[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 file system Hive algorithm use strict;

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use strict;
use warnings;
use tests::Algorithm::Diff;
use File::Temp ‘tempfile’;
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR);

sub fail;
sub pass;

die if @ARGV != 2;
our ($test, $src_dir) = @ARGV;

my ($msg_file) = tempfile ();
select ($msg_file);

our (@prereq_tests) = ();
if ($test =~ /^(.*)-persistence$/) {
push (@prereq_tests, $1);
for my $prereq_test (@prereq_tests) {
my (@result) = read_text_file (“$prereq_test.result”);
fail “Prerequisite test $prereq_test failed.
” if $result[0] ne ‘PASS’;

# Generic testing.

sub check_expected {
my ($expected) = pop @_;
my (@options) = @_;
my (@output) = read_text_file (“$test.output”);
common_checks (“run”, @output);
compare_output (“run”, @options, @output, $expected);

sub common_checks {
my ($run, @output) = @_;

fail “u$run produced no output at all
” if @output == 0;

check_for_panic ($run, @output);
check_for_keyword ($run, “FAIL”, @output);
check_for_triple_fault ($run, @output);
check_for_keyword ($run, “TIMEOUT”, @output);

fail “u$run didn’t start up properly: no ”Pintos booting” message

if !grep (/Pintos booting with.*kB RAM…/, @output);
fail “u$run didn’t start up properly: no ”Boot complete” message

if !grep (/Boot complete/, @output);
fail “u$run didn’t shut down properly: no ”Timer: # ticks” message

if !grep (/Timer: d+ ticks/, @output);
fail “u$run didn’t shut down properly: no ”Powering off” message

if !grep (/Powering off/, @output);

sub check_for_panic {
my ($run, @output) = @_;

my ($panic) = grep (/PANIC/, @output);
return unless defined $panic;

print “Kernel panic in $run: “, substr ($panic, index ($panic, “PANIC”)),


my (@stack_line) = grep (/Call stack:/, @output);
if (@stack_line != 0) {
my ($addrs) = $stack_line[0] =~ /Call stack:((?: 0x[0-9a-f]+)+)/;

# Find a user program to translate user virtual addresses.
my ($userprog) = “”;
$userprog = “$test”
if grep (hex ($_) < 0xc0000000, split (‘ ‘, $addrs)) > 0 && -e $test;

# Get and print the backtrace.
my ($trace) = scalar (`backtrace kernel.o $userprog $addrs`);
print “Call stack:$addrs
print “Translation of call stack:
print $trace;

# Print disclaimer.
if ($userprog ne ” && index ($trace, $userprog) >= 0) {
print < capacity/) {
print < 0;

print < $_), @$expected)};
foreach my $key (keys %$expected) {
my (@expected) = split (“
”, $expected->{$key});

$msg .= “Acceptable output:
$msg .= join (”, map (”$_
”, @expected));

# Check whether actual and expected match.
# If it’s a perfect match, we’re done.
if ($#output == $#expected) {
my ($eq) = 1;
for (my ($i) = 0; $i <= $#expected; $i++) {$eq = 0 if $output[$i] ne $expected[$i];}return $key if $eq;}# They differ.Output a diff.my (@diff) = “”;my ($d) = Algorithm::Diff->new (@expected, @output);
while ($d->Next ()) {
my ($ef, $el, $af, $al) = $d->Get (qw (min1 max1 min2 max2));
if ($d->Same ()) {
push (@diff, map (”$_
”, $d->Items (1)));
} else {
push (@diff, map (“- $_
”, $d->Items (1))) if $d->Items (1);
push (@diff, map (“+ $_
”, $d->Items (2))) if $d->Items (2);

$msg .= “Differences in `diff -u’ format:
$msg .= join (”, @diff);

# Failed to match.Report failure.
$msg .= “
(Process exit codes are excluded for matching purposes.)

if $ignore_exit_codes;
$msg .= “
(User fault messages are excluded for matching purposes.)

if $ignore_user_faults;
fail “Test output failed to match any acceptable form.


# File system extraction.

# check_archive (%CONTENTS)
# Checks that the extracted file system’s contents match %CONTENTS.
# Each key in the hash is a file name.Each value may be:
#– $FILE: Name of a host file containing the expected contents.
#– [$FILE, $OFFSET, $LENGTH]: An excerpt of host file $FILE
#comprising the $LENGTH bytes starting at $OFFSET.
#– [$CONTENTS]: The literal expected file contents, as a string.
# – {SUBDIR}: A subdirectory, in the same form described here,
# recursively.
sub check_archive {
my ($expected_hier) = @_;

my (@output) = read_text_file (“$test.output”);
common_checks (“file system extraction run”, @output);

