[SOLVED] CS Revision Notes


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Revision Notes

Revision Notes
Whats hot and whats not

Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef

What we covered
Planning basics
PDDL, some modelling
Heuristic search
Forward search
Relaxed Plan Heuristic
RPG and FF
Search with landmarks and dual open lists
SAS+ Planning

What we covered
Other approaches
Pattern databases
Cost partitioning
SAT Planning
Partial Order planning
HTN Planning (no modelling in detail)
Planning under uncertainty (MDPs, POMDPs)

What we covered
Search-Infer-Relax (a framework for optimization)
Planning with Numbers
Interval relaxation, Metric-FF
LP-RPG (use of an LP in interval relaxation and action counting infinity-analysis versus action counting)
Preferences (modelling, FSMs to capture and LPRPG-P)
Temporal Planning
Modelling, semantics
Decision epoch temporal planning
Simple Temporal Problems and STNs (LPGP, Crikey)

What we covered
Partial orders in temporal planning (POPF some technical details on saving effort)
Planning with continuous processes: metric and temporal planning meet in continuous change
LPs for linear processes
Processes and events in PDDL+

What we expect
The exam is a computer-based assessment, using the same style as the quizzes so multiple choice, numeric responses, short text answers etc
There will be no long discursive answers and this means that you will have to demonstrate understanding by applying the ideas to small examples
You will therefore need to understand the core algorithms well enough to be able to complete small steps of them in specific contexts
We have been careful to set up problems that can be answered without lengthy constructions of very detailed structures

What we expect
Reachability; relaxed plan extraction; differences of expected behavior between eg total order and partial order plan construction, action-counting and action-application in numeric planning; identification of basic properties of STNs; simple continuous process models these are examples of the things you should know

Although the papers will amplify and solidify your grasp on key ideas, we do not require you to have read material beyond the compulsory material you will not be expected to demonstrate understanding of detailed algorithms not covered in the course directly

What you can do
Revisit the quizzes and tutorials make sure you understand the content and response to all of these
Revisit material on areas where you feel uncertain and ask questions we will be responding on-line


CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS Revision Notes