecting for the exam
• connect to Zoom video-conference at the time that will be indicated by the (ususally 30 min before the time at
which the exam is expected to start) with
SURNAME Name (Matriculation Number)
using the connection information sent by the professor the day before the exam
• have a valid id card handy (you will be asked to show your document when you connect for the exam)
• when you connect for the exam, you will be asked to show the room and your working environment to the
• on the desk you can have only: – two white sheets of paper
– pens, pencils, rubber
– the devices necessary for writing the exam and for surveillance
• it is severely prohibited to:
– consult books, notes, or any other material, be it on paper or electronic – communicate (in presence or remotely) with other people
– wear smart devices
– wear head-phones
– leave your work place
– close the audio or video connection
– record the exam
– touch the device for surveillance or Zoom app
• the presence, in the room with the candidate, of other people or of other communication tools beyond the ones necessary for the exam is not permitted
• it is necessary to maintain the video and audio connection always active during the exam, keep silence in the room:
– if the connection goes down during the exam, the student must immediately reconnect to the exam, and part of the exam could be cancelled
– the paper used for notes, the hands, the face, and the screen must always be visible during the whole exam (place the surveillance device at your side, raised with respect to the desk, to make the workplace visible)
– at any time, the professor can ask each student to show the environment and the room
• limit questions to the professor, in case of need, use the chat available in Exam.net
If you do not follow the above rules, your exam will be nullified

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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