Course Outline
Introduction to Computer Systems COMP 273 (Winter 2022)
Instructor: Office: Tel: Email:
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
Mc , Rm. 420 514-398-3371
M/W: 11:35 12:55
Instructor Office Hours: As posted under the Zoom tab, on a weekly basis.
Course Web Page: Course Times: (001):
Teaching Assistants and Office Hours: As posted under the Content->Overview tab.
This course provides a bottom up view of how a computer works. It begins with an overview of digital logic, and then builds up the main architectural and system elements of a typical modern computer. We use a specific RISC computer architecture and assembly language, MIPS, to illustrate the main concepts.
List of Topics (subject to minor alterations)
1. Digital Logic (5 lectures)
Number representations
binary, twos complement, floating point, hexadecimal
Combinational logic
truth tables, gates, adders, encoders, decoders, multiplexors, ROM
Sequential logic
latches, flop flops, registers, integer multiplication and division.
2. MIPS assembly language (8 lectures)
arithmetic and memory
logical operations
instruction representation floating point operations procedures
3. MIPS CPU architecture (3 lectures)
datapath and control
exceptions and the kernel
4. Memory (3 lectures)
virtual memory cache
(2 lectures)
interrupts and exceptions
memory mapped I/0, direct memory access
6. Finite State Machines (3 lectures)
flip-flops and next state equations
Moore and Mealy Machines with Design Examples Lecture Notes and Lecture Recordings
All material covered in the lectures will be made available in electronic form on the mycourses web page. Programming examples will also be added, when we cover them. There will be plenty of office hours between the several TAs and the instructor. These will be organized as online meetings and the schedule will be posted. Students are highly encouraged to attend office hours to review work on assignments, or to discuss course material.
Reference Textbooks
There is no required textbook for the course, but the Patterson and Hennesey text is recommended. If you wish to do further background reading the text is also available on two hour reserve in the Schulich Library. Call Numbers can be found from the McGill libraries website (see MUSE, Course Reserves). Either editions 4 or 5 would be fine.
For further details on MIPS, see:
Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface by. Patterson and. Hennesey.
See MIPS run, by D. Sweetman
COMP 250 Introduction to Computer Science (unofficial, but strongly recommended) COMP 206 Introduction to Software Systems (official)
If you have not taken 206 or you are not taking it currently, then you should not take COMP 273. The only exception would be if you have some prior experience with C or C++ programming.
In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the Universitys control, the evaluation scheme in a Course is subject to change, provided that there be timely communications to the students regarding the change.
30 % Assignments: There will be 4 assignments in total. The second two assignments will require more work than the first two, and therefore will carry more weight. The material in this class builds up quickly. (A1: 5%, A2: 7.5%, A3: 7.5%, A4: 10%).
20 % Mandatory mid-term (90 mins in length) to be held during class time. Scheduled for Monday Feb 21st.
50 % Final exam (3 hrs in length) to be held during the final examination period in April. It will cover the whole course.
In accord with Mc s Charter of Students Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded.
Policy on collaboration
You may discuss the assignment problems with one another, but this discussion must not go so far that you are revealing the solutions to each other, or sharing code. Try to follow a simple guideline: any discussion you have about an assignment should be open, in the sense that you would be 100% comfortable if anyone else including the instructor were listening in. Be aware that we will be using Moss, a system for detecting software similarity ( for assignments involving MIPs programs. Moss is able to look at code structure, while ignoring comments, changes to variable names and re-ordering of lines. It provides comprehensive HTML pages listing pairs of programs with similar code. Moss also highlights individual passages in programs that appear the same, making it easy to quickly compare files. All cases of suspected code copying will be reported to an appropriate disciplinary officer and these students will receive a grade of N/A until an investigation is carried out.
McGill policy on academic integrity
Mcvalues academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offenses under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. See http: // www. mcgill. ca/ students/ srr/ honest/ and See http: // www. mcgill. ca/ integrity for more information
Diversity and Inclusion
COMP 273 is meant to be an introductory course to a fundamental area in CS, which is the interface between hardware and software. Our goal is to make this content equally accessible to students of all backgrounds. We shall work to pro-actively acknowledge and address any bias that may occur during the term. Equal treatment of students from every gender, race and orientation is a top priority. We openly welcome suggestions on how to improve inclusion, by contacting the TAs or the instructors, either with your name or anonymously. Please feel free to meet us in person to discuss any particular challenges you are facing. Those facing unforeseen challenges such as issues related to physical, mental or emotional health, are encouraged to register with OSD, to receive special consideration when taking examinations, and tolerance at other times.
MyCourses Discussion Board
The instructors and the TAs will moderate the discussion board. Please obey the following rules. Postings that do not conform will be deleted.
Be clear: Make sure that what you have written makes sense. Be polite.
If you would like your posting to be deleted, just add a request within the thread. No problem. Choose a suitable subject line.
If you have multiple questions that are unrelated, then use multiple threads.
Use the search feature to see if your question has been asked before.
Do not email us with a technical question about the course material. Instead, post the question on the discussion board so that everyone can benefit from the correspondence. Also, this way the TAs can respond quickly as well.
Keep clutter down. e.g. Thank you notes should be sent privately. Miscellaneous Policies
Final grade: There are many factors that determine your grades including how hard you work, how talented you are in this area, how much time you have available because of other commitments, what your academic background is, what your health situation or family situation is, etc. However, in fairness to all the students when we assign your final course grade, we will not take these other factors into account. We will assign the final grade only based on your assignment and exam scores.
Additional Work: Students with grades of D, F or J will not be given the opportunity to complete additional work to upgrade their grade.
Supplemental Exam: One will be offered and it will cover the same material as the Final Exam and your mark on it will replace the Final Exam grade. In other words, its is a 60% supplemental. Your assignment and midterm marks will still count. For information on Supplemental Exams, see
CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]
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