@output = get_core_output (“file system extraction run”, @output);
@output = grep (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+: exit(d+)$/, @output);
fail join (“
”, “Error extracting file system:”, @output) if @output;

my ($test_base_name) = $test;
$test_base_name =~ s%.*/%%;
$test_base_name =~ s%-persistence$%%;
$expected_hier->{$test_base_name} = $prereq_tests[0];
$expected_hier->{‘tar’} = ‘tests/filesys/extended/tar’;

my (%expected) = normalize_fs (flatten_hierarchy ($expected_hier, “”));
my (%actual) = read_tar (“$prereq_tests[0].tar”);

my ($errors) = 0;
foreach my $name (sort keys %expected) {
if (exists $actual{$name}) {
if (is_dir ($actual{$name}) && !is_dir ($expected{$name})) {
print “$name is a directory but should be an ordinary file.
} elsif (!is_dir ($actual{$name}) && is_dir ($expected{$name})) {
print “$name is an ordinary file but should be a directory.
} else {
print “$name is missing from the file system.
foreach my $name (sort keys %actual) {
if (!exists $expected{$name}) {
if ($name =~ /^[[:print:]]+$/) {
print “$name exists in the file system but it should not.
} else {
my ($esc_name) = $name;
$esc_name =~ s/[^[:print:]]/./g;
print < [0]);
$file = tempfile ();
syswrite ($file, $value->[0]) == $length
or die “writing temporary file: $!
sysseek ($file, 0, SEEK_SET);
} elsif (@$value == 3) {
$length = $value->[2];
open ($file, ‘<‘, $value->[0]) or die “$value->[0]: open: $!
die “$value->[0]: file is smaller than expected

if -s $file < $value->[1] + $length;
sysseek ($file, $value->[1], SEEK_SET);
} else {
return ($file, $length);

# compare_files ($A, $A_SIZE, $B, $B_SIZE, $NAME, $VERBOSE)
# Compares $A_SIZE bytes in $A to $B_SIZE bytes in $B.
# ($A and $B are handles.)
# If their contents differ, prints a brief message describing
# the differences, using $NAME to identify the file.
# The message contains more detail if $VERBOSE is nonzero.
# Returns 1 if the contents are identical, 0 otherwise.
sub compare_files {
my ($a, $a_size, $b, $b_size, $name, $verbose) = @_;
my ($ofs) = 0;
for (;;) {
my ($a_amt) = $a_size >= 1024 ? 1024 : $a_size;
my ($b_amt) = $b_size >= 1024 ? 1024 : $b_size;
my ($a_data, $b_data);
if (!defined (sysread ($a, $a_data, $a_amt))
|| !defined (sysread ($b, $b_data, $b_amt))) {
die “reading $name: $!

my ($a_len) = length $a_data;
my ($b_len) = length $b_data;
last if $a_len == 0 && $b_len == 0;

if ($a_data ne $b_data) {
my ($min_len) = $a_len < $b_len ? $a_len : $b_len;my ($diff_ofs);for ($diff_ofs = 0; $diff_ofs < $min_len; $diff_ofs++) {last if (substr ($a_data, $diff_ofs, 1) ne substr ($b_data, $diff_ofs, 1));}printf ”
File $name differs from expected “. “starting at offset 0x%x.
“, $ofs + $diff_ofs;if ($verbose ) {print “Expected contents:
“;hex_dump (substr ($a_data, $diff_ofs, 64), $ofs + $diff_ofs);print “Actual contents:
“;hex_dump (substr ($b_data, $diff_ofs, 64), $ofs + $diff_ofs);}return 0;}$ofs += $a_len;$a_size -= $a_len;$b_size -= $b_len;}return 1;}# hex_dump ($DATA, $OFS)## Prints $DATA in hex and text formats.# The first byte of $DATA corresponds to logical offset $OFS# in whatever file the data comes from.sub hex_dump {my ($data, $ofs) = @_;if ($data eq ”) {printf “(File ends at offset %08x.)
“, $ofs;return;}my ($per_line) = 16;while ((my $size = length ($data)) > 0) {
my ($start) = $ofs % $per_line;
my ($end) = $per_line;
$end = $start + $size if $end – $start > $size;
my ($n) = $end – $start;

printf “0x%08x“, int ($ofs / $per_line) * $per_line;

# Hex version.
print ” ” x $start;
for my $i ($start…$end – 1) {
printf “%02x”, ord (substr ($data, $i – $start, 1));
print $i == $per_line / 2 – 1 ? ‘-‘ : ‘ ‘;
print ” ” x ($per_line – $end);

# Character version.
my ($esc_data) = substr ($data, 0, $n);
$esc_data =~ s/[^[:print:]]/./g;
print “|”, ” ” x $start, $esc_data, ” ” x ($per_line – $end), “|”;

print “

$data = substr ($data, $n);
$ofs += $n;

# print_fs (%FS)
# Prints a list of files in %FS, which must be a file system
# as flattened by flatten_hierarchy() and normalized by
# normalize_fs().
sub print_fs {
my (%fs) = @_;
foreach my $name (sort keys %fs) {
my ($esc_name) = $name;
$esc_name =~ s/[^[:print:]]/./g;
print “$esc_name: “;
if (!is_dir ($fs{$name})) {
print +file_size ($fs{$name}), “-byte file”;
} else {
print “directory”;
print “
print “(empty)
” if !@_;

