[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 Hive algorithm concurrency file system chain scheme CSE130 Winter 2021 : Lab 2

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CSE130 Winter 2021 : Lab 2
In this lab you will implement priority-based thread scheduling for Pintos.
As supplied, Pintos implements a first-come-first-served (FCFS) ready queue with a periodic interrupt to implement a round-robin (RR) style of scheduler.
NOTE: We have not covered the FCFS or RR scheduling algorithms in the lectures yet but the concept or a prioritized ready queue is not hard to grasp, so I strongly recommend you make a start on this lab as soon as possible.
There are three increasingly complex dependent parts to this lab:
• Implementing the prioritized ready queue
• Handling priority in concurrency primitives
• Implementing priority donation between threads interacting with each other through these
concurrency primitives.
This lab is worth 15% of your final grade.
Submissions are due NO LATER than 23:59, Sunday February 14, 2021 ( four weeks )
SSH in to one of the two CSE130 teaching servers using your CruzID Blue password:
$ ssh @noggin.soe.ucsc.edu ( use Putty http://www.putty.org/ if on Windows )
or $ ssh @nogbad.soe.ucsc.edu or $ ssh @olaf.soe.ucsc.edu or $ ssh @thor.soe.ucsc.edu
Authenticate with Kerberos: ( do this every time you log in )
$ kinit ( you will be prompted for your Blue CruzID password )
Authenticate with AFS: ( do this every time you log in ) $ aklog
Create a suitable place to work: ( only do this once ) $ mkdir –p ~/CSE130/Lab2
$ cd ~/CSE130/Lab2
Install the lab environment: ( only do this once )
$ tar xvf /var/classes/CSE130/Winter21/Lab2.tar.gz
Build Pintos:
$ cd ~/CSE130/Lab2/pintos/src/threads ( always work in this directory )
$ make
Also try:
$ make grade ( tells you what grade you will get – see below )
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2021 Lab 2 Copyright © 2017-2021 David C. Harrison. All rights reserved.

Accessing the teaching servers file systems from your personal computer
Follow the instructions from Lab 1.
Background Information
(1) Priority Based Ready Queues
Thread priorities range from PRI_MIN (0) to PRI_MAX (63). Lower numbers correspond to lower priorities, so that priority 0 is the lowest priority and priority 63 is the highest.
The initial thread priority is passed as an argument to thread_create(). If there’s no reason to choose another priority, consumer code should use PRI_DEFAULT (31) when creating a thread.
• When a thread is added to the ready list at creation, if this new thread has a higher priority than the currently running thread, the current thread must immediately yield the processor to the new thread.
• When thread priority is raised or lowered via thread_set_priority(), you may need to reorder the ready queue, and take appropriate action (known as “preempting”) if a thread with higher priority that the currently executing thread is now waiting.
(2) Priority and Concurrency
When threads are waiting for a lock, semaphore, or condition variable, the highest priority waiting thread should be woken up first.
• Pintos locks use semaphores, so once your implementation for semaphores is working, it will, or at least, should also be working for locks.
(3) Priority Donation
One issue with priority scheduling is “priority inversion”.
Consider high, medium, and low priority threads H, M, and L, respectively.
If H needs to wait for L (because, for example, L holds a lock H would like to acquire), and M is on the ready list, then H will not get the CPU because the low priority thread L will never get scheduled ahead of M.
A partial fix for this problem is for H to “donate” its priority to L while L is holding the lock, then recall the donation once L releases (and thus H acquires) the lock.
Priority donation implementations need to account for a number of different situations in which priority donation is required:
• Multiple Donations: Multiple priorities are donated to a single thread.
• Nested & Chained Donations: If H is waiting on a lock that M holds and M is waiting on a lock that L
holds, then both M and L should be boosted to H’s priority.
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2021 Lab 2 Copyright © 2017-2021 David C. Harrison. All rights reserved.

• Change the supplied FCFS ready queue into a priority based ready queue
• Pass the following tests:
o alarm-priority
o priority-preempt o priority-change o priority-fifo
• Implement priority waiting for locks, semaphores, and condition variables
• Pass the following tests:
o priority-sema
o priority-condvar
• Implement single-level priority donation, including multiple donations
• Pass the following tests:
o priority-donate-single
o priority-donate-one
o priority-donate-lower
o priority-donate-multiple o priority-donate-multiple2 o priority-donate-sema
o priority-donate-condvar
• Implement nested and chained priority donation
• Pass the following tests:
o priority-donate-nest o priority-donate-chain
What to submit
In a command prompt:
$ cd ~/CSE130/Lab2/pintos/src/threads $ make submit
This creates a gzipped tar archive named CSE130-Lab2.tar.gz in your home directory.
In addition to submitting modified and new source files, you are required to write a short report (no more than two pages) on your work.
This report should contain at least:
• A defense of the rationale behind your design
• Details of tests your submission fails and what investigations you undertook to try and find out why
If you keep a simple journal as you work your way through this lab, writing the report will be easy – it’s
essentially a tidied-up version of your journal.
Note that Canvas requires you submit the report and the code archive at the same time
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2021 Lab 2 Copyright © 2017-2021 David C. Harrison. All rights reserved.

What steps should I take to tackle this?
First step is to re-implement the more efficient timer from Lab 1 before starting to make changes to address the requirements of this lab.
Next step is to READ THE TESTS. I highly recommend you tackle the tests in the order there appear in the requirements. To put that another way, you’ll find later tests hard to pass if you haven’t already passed earlier ones.
Beyond that, read the background information above then come to TA and Instructor office hours to ask questions.
How much code will I need to write?
A model solution that satisfies all requirements adds approximately 200 lines of executable code.
Grading scheme
The following aspects will be assessed: 1. (100%) Does it work?
a. Basic Requirements
b. Advanced Requirements
c. Stretch Requirements
d. Extreme Requirements
(40%) (30%) (20%) (10%)
2. (-100%) Did you give credit where credit is due?
a. You submission is found to contain code segments copied from on-line resources and you failed
to give clear and unambiguous credit to the original author(s) in your source code (-100%)
b. You submission is determined to be a copy of another past or current CSE130 student’s submission (-100%)
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2021 Lab 2 Copyright © 2017-2021 David C. Harrison. All rights reserved.


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 Hive algorithm concurrency file system chain scheme CSE130 Winter 2021 : Lab 2
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