# normalize_fs (%FS)
# Takes a file system as flattened by flatten_hierarchy().
# Returns a similar file system in which values of the form $FILE
# are replaced by those of the form [$FILE, $OFFSET, $LENGTH].
sub normalize_fs {
my (%fs) = @_;
foreach my $name (keys %fs) {
my ($value) = $fs{$name};
next if is_dir ($value) || ref ($value) ne ”;
die “can’t open $value
” if !stat $value;
$fs{$name} = [$value, 0, -s _];
return %fs;

# is_dir ($VALUE)
# Takes a value like one in the hash returned by flatten_hierarchy()
# and returns 1 if it represents a directory, 0 otherwise.
sub is_dir {
my ($value) = @_;
return ref ($value) eq ” && $value eq ‘directory’;

# file_size ($VALUE)
# Takes a value like one in the hash returned by flatten_hierarchy()
# and returns the size of the file it represents.
sub file_size {
my ($value) = @_;
die if is_dir ($value);
die if ref ($value) ne ‘ARRAY’;
return @$value > 1 ? $value->[2] : length ($value->[0]);

# flatten_hierarchy ($HIER_FS, $PREFIX)
# Takes a file system in the format expected by check_archive() and
# returns a “flattened” version in which file names include all parent
# directory names and the value of directories is just “directory”.
sub flatten_hierarchy {
my (%hier_fs) = %{$_[0]};
my ($prefix) = $_[1];
my (%flat_fs);
for my $name (keys %hier_fs) {
my ($value) = $hier_fs{$name};
if (ref $value eq ‘HASH’) {
%flat_fs = (%flat_fs, flatten_hierarchy ($value, “$prefix$name/”));
$flat_fs{“$prefix$name”} = ‘directory’;
} else {
$flat_fs{“$prefix$name”} = $value;
return %flat_fs;

# read_tar ($ARCHIVE)
# Reads the ustar-format tar file in $ARCHIVE
# and returns a flattened file system for it.
sub read_tar {
my ($archive) = @_;
my (%content);
open (ARCHIVE, ‘<‘, $archive) or fail “$archive: open: $!
“;for (;;) {my ($header);if ((my $retval = sysread (ARCHIVE, $header, 512)) != 512) {fail “$archive: unexpected end of file
” if $retval >= 0;
fail “$archive: read: $!

last if $header eq “” x 512;

# Verify magic numbers.
if (substr ($header, 257, 6) ne “ustar”
|| substr ($header, 263, 2) ne ’00’) {
fail “$archive: corrupt ustar header

# Verify checksum.
my ($chksum) = oct (unpack (“Z*”, substr ($header, 148, 8, ‘ ‘ x 8)));
my ($correct_chksum) = unpack (“%32a*”, $header);
fail “$archive: bad header checksum
” if $chksum != $correct_chksum;

# Get file name.
my ($name) = unpack (“Z100”, $header);
my ($prefix) = unpack (“Z*”, substr ($header, 345));
$name = “$prefix/$name” if $prefix ne ”;
fail “$archive: contains file with empty name” if $name eq ”;

# Get type.
my ($typeflag) = substr ($header, 156, 1);
$typeflag = ‘0’ if $typeflag eq “”;
fail “unknown file type ‘$typeflag’
” if $typeflag !~ /[05]/;

# Get size.
my ($size) = oct (unpack (“Z*”, substr ($header, 124, 12)));
fail “bad size $size
” if $size < 0;$size = 0 if $typeflag eq ‘5’;# Store content.$name =~ s%^(/|./|../)*%%;# Strip leading “/”, “./”, “../”.$name = ” if $name eq ‘.’ || $name eq ‘..’;if (exists $content{$name}) {fail “$archive: contains multiple entries for $name
“;}if ($typeflag eq ‘5’) {$content{$name} = ‘directory’ if $name ne ”;} else {fail “$archive: contains file with empty name
” if $name eq ”;my ($position) = sysseek (ARCHIVE, 0, SEEK_CUR);$content{$name} = [$archive, $position, $size];sysseek (ARCHIVE, int (($size + 511) / 512) * 512, SEEK_CUR);}}close (ARCHIVE);return %content;}�# Utilities.sub fail {finish (“FAIL”, @_);}sub pass {finish (“PASS”, @_);}sub finish {my ($verdict, @messages) = @_;seek ($msg_file, 0, 0);push (@messages, <$msg_file>);
close ($msg_file);
chomp (@messages);

my ($result_fn) = “$test.result”;
open (RESULT, ‘>’, $result_fn) or die “$result_fn: create: $!
print RESULT “$verdict
print RESULT “$_
” foreach @messages;
close (RESULT);

if ($verdict eq ‘PASS’) {
print STDOUT “pass $test
} else {
print STDOUT “FAIL $test
print STDOUT “$_
” foreach @messages;

exit 0;

sub read_text_file {
my ($file_name) = @_;
open (FILE, ‘<‘, $file_name) or die “$file_name: open: $!
“;my (@content) = ;
chomp (@content);
close (FILE);
return @content;



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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 file system Hive algorithm use strict;
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